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Film Theory

All Episodes 2015 - 2024

  • 2018-01-07T20:00:00Zs at 2018-01-07T20:00:00Z on YouTube
  • 2015-06-02T19:00:00Z
  • 15m
  • 4d 13h 15m (437 episodes)
  • United States
  • Special Interest, Comedy, Documentary
In each episode of Film Theorists’ main series, Patrick dives into a specific work and sheds light on elements that less careful consumers may have missed. Despite the channel’s title, it isn’t limited to movies; instead, Patrick is taking on all sorts of pop culture franchises, including Game of Thrones and Harry Potter.

438 episodes

So you want to win an Oscar, huh? An Academy Award. The BIG prize. And you want to be BEHIND the camera. You like being the boss, directing people around? OK. Well, here's what you're going to need to know...We're breaking down the stats behind what it takes to win an Academy Award for Best Picture, the most coveted award of the night, even going so far as to tell you the EXACT STORY you need to make! You have everything you need to win...now don't screw it up!

So you want to win an Oscar, huh? An Academy Award. The BIG prize. But you want to be IN FRONT of the camera. You're a STAR! OK. Well, here's what you're going to need to know...We're breaking down the stats behind what it takes to be an Academy Award Best Actor and Best Actress winner, from trends in age, role, to even salary bump. So take heed...and Leo, this one's for you :)

Jon Snow may know nothing, but WE certainly know a lot about him. Eddard Stark's bastard son is clearly one of the main heroes of Game of Thrones, but much of his backstory is shrouded in mystery. Popular fan theories about Game of Thrones have postulated that R + L = J, but what does that mean exactly? Is there the evidence to support it? And most importantly of all, what does that mean to the OVERALL STORY of the Game of Thrones series? How is Jon Snow the KEY to the Song of Ice and Fire?

Grab your Sonic Screwdriver and be on the lookout for Daleks because we're out to see whether a time-hopping Doctor a la Doctor Who would be a physical possibility...or at the very least, whether a human could fit the bill and become a Timelord. There's A LOT to cover, from biology to technology to, you know, TIME HOPPING, so it'll have to be done in chunks. This time, we're taking a crack at Doctor Who's BIOLOGY. The Doctor has an interesting set of characteristics, but could a human match those? The answers will surprise you!

For years, we all believed that Harry Potter was the Chosen One, the one destined to save the wizarding world from Lord Voldemort, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. BUT, have we been duped? Is it possible that our lightning-bolted boy wonder isn't as special as we thought? What is there was ANOTHER Chosen One? What if it all boiled down to a coin flip? Then Harry Potter would just be an average kid. Maybe there's a universe out there where Harry should be THANKING Lord Voldemort...but I'll leave that to you to judge!

So, as we saw on Game Theory (presumably), videos games may be better off just staying video games. No need to transition to the big screen of films. BUT is the reverse true? Is the future of movies in becoming more like video games? And more importantly, where does the distinction exist? When does a movie end and a game begin? Well get ready, because the future of entertainment is unlike ANYTHING we've yet experienced!

The world of Westeros has a problem...and that problem is ice zombies. Whitewalkers! The dead have risen again, creating an army that threatens the safety of the realm. So who will be the hero to save them? Game of Thrones lore has a prophesy of the Prince that was Promised, but who will that Prince be? There are a few good candidates, but today we're looking at the evidence to conclude who the TRUE hero of Westeros will be!

Millions of women fell in love with Christian Grey, including the young Anastasia Steele. But was it his charisma that won her over, or deliberate psychological manipulation? Was it his rock hard abs she was attracted to or his cold, calculating psychological abuse? Throughout 50 Shades of Grey, Christian uses a very specific set of steps to brainwash Anastasia into loving him…the same steps that cults use to indoctrinate new members. Film Theory uncovers the dark side of 50 Shades of Grey…

Seinfeld...famously, it's the show about NOTHING. And yet, for it being about nothing, there are SO MANY memorable moments throughout the show's nine seasons, from the Soup Nazi to The Contest. And yet, one of the most enduring storylines was the infamous "Death by Envelope," where Seinfeld's best friend George Costanza's fiancee keels over after licking too many envelopes. But could that ACTUALLY happen? With Seinfeld just released on Hulu and Jason Alexander revealing the TRUE reason behind Susan's death on Howard Stern, now seems as good a time as any to examine this sitcom staple!

For years, we've always thought that the Beast in Beauty and the Beast was made into a monster so he could learn a lesson about respecting others and loving people for what's on the inside...but we've been wrong the whole time! Dissecting the film's lore, it becomes clear that the Beast isn't the evil prince he was made out to be, but actually just a little boy who was deceived at a time in his life when he was the most vulnerable. Fans of Beauty and the Beast have loved this story for so long...but have overlooked ONE crucial plot detail!

This Dragon Ball Z theory has been one one of the most requested in the history of BOTH the Game Theorists and Film Theorists and now it's finally HERE! the Kamehameha Wave is the most iconic piece of DBZ lore out there and it took some serious science to explain how we could bring this incredible power out of the TV series and into the real world! And finally, a big thanks to ALL the Theorists who requested this one--meeting your challenge on this one was super tough, but it's become one of my favorite in the series!

Hitman: Agent 47 is the new movie adaptation of the stealth-and-cover video game...and you all know how much I love movies based on video games! Here we're dissecting some of the movie details, specifically the ultra futuristic armor that John Smith sports to try to take down Agent 47. We'll be looking at the latest in high-tech armor and figuring out whether it's actually possible to create bullet-proof skin. When we came up with the idea for this Film Theory, Fox said they'd like to sponsor us! A big thanks to them for their support in making this video happen and letting us take a sneak peek at the film to make sure we got our facts straight!

Grab your Sonic Screwdriver and be on the lookout for Daleks because we're out to see whether a time-hopping Doctor a la Doctor Who would be a physical possibility...or at the very least, whether a human could fit the bill and become a Timelord. There's A LOT to cover, from biology to technology to, you know, TIME HOPPING, so it'll have to be done in chunks. This time, we're tackling TIME TRAVEL. Is it feasible in the realm of physics to move FORWARD through time? And how about back? That one takes us into the realm of THE MOST COMPLICATED CONCEPTS we've ever covered on the Theorist channels...

Think you know the Matrix? Weren't even born when the first Matrix movie came out? Either way, you probably know this world-is-a-computer-simulation sci-fi series by its slo-mo bullets, screens full of green text, and a whole lot of Keanu Reeves making his "serious face." What you might NOT know about the Matrix is that the main character, Neo, is not actually the savior of the world and acts is actually just a pawn throughout the entire series meant to throw off you and almost everyone else in the movie. But that begs the question: If Neo isn't the ONE, who IS?

Marvel's newest addition to its cinematic universe, Ant-Man, hides a disturbing secret in its physics. In saving his loved ones from utter destruction, does Ant-Man actually destroy us all, taking the world as we know it with him? I think we've just uncovered the truth that Ant-Man is in fact Marvel's deadliest hero!

2015x16 The Matrix has NO ESCAPE

  • 2015-10-09T19:00:00Z15m

The Red Pill or the Blue Pill? It's one of cinema's most famous choices. But do the differently-colored pills from the Matrix actually do anything...well different? What if the "real world" and Zion are actually constructs of the Machines? Get ready to have your mind blown, Morpheus, because there is no getting out of The Matrix!

Spoiler alert! Because today I'm forever changing the way that you look at the final scene of one of the greatest television shows of all time - Breaking Bad. The show ended with what a lot of people thought was a cop out. But I'm here to tell you that the ending you thought you saw might not be as clear cut as you think.

It's time. Your name has been drawn. YOU are the next tribute for the Hunger Games. That leaves you with one question: Will YOU SURVIVE? Well, if you watch this Film Theory, the odds actually will be in your favor because you'll be making smart choices that statistically improve your chances of success. So watch on, fellow Theorists, and make sure you're lounging in Victor's Village instead of ending up dead meat in the arena...

So YOU'VE just avoided death at the cornucopia and snatched a mystery bag on the way out. But YOU still have a long way to go before YOU'RE the sole survivor. So what's next? Well, let's jump back into the research to find how to keep the odds forever in your favor. Because you need to keep your beautiful face from being projected in the night sky.

For this episode of Film Theory, we partnered with Fox so we could talk about their new Frankenstein movie, Victor Frankenstein. Thanks to Fox for their help with this episode!

In the Star Wars series, Luke Skywalker goes from being a lovable boy-next-door to a happy-go-lucky Padawan learner, to powerful Jedi, to hero of the Republic! No matter what, we can always count on Luke to be the good guy...or CAN we?? Today, we look into Star Wars: The Force Awakens to determine why Luke is missing from all the trailers. Could it be that in The Force Awakens, Luke Skywalker has turned to THE DARK SIDE? All aboard the Star Wars hype train...WOO WOO!

The Walking Dead may not be the biggest threat to Rick and his posse. In fact, it may be themselves and the way they handle their guns. I'm almost positive that over time Rick and the others have suffered severe hearing damage, which explains why those walkers have such an easy time sneaking up on them. Fear the Walking Dead. But fear hearing loss even more.

Take a break from building your snowman and sit down with a hot cup of hot cocoa, because I've uncovered the truth behind Frozen's lovable "Sisters." In today's episode, I discuss the real reason Elsa feels so out of place and the origin of her magic powers.

Season Premiere


2016x01 Is The Martian's POOP SCIENCE Full of CRAP?

Season Premiere

2016x01 Is The Martian's POOP SCIENCE Full of CRAP?

  • 2016-01-02T20:00:00Z15m

Today's episode promises to be CRAPPIER than ever - because we're talking about The Martian. That's no judgement on the movie, it's just that the film is ACTUALLY full of poop and poop science. But the question is...is the poop science actually a load of crap? Hold your nose and dive in to discover if it is actually possible for Watney to survive on Mars like the movie portrays.

We all love to root for Luke while he's landing the crucial shots to destroy the Death Star...but what if we've been wrong all this time? What if destroying the Death Star is COMPLETELY wrong? This episode shows exactly why the destruction of the Death Star would have not only hurt the Rebel Alliance, but the entire galaxy...

You thought Batman was a hero...but in true Film Theory style, today's episode tells a VERY different story. Batman in the Dark Knight Rises is supposed to be the realest, grittiest Batman EVER, but there's a MASSIVE scientific and logical error at the end of the Dark Knight Rises that shows Batman for what he actually is: a REAL failure.

The end of the Walking Dead apocalypse is inevitable. No, not because Rick and his buddies are heroes come to save the day. But rather, because nature must runs its course. These walking corpses are doomed to an inevitable fate, and their expiration dates may be sooner than you'd expect.


2016x05 We FOUND The SIMPSONS!

2016x05 We FOUND The SIMPSONS!

  • 2016-02-18T20:00:00Z15m

Although it’s been the butt of many jokes throughout the series, one big question has always remained in the Simpsons universe: Where is Springfield? Today, the Film Theorists answer the question 27 years in the making.

When you think of the 2016 Presidential campaign, one name comes to mind - TRUMP. Every day, news stories come out about his inflammatory comments, his stubborn, unapologetic debate strategy...and that's EXACTLY the way he wants it. Trump is no traditional politician; his tactics come from somewhere else, and that place is REALITY TV. Trump's long history in reality television has given him the perfect strategic edge in the political arena, and so far he's winning the game of political Survivor that is the 2016 presidential race.


2016x07 How to KILL DEADPOOL!

2016x07 How to KILL DEADPOOL!

  • 2016-02-25T20:00:00Z15m

How do you really silence the "Merc with a Mouth" once and for all? Crash two alternate Earths together? No it's simpler than that. If you want to kill an immortal like Deadpool target the mind!

Batman VERSUS Superman? Sounds like the most one-sided fight in history! How can a normal human overcome a super-powered alien? Well, when you look at the science, the odds may be more in favor of Batman than you might think. Superman better watch out because with our help (and some simple science), Batman is going to have this fight IN THE BAG!

Zootopia, has something for everyone: cute bunnies, a positive message, and CRACK COCAINE! How much do you really know about this new Disney classic? I got way more than I bargained for after comparing this story to actual historical events and outlining the real themes of race, drugs, and crime that you can see in the movie. Take a look and see how far down the rabbit hole of Zootopia really goes...

Ok, let's be honest. When I started this episode, I planned it as an April Fool's joke for the channel. But after researching it, it turned out that the theory of a sharknado is BIZARRELY plausible. With Sharknado 4 coming out this summer, we should all be prepared in case of a REAL shark storm!

Infinite timelines, infinite possibilities. But what does this have to do with how Rick wound up in jail? We may have months to wait before one of the best shows on TV (Rick and Morty) comes back for season three; but, you don't have to wait that long to find out why Rick is a wanted man. The series has left us plenty of clues.

With another mutant war on the horizon in X-Men Apocalypse, I thought it high time to start looking into the powers and weaknesses of these extra-normal humans and prep some strategies on how to handle some of the franchise's heavy hitters. And who better to begin with than the man himself - Magneto.

How can you not love Dory? Our own lovable reed dweller who serves as a faithful companion to clownfish of finding Nemo by singing happy song, just keepin' swimming, and FILLING OUR MINDS WITH LIES. Today on Film Theory, we analyze the symptoms displayed on screen by Dory to see whether her symptoms would actually align with her condition of retrograde amnesia, or whether she's been lying to us all along...

Last time we started uncovering the deep secrets of Dory, the lovable Nemo companion who claims she has retrograde amnesia throughout the original Finding Nemo. But is this really the whole story? Does Dory REALLYhave retrograde amnesia or has she been FAKING IT all along? Well, I have some thoughts that might surprise you about Dory’s symptoms an what she’s actually hiding....

How many bites does it take to get to the center of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man? The world may never know - because you would DIE before even getting close! In today's episode I'm figuring out just how many calories are in Stay Puft and whether or not it is possible to completely devour the tasty yet terrifying morsel of mayhem.

DHMIS is cute, it's creepy, and the internet has spent the last month pulling apart all its squishy innards. Mmm tasty. In this first episode I'm doing n Film Theory, I wanted to cover the overall meaning of the show, why it's important, and WHAT THE HECK IT MEANS! Now Let's all get Creative!

With Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children coming out, and being in the start of a new school year, it got me thinking about these private schools for our gifted youngsters. Are they as great as they seem? Or, are you doing a disservice to yourself by forgoing a proper education? And if you had the choice, which one should you choose?

So you'd have us believe it's better to stay living in fear behind some stupid wall for your whole pointless life? And to that I say, yes. Yes it is. And today, I'm going to prove it to Eren and all of you theorists as well. Because the biggest threat humanity face in Attack on Titan is not the Titans themselves, rather humanity's own selfish desire to spread.

With Halloween fast approaching, we're about to experience one of Fall's spookiest trends - the Halloween Horror cash grab, as movie studies rush to make cheap scary movie sequels. Next up? Ouija. Right? I know, lame. But as I started thinking about it, I came to the realization that this movie franchise might just be related to one of the all time great horror movies of all time - The Exorcist.

Just in time for Halloween, get ready for the SPOOPY conclusion of Salad Fingers! Last time we already covered a lot of ground, but I was just getting started, and this story was FAR from over. This episode uncovers who Salad Fingers is, what the heck all his finger puppet friends are doing and WHAT THE HECK is up with that horse??

Everything can be explained by science, including the "magics" of Dr Strange. Thor himself stated that they live in a place where magic and science are one in the same, and Dr Strange continues that statement. Today, I'm proving to you that the magics of Dr. Strange can all be explained with science.

Wall-E is one of my all time favorite movies, cheering me up even when I'm in the worst of moods. But the other night when watching it, between the many moments of manly weeping, I came to a horrible realization - Cupcake-in-a-Cup is People! IT'S PEOPLE! I mean where else would their food be coming from? Now you're saying MatPat that seems a little dark, maybe even far fetched; and, I wish you were right. But unfortunately, I'm here to prove it to you.

Star Wars is one of my all-time favorite movie franchises. And since The Force Awakens was actually good, let's hope we can keep the positive streak going with the first Star Wars spin-off, Rogue One. But already, one big question hangs over this movie: How are they going to explain away the fact that we haven't met any of these new characters in Star Wars Episodes 4, 5, 6 or 7?? It almost seems like Disney has written themselves into a corner with this one. BUT MAYBE these obscure characters are more familiar than we realize. Today, I'm going to show you who these rag-tag rogues really are, and in the process predict not only the ending of Rogue One, but also the events of Star Wars Episode VIII.

In a world full of dragons, giants, and magic is the most unbelievable thing that Tyrion Lannister is still alive? I mean this guy drinks like a fish - by all accounts shouldn't his drinking have killed him by now? Today we're answering Game of Thrones' biggest mystery - just how drunk is Tyrion Lannister?

It's that time of year again, time for eggnog, caroling, and RANTING about the BREAKDOWN OF THE INTERNET! You know, usual holiday stuff. In all seriousness, though, for those who are new to my channels, once a year I like to delve beyond movies and video games and theorize about the platform I love and spent literally all of my time: YouTube. This year on Film theory the topic of the day is FAKE NEWS and why fake news and clickbait have been so prominent on YouTube this year. Seriously, they've been huge issues that everyone has been talking about and that every single one of you watching have been suckered into at one point or another. So where is it coming from? And more importantly, what do we DO about it? Well, I guess you clicked the video to find out... ;)

Season Premiere

2017x01 The ULTIMATE Guide to Predicting Oscar Winners

  • 2017-01-08T20:00:00Z15m

So last year I helped Leonardo Dicaprio win Best Actor...you're welcome buddy! This year, I'm focusing on someone more important -- YOU GUYS! Today, I'm determined to give you the PERFECT strategy for predicting the Oscars. Because every office has an Academy Award pool, and it's my job to win you some easy cash. So what's the secret -- watching the Golden Globes (which are tonight, btw) and the SAG awards? Not quite. Watch the Golden Globes to laugh at the antics of the drunk celebrities, but when it comes down to it, your strategy should be a bit more sophisticated. Don't worry -- I got you covered!

Today we welcome another member into the hallowed halls of weird YouTube channels that will haunt your dreams - here's POPPY! This innocent, youthful popstar's videos are a bit more than they appear. But what sinister force is actually pulling the strings behind Poppy's messages?

When The Bee Movie and We Are Number One memes exploded on YouTube last year, the Internet proved once and for all how insanely meta it's willing to get for the sake of a great Meme. No one took this farther than the minds of Reddit and Dank Memes, who created the most earth-shattering meme of Meme History. In this episode, I dive into the Ultimate Bee Movie Meme, the one that will outlast us all!

OG Title: Teaching Pewdiepie How To Avoid A Racist Controversy

I've been watching THE WALKING DEAD for a while now, and I have to ask: How realistic is it that our beloved protagonists run into so many Violent Maniacs so consistently? It turns out that it's pretty darn realistic. In this episode, I explain why! ALSO: I Interview the show's CREATOR, ROBERT KIRKMAN, who offers Concrete Answers about characters and Future plot points!

Consider the world of Cars - a world populated by living, breathing, thinking cars, surrounded by evidence of a human society; but with out any actual humans. There are certain theories that posit these Cars are AI and are all that are left after humans left our world behind. But certain things just don't seem to fit. So if they aren't AI then what are they? Prepare to have your mind blown. Many of you have asked me to weigh in on the Pixar timeline theory, consider this my first step.

LOGAN, you've lived through experimental surgery, countless bullet wounds, an atomic bomb, and EVEN Bodily Disintegration from Jean Grey. But in the end it's your sweet metal exoskeleton that causes your demise? So sad! But there's one little issue - Logan is WRONG! Sure he may be getting poisoned by his metallic upgrade, but in the end, that's not the issue. Then, what's REALLY Killing Logan?! You're about to find out.

As a fan of both ghoulish specters and lignified cell walls I was SO EXCITED for Ghost in the Shell - until I found out that isn't what the title is referring to. Talk about false advertising. But seriously all joking aside, I am actually super excited for this film. I was a big fan of the anime, and am really looking forward to this live action reboot. But all the hype got me thinking about how possible creating "ghosts" actually is. And if so, is it actually worth it? I mean, wouldn't we just want AI? Well, actually maybe not. And we might be closer to realizing this potential than you might think.

The King is Back! King Kong that is. But where did he come from? I mean he can't just be a relic left over from prehistoric times can he? In fact his origins are much more shrouded than that. And there are certain companies that want to keep it that way. Well today, I'm getting to the bottom of Kong's secret past.

MOANA, Disney's newest princess. A strong willed, independent woman, out on adventure. Or is she? There's a lot about Moana that doesn't quite add up. She controls the Sea. Visits the Land of Monsters. She isn't just some typical Polynesian adventurer, no. Moana is more than what she seems!

WESTWORLD is an insanely good show. It manages to create a deluge of mysteries and then solve All of Them! This has made it SO difficult to come up with a Westworld Theory! However, there is one key question that Westworld has yet to answer and about which the Creators only hint: WHERE IS WESTWORLD?! Well after some intense research, I have Found the Answer and can confidently Reveal the location of Delos Inc.'s massive amusement park!

If LUKE CAGE has impenetrable skin, and He Does, then there's no realistic way to break him. OR IS THERE?! Other villains might come up with preposterous methods to destroy him, like, I don't know, using Extraterrestrial Bullets...but I have a better idea! In this episode, I will Prove to You that Luke Cage is actually really EASY TO BREAK!

DEADPOOL is known for breaking the fourth wall in both the comics and the movie. In fact, his jokes get so meta that it’s hard to catch them all. Sure, there are the obvious ones where he talks to the camera, but there is so much more than that going on! In this episode, I PROVE that the Deadpool movie contains a HUGE Meta-joke that went entirely unnoticed by all of us…Until Now!

Rick and Morty is AWESOME! Between the Rick and Morty VR game and the surprise launch of Rick and Morty Season 3 on April Fool's Day, everyone is ready to get schwifty with Rick and the gang. But while we eagerly await more schezwan sauced adventures, there's a theory that's been brewing in the background, one that hits on one of my other favorite cartoons of all time -- Gravity Falls. Is Rick and Morty a continuation of Gravity Falls? Is a crossover between the Gravity Falls gang and Rick and Morty likely to happen soon? Why would I even think that these two franchises share ANY similarities? Get ready, Theorists, to have this whole Gravity Falls / Rick and Morty puzzle start getting pieced together.

DEADPOOL is a beloved and familiar Marvel character. In fact, he brings to mind another self-aggrandizing American mercenary. That's right, Deadpool is eerily similar to the real-life author AND canon Marvel character, ERNEST HEMINGWAY! I'm aware that this sounds crazy, but in this episode, I will PROVE that Deadpool IS (maybe) Ernest Hemingway!

With Wonder Woman coming out in theaters this week, I felt it was time to take a look back at some of DC's other movies from the past few years. Specifically, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad. Back before Suicide Squad and Batman v. Superman hit theaters, there was a theory kicking around that Jared Leto's Joker was secretly Batman's sidekick, Robin. But the Director of Suicide Squad, David Ayer, seemed to dismiss this saying that Jason Todd, former Robin #2 was NOT the Joker. However, the proof we cover today shows that Suicide Squad's Joker can still be Robin...just not the Robin that everyone thought. If you think you've heard this Batman v Superman/Suicide Squad theory before, you ain't seen NOTHING yet!

BETTER CALL SAUL is one of my favorite shows on TV right now. However, there is one key character component that has always bothered me: Chuck's supposed Allergy to Electricity. I mean, he's gotta be Faking it right? Electromagnetic fields aren't something you can be allergic to! Well it turns out that's not entirely true, but that still doesn't mean Chuck's not faking. In this episode, I Reveal the TRUTH behind Chuck's alleged illness!

Like almost everyone ever, THE LION KING is one of my favorite Disney movies. But when I was watching it the other day, I noticed a detail that seems like it would throw a wrench in the whole Circle of Life tale as we know it: Simba subsists (for what must be YEARS) off of only bugs! Can lions truly survive on a diet of just insects? Well hakuna matata, my friends, because I have found the answer!

Disney's TANGLED is one of my favorite modern Disney Classics, but the movie begs answers to Several questions about Rapunzel's luscious locks. Have you ever wondered if hair is actually strong enough to carry the weight of a grown man? Or if Rapunzel could manage the weight of so much hair in the first place? Well after getting tangled up in some research, Loyal Theorists, I have found the answers!

DEATH NOTE is my favorite anime series by a long shot, and that's because it really puts me in a moral quandary. Is KIRA a hero after all he's done? Can we consider it justice when the number of people he's murdered is more than the total number of Japanese convicts? Well Loyal Theorists, in this episode, I dive into the math in order to bring these questions to the surface for you!

WONDER WOMAN is Amazing for many reasons. It's a Superhero blockbuster starring a woman and directed by a woman, which is long overdue. However, the story is by a man who clearly needs a lesson in storytelling. That's right, Zack Snyder, I'm coming for you. This movie, for all it's spectacle, has some MAJOR logical flaws. I'm talking flaws so basic that the movie's entire story is undeniably impossible as a result. Buckle up, Theorists, we're about to explain why one of 2017's biggest movies defies all reason and logic!

What does the little mermaid and Hercules have in common? How about a family tree. It would appear that Disney has been Secretly building a SINGLE Disney Universe all along. Sure this may sound ridiculous, but the evidence is there.

In this season of RICK AND MORTY, Rick offered to clone Beth so that she could live her fullest life while having a Beth Clone remain behind for her children. But the episode ended ambiguously, leaving us to ask if she took Rick up on this offer. So did she clone herself and ditch her family to explore the cosmos? Well, Loyal Theorists, there is actually a definitive answer to this question hidden within the episode, and I have found it!

Okay, so The Emoji Movie is pretty darn bad. But that badness doesn't actually come from the movie itself. I mean, sure, The Emoji Movie is predictable and has cringe-worthy jokes and has a really awful "try hard to be hip for the kids" premise...but that's true of a lot of movies. No, The Emoji Movie is bad because it's one huge commercial. A commercial that is targeting children while blatantly breaking rules established by the FTC and FCC for disclosing branded advertising. So how deep does this rabbit hole go? Get ready for some Angry Judge emoji.

Like many of you I loved the new IT movie. But one thing has been bothering me since I saw IT. How exactly were the Loser's Club able to over come the master or fear - Pennywise? I mean he had plenty of opportunities to kill them off one by one. So I did a little digging, but what I found goes far beyond just their ability to survive.

The new season of STRANGER THINGS is coming out, so naturally all of the questions surrounding Eleven, the kids, and the Demogorgon have resurfaced online. It’s a pretty popular theory that Eleven and the Demogorgon are related if not one and the same, but so far the evidence for this theory has been thin. So I did some digging, and Loyal Theorists, I’ve uncovered information that definitively proves that Eleven and the Demogorgon are one and the same!

THOR: RAGNAROK is hitting theaters, giving us another epic Marvel movie that features our favorite heroes: The Avengers. This means The Hulk and Thor will yet again be featured in the same movie, giving us another chance to watch in awe as they enact astounding feats of strength. So far, Marvel hasn’t given a straight answer as to which one of these ultra-powerful heroes has the most brawn, even though they’ve gone head-to-head multiple times in the movies and comics. But that ends today, Loyal Theorists! With the power of math, science, and research, I will reveal which Avenger is strongest!

With STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI on the horizon, I have entered full Star Wars hype mode! And with that comes over-analyzing everything we've seen in the newest trailer and the previous movies - leading me to one question: Who is Rey? More specifically, who are Rey's parents? Well, Loyal Theorists, I am convinced that I have found the answer! Don't watch this video if you're afraid of spoilers because I am certain I got this one right!

When it comes to The Lord of the Rings, one of the most common questions circulated online is why didn’t Frodo just ride the giant Eagles to Mount Doom? There are theories out there that suggest this was the plan all along, but sadly, when you look at the evidence, that's just wrong. In fact, it's so wrong, it's dangerous! In this episode, I will give you the definitive answer to why Frodo didn’t simply ride those giant birds into Mordor!

JURASSIC WORLD follows the same outline as the previous Jurassic movies – humans decide recreating dinosaurs would be fun, something goes wrong with the system designed to imprison them, and a cool amusement park turns into a horrific monster-filled island. But what if it wasn’t so simple? What if the dinosaur fiasco in Jurassic World wasn’t an accident? Strap in, Loyal Theorists. In this episode, I will prove that the dinosaurs didn’t escape from Jurassic World. They were set free!

Gravity Falls left us wanting so much more. Many of us took to the internet scrambling to see if there would be a season 3, but our hopes lead to a dead end. After Bill Cipher’s death, we were supposed to just accept that the series was over… but there was one thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to me. One thing that makes the conclusion to Gravity Falls SOUR. You see Theorists, our little friend Bill Cipher is far from dead, and in this theory I’m going to show you why!

Ho ho ho! The holidays are here! And you know what that means… Christmas movies! But I’m actually going to but a pause on that excitement for one moment because there’s something I want to talk about. Growing up, I watched tons of animated holiday films. One in particular stuck with me though: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Sure the film was charming, but that wasn’t the reason why it stuck with me… It’s because there was a hidden connection between the characters that wasn’t explained. Santa has a missing son and I’m going to prove it!

SpongeBob SquarePants is quite the odd character. A yellow pant-wearing sponge with an unmistakable laugh. The lovable son of two… well… different looking parents? Are we EVEN sure those are his parents? There’s only one way to find out Loyal Theorists! Time to buckle down for some good old biology to solve this once and for all!

Disney's High School Musical seemed pretty straight forward. Most people assume that the mean rich girl Sharpay is the villain. But what if I told you that isn’t the case? Could there be someone else better suited for that title? Someone more spoiled, undeserving, and ungrateful? Scramble to your seats theorists! Class is now in session!

SWORD ART ONLINE is one of the most (in)famous anime out there today, and its premise is cooler than most whole shows. SAO is a fully immersive VR MMO—so immersive that people in the game can LITERALLY die from playing it. Needless to say, this sort of VR experience doesn’t exist yet, but we’re definitely creating the groundwork that will lead to this tech. But knowing how much our current VR systems cost, is a game like SAO even feasible for developers? How much would it cost to create something as ambitious as this? Well, Loyal Theorists, the answer is SO MUCH MORE than you expect!

Star Wars: The Last Jedi quickly became one of the most polarizing movies of 2017. Critics loved it, but audiences HATED it. It's only natural to ask why this might be - who is to blame for this disparity? Well, Loyal Theorists, The Hollywood Reporter has an answer: They think it's ALL MY FAULT! And while this does sound ridiculous, it turns out they're right.

THE INCREDIBLES is one of the most beloved Pixar movies, and this makes sense seeing how it's Super Heroes and Family combined. But with so many super abilities under one roof, I have to ask: Which Incredible is the "most super?" Well, Loyal Theorists, I've found the answer, and it's not who you're expecting!

Not many people saw JUSTICE LEAGUE when it came out last year, so you may not know why this movie is perhaps the Scariest thing DC has ever made. I'm not kidding. Superman literally obliterates Earth at the end of the movie, and I can prove it!

I recently checked out PHINEAS AND FERB, and it's actually way better than I expected. But one thing stuck out to me above all the show's idiosyncrasies: Why hasn't Dr. Doofenshmirtz been arrested? He's obviously a villain, and his plans are so easy to thwart. Well, Loyal Theorists, I've uncovered the answer: Doofenshmirtz is unwittingly helping the OWCA the whole time!

The news makes it seem like the world is spiraling out of control at a record pace. But can you actually trust the information you're getting? The most recent example of news sensationalism revolves around Tide Pods. But are they actually killing our youth like so many news headlines would have you believe?

Wakanda's choke hold on Vibranium will be it's downfall! The country refuses to communicate and trade with the the rest of the world and history shows that is a BAD IDEA. How can T'Challa save his people from economic destruction? Well, loyal Theorists, that's what I'm here to solve.

2018x08 The Bee Movie LIED To You!

  • 2018-02-27T20:00:00Z15m

Save the BEES save the WORLD!! Or at least that's what THEY would have you believe. Who are they? The honey bees, that's who. The Bee Movie is perpetuating the myth that honey bees are key to our environmental survival. Today Loyal Theorists, I am here to tell you that all of that is a load of BEESWAX!!

Theorists, let me describe a story to you - see if you can guess what it is. There are psychic kids, celestial beings, time travel, and an entity of pure evil that shape shifts. What story am I talking about? Did you guess IT by Stephen King? Or maybe A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'Engle? Well, loyal Theorists, it's BOTH!! Today I'm going to tell you how Stephen King STOLE his multiverse from A Wrinkle In Time.

Here come the Men In Black.....They're going to make you FORGET!! YEAH!! Theorists, you remember the Neuralyzer? That seemingly impossible magic pen that the agents of Men In Black used to wipe people's memories of anything alien related? What if I told you that it IS POSSIBLE?! That's right Theorists, with the right techniques I could make your FORGET ANYTHING!!

WARNING: Bots are taking over our movie reviews!! Or are they? What if I told you that it was your fellow movie buffs that were helping Hollywood make bad movies? That it was all OUR FAULT? Well Theorists, that is EXACTLY what I'm telling you. We made the Justice League movie happen.

Ready Player One's The Oasis is virtual reality at it's most advanced state. Yet the real danger lies outside The Oasis - IN REALITY! Right in your very own home. Literally. The Stacks are the deadliest part of the Ready Player One world and I'm about to tell YOU why!

We've always know Disney had a dark side. But that's just movies - none of those scary things could happen in real life. Right? WRONG! Today we are looking at Pinocchio's Pleasure Island and the business model that would make it and it's child workers SUCCEED.

My Hero Academia tells us that All Might had no Quirk before he received One For All - except that's NOT TRUE. All Might HAS a Quirk of his own! Today Theorists I am going to expose All Might's ORIGINAL QUIRK to the world!

Phineas and Ferb is full of scientific marvels - but would any of them ACTUALLY WORK in real life? Let me tell you, there are so many inventions I would love to talk about but we are going to start with the one that was way ahead of it's time. The one that predicted the FUTURE of how science can harness the power of MAGNETS. Doofenshmirtz's Magnetism Magnif-inator!

Marvel's Infinity War is about to begin! Thanos is after the Infinity Stones, but he is still missing ONE. The Soul Stone. In all of the MCU, it is the only one yet to appear. "Where is it?" you may ask. Well Theorists, that is what we are here today to find out!

What would you say if I told you that Neverland was a REAL PLACE? A place you can pinpoint on a map? That is EXACTLY what I did. Get ready to pack your bags for your next vacation, Loyal Theorists! We are going to NEVERLAND!!!

The final trailer for Deadpool 2 was released and I noticed something VERY interesting. This guy they keep focusing on, Peter. Is he REALLY the average Joe they want us to think he is? Or is there something lurking beneath this every man facade? Something POWERFUL? Let's find out!

You read that right! Thanos' big plan for the Infinity Stones wasn't crazy! It was awful, sure, but maybe we were to quick to call it WRONG. Today Theorists, I'm playing Devil's Advocate as we try and figure out if Thanos' plan would SAVE US ALL!!

So you found a Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory - now what? You avoid being made into candy, blown up like a blueberry, or any other horrible consequence of being a bad kid. What is your reward? Fame, glory, immense riches? HA, SUCKER!! You are now the proud owner of a failing business and a pile of lawsuits! Today Loyal Theorists, we are delving into the genius business moves of Willy Wonka!

Yanny vs Laurel took over the internet but all of the answers felt....only half finished. I needed to know MORE. You, Loyal Theorist, deserved to know how to STOP being FOOLED by these illusions. Today, that's what I'm going to show you how to do.

The tragedy of all the lives lost at Jurassic World could have been PREVENTED! That's right! If they had followed the real world rules of Zoos and Theme Parks, we could be going to see some IRL dinos RIGHT NOW. Instead, I trudged through the rules and regulations to figure out how to run a SUCCESSFUL Jurassic Park.

Here's a superhero question - if someone doesn't want to be saved, what happens when you save them? That's what happened to Mr. Incredible in the first Incredibles movie and we never got a good answer. Today Loyal Theorists, we are figuring out if you can LEGALLY sue a superhero for saving you.

My Hero Academia has many interesting Quirks, to put it mildly. One of the most interesting being that of Bakugo. That's right, Mr. Explosive Sweat himself. Have you ever wondered how much sweat Bakugo would need to produce to make the explosions he does in the show? GOOD! Today, Loyal Theorists, we are going to find out!

We all know that the COOLEST moment in the new Ant-Man and the Wasp trailer is when we see Ant-Man grow into a GIANT man. Now, I've explored Ant-Man's powers before, but never what it means to grow up to 65 feet tall! What does that do to your body? Well, Loyal Theorist, you are about to find out!

Thanos - the big bad with a tragic past. We've talked about him a LOT on this channel, except we've missed one BIG mistake. Possibly the biggest mistake Thanos made the ENTIRE movie! He put all his power into a single snap but that metal gauntlet COULDN'T SNAP! That's right, Marvel made a big no no and I am here to set them straight!

OG Title: Star Wars EXPOSED! Han Solo CAN'T Fly! (Star Wars Trilogy + Solo: A Star Wars Story) Solo gave us the history of our favorite con-man, but what Star Wars didn't know was that it also revealed the TRUTH about Han Solo's skills...or lack of skills. He CAN'T fly a ship! That's right, Han Solo is NOT the best pilot in the galaxy! Today, Loyal Theorists, we are PROVING that Han Solo has no flying skills at ALL!

What if I told you that the Earth being ruined with garbage in Wall-E wasn't an accident? That is was all a big SCAM being run by the one organization set to benefit from it. That's right! Today Theorists I am going to show you how good 'ole BnL ruined it for everyone!

The Wreck-It Ralph 2 trailer Disney Princess scene sparked a question for me. What QUANTIFIES a Disney Princess? Capital D. Capital P. Depending on where you look, you find a LOT of differing opinions. Today Theorists, I aim to figure out what the rules are to being a TRUE Disney Princess!

Last week we determined the rules for what makes an "official" Disney Princess. After dissecting the Princess Scene from the Wreck It Ralph 2 trailer, it became clear that not all princesses make the cut. No hate, just the rules of Disney. But this video isn't about your standard princess. This time, I'm going to figure out if the one & only Vanellope Von Schweetz qualifies as an OFFICIAL Disney Princess!

Mrs. Doubtfire is a classic Robin Williams movie that a generation grew up watching. When I watched it again as an adult though, I noticed something CRAZY! Mrs. Doubtfire broke the law SO MANY TIMES! How did this character not get arrested? Today Theorists, I'm going to show you how Mrs. Doubtfire is actually a CRIMINAL!!

Alone in the world is this little CatDog, at least for now. I love Nickelodeon's classic cartoons, but I've always wanted to figure out one thing: What is a "catdog?" Better yet, can a "catdog" really exist? Today Theorists, we are diving into the world of NickToons to figure this out!

Today we are talking about the ULTIMATE showdown of strength and durability. One Punch Man vs Vibranium - the strongest metal of the Marvel universe! I know, I know, call me crazy but I HAD to know. Theorists, today we find out of vibranium can be broken in ONE PUNCH!

The Titans of Attack on Titan are an unusual sort - they don't follow the rules of giant sized beings like I talked about in my Ant Man theory. Why is that? What is making these Titans? Today Theorists, I aim to get a 'rise' out of you all with what I've uncovered.

2018x35 The CORRUPTION of Superman

  • 2018-09-27T19:00:00Z15m

Superman, a hero of integrity and good morals. Right? WRONG! You see, good guy Clark Kent is working for a corrupt corporation. The Daily Planet. They want us to think they are a great news source, but I don't trust it! Theorists, today we are going to find out if Superman and his coworkers have been feeding us LIES!

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared made a sudden return with a trailer that NO ONE was expecting. They were seemingly gone forever. Now we potentially have a whole new season to look forward to - but what will that season BE? Today Theorists, we are taking the trailer apart piece by piece to figure out what the DHMIS team has in store for us next!

Venom - the symbiote with a taste for... well, people. Not only does Venom have a human host in Eddie Brock, but he chomps down on a few as well. Is that ACTUALLY good for him? You see, I think that Venom is being HURT by the humans he needs to survive! How? Let me show you!

Big Hero 6 didn't just give us the hope for a cuddle nurse robot like Baymax, it gave us the FUTURE of modern technology. I am talking nanobots! Tiny little pieces of tech to fulfill our every need that we can operate with our BRAIN! How do I know this will work? Let me show you!

The Conjuring, like many horror movies, claims to be based on "true events". I wanted to know, how TRUE are these movies? I talking names and dates - REAL sources. Theorists, today were are going to see if these ghost stories have ANY TRUTH to them at all!

Halloween is a CLASSIC horror movie - the granddaddy of the slasher genre. It introduced to the world the iconic Michael Myers. Who, when you think about, seems like some kind of SUPER human. That got me thinking, how does he keep escaping death? Theorists, today we figure out how to BEAT Michael Myers once and for all!

When Shane Dawson released his eight part Jake Paul docuseries, the internet was OBSESSED! Finally, we get to see what is going on in this guy's CRAZY world. Except, Shane missed a BIG part of the story. Today Theorists, we are going inside the SECRET BUSINESS of Jake Paul!

Last episode we talked about the people running the Jake Paul show. Today Theorists, we're Examining just WHAT Jake Paul is putting out there. He’s admitted his audience is mostly kids and YouTube has some STRICT rules when it comes to kids. Do Jake Paul’s videos actually BREAK YouTube's rules? Let's find out!

Millions of people tuned in to watch Shane Dawson investigate Jake Paul...and Jeffree Star... AND TanaCon. Shane has made himself the go-to guy for YouTuber controversy coverage but is that a GOOD thing? Shane himself admitted his bias on many occasions when it comes to the subjects of his series. He has a lot at stake to make sure that YouTubers want to work with him in the future on more of these docu-series. Does that mean that he may be warping the truth? Does that make his videos DANGEROUS? Let's find out!

They are coming for your internet. Who? The EU. They've come up with a copyright law that will change the way people use the internet FOREVER. Theorists, it's up to us to understand what Article 13 is and how it is dangerous. For the love of memes and YouTube videos, let's make our voices heard.

Groot became a fan favorite right away despite, or perhaps because, he can only say the simple phrase "I am Groot". Now, so far in the MCU we've seen only two people able to fully understand the little twig - Rocket and Thor. What I want to know is, can you or I learn to speak Groot? Could it be a REAL language? Let's find out!

Disney isn't quite the creator of happy magical movies we think it is. In fact, Disney makes some of the most DANGEROUS movies out there. At least, if you happen to be a character in them. How many living, sentient creatures die in Disney movies? Which has the HIGHEST death count? Let's get counting!

The Grinch is a holiday classic. Through all the versions that have been made, one thing remains consistent. The Grinch, overcome by holiday cheer, has a change of heart... a BIG change. A 3 size difference, in fact. That can't be healthy! Today Loyal Theorists, we are giving the Grinch a check up to see if he should even be ALIVE at the end of this movie!

We are diving back into the crazy waters of Disney movies! Who lives? How many do NOT? It's time to continue our search for the most lethal Disney movie! Today we are covering classics from The Lion King, to the Little Mermaid, and all the things inbetween.

In the original Mary Poppins, Mr. Banks attempts to get his son Michael to invest his little bit of change in the bank. He says that one day it will make him rich... but would it? Is Mr. Banks dooming his son to financial ruin or is this sound advice? Let's find out!

What Disney movie will reign supreme? Today we are FINALLY crowning the victor of our deadly Disney movie bracket. Will it be the war in Mulan? The famine in Moana? All the dead souls in Hercules? Let's find out once and for all!

We've seen a lot of Spider-Man lately. Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, Spider-Man: Homecoming, and soon Spider-Man: Far From Home. Before that we saw Andrew Garfield slinging webs with Emma Stone for a couple movies, but I want you to think FURTHER back. That's right, I'm talking Tobey Maguire Spider-Man. Remember how at the end of his first movie EVERYTHING had gone wrong? Norman Osborn - the Green Goblin - was gone, his best friend was fatherless, Uncle Ben did what all Uncle Ben's do, etc.. It was all very sad. In Spider-Man 2, we see a Spider-Man without his powers. I want to talk about WHY he lost his powers. What made our friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man just plain, old Peter Parker?

Spongebob Squarepants was a childhood favorite of many. It's an underwater adventure with great songs and memorable characters. Even more memorable is the big mystery at the heart of Spongebob's job at the Krusty Krab. You guessed it Theorists, today we are uncovering the SECRET INGREDIENT of the Krabby Patty recipe! Hold on to your Squarepants, this is NOT what you expected!

I am SO excited for Captain Marvel. This movie has the potential to take the ENTIRE Marvel Cinematic Universe and flip it on its head! The big enemy of the film, and Captain Marvel in the comics, are the Skrulls. They are the shapeshifting space warriors bent on the destruction of the Kree, who you might remember from the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Since the Skrull can become ANYONE, we know Marvel has to have a big reveal planned for us. Something so SHOCKING that nothing will be the same after we find out who is a secret Skrull, Today Theorists, I am sharing my predictions for Captain Marvels big twist!

Bird Box is one of the BIGGEST horror movies right now. It's inspired dozens of theories trying to answer the BIG question. What is the Bird Box monster? Today Theorists, I'm throwing my hat in the ring and I think we've hit on something big! You see, the monster in Bird Box has left a lot of clues for a creature we never see. I've gathered the evidence and you are going to want to hear this! Let's go!

The have been a LOT of Batman movies and with those come many different versions of the character. From Tim Burton's cringy armor to the Justice League's Batfleck, we've run the gamut on the caped crusader. Today though, we are going to find out which of these "Batmen" are the strongest Batman of all. To do that we are going to need to compare our top contenders - Lego Batman and the good old Dark Knight himself, Batman from the Christopher Nolan movies. Why these two? Who will be crowned the best Batman in town? Let's find out!

After many years, Salad Fingers has returned with a new episode! Episode 11 picks up right where the series left off with our creepy protagonist. His friends have left to potentially continue fighting in the Great War and we are left with Salad Fingers and his... "family". Episode 11, Glass Brother, focuses heavily on Salad Finger's personal life and man, did I call a LOT of this in my previously theories on the series. Today, I want to explore how this episode has forever shaped the universe of Salad Fingers and what it means for future episodes to come! Let do this!

Remember the opening scene in Shrek where he's taking a bath in the swap and let's one rip? And all the fish float to the top of the water? Yeah, that got me thinking - just how toxic are Shrek's farts? Throughout the movies we see many examples of their gassy power, as well as get the anecdotes from Shrek himself about the strength of ogre stench. What makes these toots so dangerous? It's my aim to find out! Plug your nose, Loyal Theorist! It's about to get STINKY!

Look out, Ultra Instinct Shaggy is about to attack! His power level is over 9000... or is it? I've seen all the memes going around and I started to wonder, just how powerful is Ultra Shaggy? Is he stronger than one of the most iconic strong men - Goku from DBZ? Today Loyal Theorists, I'm going to figure out if Ultra shaggy is truly ultra powerful or just an ultra fraud.

Disney released the Frozen 2 trailer and it sent fans into a frozen frenzy! We were all left with so many questions! Who is the mysterious girl? Does she have powers? What do the runes mean? Where in the world are our favorite sisters, Anna and Elsa? Today Loyal Theorists, we are cracking down on the clues hidden in the trailer to tell YOU what is going to happen in Frozen 2!

Ever wonder what it would be like to have your own pet dragon? The How To Train Your Dragon movies have made us think it would be a fire-breathing good time! Except they never actually tell us HOW to train a dragon or if it would be a good idea in the first place. I mean, these are dangerous wild creatures! So today I'm out to give us a FINAL ANSWER! Should you try to train a dragon? Let's find out!

The Detective Pikachu movie is shaping up to be a CRAZY time! Seriously, a talking Pikachu with a mysterious past in a movie full of live action Pokemon? This was begging for a theory. Today, I found out what I think will be the BIGGEST twist in the entire movie! No, I'm not talking about MewTwo. I mean, they even showed him in the trailer. No, I'm talking about who Detective Pikachu's forgotten trainer really is! Grab your pokedex Theorists!

Us is a movie FULL of metaphors and hidden meanings that we will be analyzing for a long time to come. Today, I want to tackle what I think is the message at the heart of the film; the main theme that Jordan Peele was trying to drill into our minds - not literally of course, he's not a Tethered... or is he? Loyal Theorists, today we are breaking down the nightmare of the American dream that is the movie Us.

There are a LOT of theories out there about how the final season of Game of Thrones is going to end. This is the big moment that we've been building to for years! Everyone wants to be the first to guess the right answer... except me. You see, this is not a theory about how Game of Thrones WILL end. No, after looking through all of the episodes, the foreshadowing, the metaphors, the themes, and EVERYTHING else - this is how the battle for the Iron Throne SHOULD end. Are you ready to know the TRUE answer?

This theory is 100% SPOILER FREE and does not reference any leaked information. The biggest superhero movie in history is almost here - Marvel's Avengers: Endgame! We've been building to this for YEARS! The biggest question that is plaguing us all is - who will NOT survive to the end? Honestly, the fear is real fellow Theorists. All of our favorite Avengers are on the chopping block. From Iron Man and Captain America to Thor and Black Widow - no one is safe! Today, I am predicting who will live and who will be making friends with the Grim Reaper.

Marvel's Avengers: Endgame is here and no matter how it goes, one thing is for certain: Thanos is going to keep his purple bottom far away from any Ant-Man shenanigans. Theorists, the Thanos vs Ant-Man meme took the internet by storm! People made cartoons, they asked the actors during press interviews and I wouldn't be surprised if the new Fortnite / Avengers crossover brought back Thanos just to fight Ant-Man! Today though, we are bringing things back to science. Could Ant-Man really defeat Thanos by doing a little cave diving and using his suit to go all Giant Man? Let's find out!

Here's a question - can you TASTE a liar? The anime Jojo's Bizarre Adventure sure seems to think you can. I've come across the Taste of a Liar meme a few times and started to wonder if it was really possible. Today Loyal Theorists, we are exploring the truth behind being able to tell a liar by taste. Let's go!

People remember Dumbo for a two big things - one, the super sad moment where they cart his mother away from the circus and two, Dumbo's hallucination of the creepy pink elephants once he has a sip of strong drink. Except I don't think that is actually what happened in that scene. Theorists, we've done a lot of Disney theories but this might top the weird list. Today we find out what Dumbo actually consumed before he watch the Pink Elephants on Parade.

There are TONS of characters that show up in Marvel's Avengers Endgame. Most of them get at least one moment to remind the audience of why they are an awesome superhero and that we should be happy they are alive again. Now, the MVP of the episode is pretty obvious, but I want to talk about the one, tiny hero you probably missed. The rat. Which rat? Why the rat that brought back Ant-Man and made it possible for the Avengers to save the world. What are the odds? Well, you're about to find out!

The Sonic in the new live-action movie is the BEST interaction of the blue hedgehog we've had yet! At least, when it comes to his speed. For all the complaints being leveled at this movie about it's Sonic design and possible plot problems, this is the best showing of Sonic's true speed that we have EVER seen. Over on Game Theory, I've talked in LENGTH about Sonic and his unbelievable abilities and now we have come full circle. Today, we PROVE that movie Sonic is the BEST Sonic!

The Toy Story franchise holds a special place in the hearts of many Pixar fans. Now that we are getting a fourth movie, I had to go back and rewatch the other three and I noticed something tragic during the incinerator scene. No, not just the idea that the characters I love were going to perish but the fact that, if you watch all the movies very closely, you notice that the toys are pretty much immortal. Look at Sid's toys: They were mangled and manipulated to the point where you could barely see what they originally were, yet they were STILL ALIVE! Theorists, there is a haunting truth hiding in this beloved children's story.

Detective Pikachu has done so much better than Pokemon fans - and honestly, everyone else - were expecting. It hits that balance of current relevance and nostalgia. And on top of that, it holds the clues to a ton of Pokemon fan theories! Today Loyal Theorists, we are looking to Ditto. For a long time, fans have speculated on the origins of the pink little blob. I am here to tell you that Detective Pikachu has given us all the clues we need to figure out Ditto's mysterious origins once and for all!

A little while ago I was told to check out a mysterious YouTube channel called Local58. So, I did. What I found was a creepypasta like story told in fragmented pieces in using footage from a "local news station". Theorists, I am hooked! Today we are going to figure out what is going on in the creepy world of Local58!

Welcome back to Toy Story, the happiest movie about how your toys will eventually come to resent and rise up against you. In this episode, I am going to PROVE that the Toy Story franchise was built to end in a battle between humanity and the toys they've abandoned. Woody, Buzz, and friends are about to be out for revenge and we have no one to blame but ourselves.

In Marvel's Avengers Endgame we learned that Captain America is worthy of Thor's hammer, Mjolnir. That is a BIG revelation and it made me wonder - who else is worthy? The scene in Age of Ultron made it seem like no one else was worthy but I believe that over the course of the last few film, that answer is no longer correct. Who is worthy? Time to find out!

The latest movie in the X-Men franchise, Dark Phoenix, came out in a blaze of... well, not glory. This movie got HORRIBLE reviews - critics and fans alike were NOT here for Jean Grey's big fiery moment. Why was that? Why did this movie do so EPICALLY bad? Well, that's actually on Marvel itself. Oh, I don't mean Marvel Fox - I'm talking Marvel DISNEY and it's cast of Avengers. Specifically, one single Avenger that caused Dark Phoenix to FAIL!

Escape The Night is the longest running YouTube Original series out now. This star studded cast includes many of your favorite YouTubers like Shane Dawson, Liza Koshy, Safiya Nygaard, and me - MatPat! However, being a cast member does not stop me from theorizing about the mystery at the heart of the show - what is going on with our leading man, Joey Graceffa? Looking over the seasons and the new Escape The Night All Stars trailer, I've realized something VERY IMPORTANT. Joey is not on the same side as his YouTube friends. In fact, he is their biggest threat!

Disney's live action Lion King is causing a stir among Disney fans. I agree, this movie brought up a lot of questions about remakes and live action reimaginings of classic Disney movies... but maybe not how you think. See, the original Lion King ends with Simba taking over Pride Rock and everything is sunshine and happiness. When Disney decided to do a "real" Lion King, I looked into the behavior of IRL lion prides and WHOA! If Disney did a REAL Lion King, well... prepare to have your childhoods ruined. Again.

Spider-Man: Far From Home held its own against the post-Endgame fan expectations, partially because of its solid villain - Mysterio. This super charlatan turned Peter Parker's life on its head and possibly set the stage for a BIG reveal in Spider-Man 3! You see, when I went to see the movie I started noticing some clues and I think I've figured out who the next big bad (or big BADS) are going to be!

There have been so many versions of our friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man now that the time has come for a CHALLENGE! A Spider-Man battle royale! Theorists, we are going to figure out who is the STRONGEST Spider-Man of all who have donned the mask and web shooters. Will it be Tobey Maguire? Andrew Garfield? Tom Holland? OR will a new challenger approach? Let's find out!

Dr. Stone is an anime you NEED to be watching. When a green light mysteriously turn all of humanity to stone, only a few people have been able to break free. They are left to figure out what happened to the rest of the world. Theorists, I too want to figure out how a light can turn a human body to stone. Today, I am to find out the answer to anime's new mystery!

Since the trailer release of Star Wars Episode 9: The Rise of Skywalker, my theory brain has been FULL of ideas! Today I want to focus on the big reveal of the trailer - Palpatine is BACK... or is he? You see, I think there's a connection between the Emperor and our young hero, Rey. Is this the proof we need to say that Rey is destined for the Dark Side? Watch to find out!

Spongebob is a gift that keeps on giving. There is so much to explore in Bikini Bottom and its residents that I had to do another episode. Today we are focusing on the episode "It Came From Goo Lagoon". What is going on beneath the surface of this lagoon under the ocean and why is Sandy so afraid of it? The bubbles that come from it are WEIRD and I need to know WHY! Put on your scuba gear Theorists, we are diving deep for this episode!

We've explored a few of the creepy Youtube Channels around here like Salad Fingers and Local58. Today, I want to dissect a new favorite of mine - HiImMaryMary! These videos started popping up about 3 years ago and have sporadically appeared since. Mary is a girl who wakes up to find herself trapped in a house she can't escape in a world that is empty... except for some doggy characters that torment her day and night. There is more here than a normal haunting and I am going to piece it all together!

This year we are getting a seemingly brand new take on the classic Batman villain, the Joker. This version stars Joaquin Phoenix as a failed comedian named Arthur Fleck - a new name for the old character. People are saying it's a whole new origin story for the Joker and I think that's true... but maybe not in the way most people are thinking. I think this Joker is not actually REAL! What do I mean? You're about to find out!

Have you thought about Shrek lately? Well, I have. Specifically, I've been thinking about the mystery that is Donkey. What do we know about him and where he came from? He is an animal of mystery... until you start to look a little closer. You see, I think Donkey has been hiding a big secret about where he came from and for good reason. Donkey may not be the good guy he pretends to be. Saddle up Theorists, this may be a bumpy ride.

I have wanted to do a theory on Avatar the Last Airbender for YEARS! It is one of my favorite animated series ever and full of SO MUCH to theorize about! It took a while but I have finally figured out what to do - uncover the SCIENCE behind bending. That's right, I am going to figure out how bending works with SCIENCE! Today, we are focusing on Waterbending. Watch out Katara, I may become the best Waterbender in the WORLD after this episode!


2019x38 Joker Ending Explained

2019x38 Joker Ending Explained

  • 2019-10-04T19:00:00Z15m

This video contains spoilers! I've seen the new Joker movie a few times now and, oh boy, does it make my Theorist brain go! There is SO MUCH to this movie and because of that I want to break down the full movie - especially that ending! If you were confused about what was real and what was only in the mind of our titular character, I've got you covered!

We've been talking a LOT about the Joker lately, but today we are shifting focus to a different version of our smiling bad guy. The Heath Ledger version of the Joker from Christopher Nolan's Batman movie, The Dark Knight. I rewatched it recently and started to wonder, have we misunderstood this story the whole time? Could the Joker actually be the HERO of Gotham City, not Batman? We shall see, Theorists!


2019x40 How To WIN The Purge

2019x40 How To WIN The Purge

  • 2019-10-19T19:00:00Z15m

In honor of Halloween, I decided to watch The Purge movies and it got me thinking. If crime was legal for 12 hours like in The Purge movies, how could you come out on top? How can you WIN the Purge? The answer? Get rich of course... but how? I put my brain to the test to figure it out! Theorists, things are about to get VERY messy!

We all know the big baddies of horror but, Loyal Theorists, that is just the beginning. Welcome to the world of Crypt TV, an original horror channel full of terrifying monsters and unimaginable horrors. Today I want to focus on one of their more iconic monsters, the Look-See. This creature has popped up all over the Crypt TV connected universe and I have so many questions! Let's see if we can crack the terrifying mystery of the Look-See's origins!

In honor of Halloween, we are returning to our favorite space alien and supernatural creature, Pennywise the clown from IT. Today we are focusing specifically on IT Chapter 2 and the Ritual of Chüd. I've seen people cover a lot of the details in this movie but there is something I think EVERYONE missed! You see, the Losers did not defeat Pennywise. The creepy clown HIMSELF ensured his own demise, and I'm about to tell you how!

One of the many big, unanswered mysteries of Rick and Morty is about the fan favorite character of Mr. Poopybutthole. Who is he REALLY? We are introduced to him in Total Rickall, where we are led to believe he is also a parasite until the big final reveal. So, he's real... right? End of story. Well Theorists, the answer is much more complicated than that.

The Rick and Morty is back! The season premiere, "Edge of ToMorty: Rick Die Rickpeat", left me with so many theory ideas and I couldn't wait! This episode showed us a side of Rick and Morty we haven't seen before and I LOVED it! In fact, I think that there was a life lesson hidden somewhere in all the jokes and violence. What was that lesson? What did Rick mean at the end of the episode? I'm here to explain it all to you!

Most people are familiar with the iconic television game show, Jeopardy. Trivia enthusiasts and more gather around to prove that they are the smartest at recalling random facts. Now, I love Jeopardy and I've always wondered what it takes to be a champion. Do you have to be a genius or can you... work with the system? Today Theorists, we are diving into the strategy behind one of Jeopardy's best champions. Alex Trebek is not ready for this!

Last episode we explored the strategy of Jeopardy Champion James Holzhauer and how even host Alex Trebek couldn't believe his winning streak. Today, we are going to dive into WHY this record setting player finally lost. I have a theory that it might not be as simple as James having a bad day. I'm not saying the powers that be behind Jeopardy did ANYTHING wrong, but you never know what really happens behind the curtain - or in this case, the blue screen.

Season 4 of Rick and Morty is giving us a brand new, deeper look into the mind of our favorite genius, Rick Sanchez. Throughout the run of the show, people have speculated about what's going on with the smartest man in the universe. Today, I have gathered all the data I need to really dissect his brain. I think we may all have judged Rick a little too fast... or did we?

The best thing to come from the new Star Wars show The Mandalorian, so far, is Baby Yoda. The internet is OBSESSED with this little green alien. In Baby Yoda's first appearance, we are told it is 50 years old. WHAT? That made my Theorist brain go crazy! A 50 year old toddler is the worst evolutionary cycle I have ever seen or heard. It got me thinking, what does the lifespan of a Yoda look like and what does that mean for the future of Baby Yoda - and all Yodas? Time to find out!

If you had three wishes, what would you wish for? Better yet, HOW should you wish to get what you want in the LEAST amount of wishes and, thus, maximizing your gains? Aladdin sure didn't know how! In both versions of Disney's Aladdin, he wastes his wishes trying to climb the social ladder to be able to marry Jasmine when he could have done it in ONE! What one wish, you ask? Watch and find out!

Episode 4 of Rick and Morty's 4th season was... interesting. I could make a theory about soul bonding with dragons and the cultural structure of dragon societies, but actually that wasn't the part of the episode that caught my interest. No, today I want to talk about that darn talking cat. Why does it talk and why does Rick react the way he does when he finds out? Why are we left in the dark, like the memory erased Jerry? Let me tell you, Theorists, this goes deeper than you would expect!

Watching back all the old Star Wars movies in preparation for episode 9, Rise of Skywalker, brought to my attention something VERY troubling. The Jedi are awful! Now, don't pull out your lightsabers just yet. There is SO MUCH evidence pointing to the Jedi having some shady practices, especially when it comes to the Padawans. Strap it tight, Theorists. I'm about to rip open all the troublesome truths about the Jedi Order.

You may be asking why I am doing a theory about a Netflix Christmas special and, honestly, I don't know what came over me. Maybe it's the holiday spirit, or maybe it's too many Christmas cookies. Either way, here we are. A holiday theory about A Christmas Prince, its two follow up movies, and how much their royal romantic lead SUCKS! Happy holidays!

The tug of war between Disney and Sony over Spider-Man is one for the ages. Since joining forces to bring the webbed wonder into the MCU, if felt inevitable that Disney would swoop in and take Sony's prized hero. Yet, Sont still remains owner of our friendly, neighborhood Spidey. See, Disney is not willing to pay the amount Sony is asking. Should Disney bend to Sony's offer or are they missing a steal and, perhaps, their once chance? Let's find out!

Frozen 2 was one of the highest grossing movies of 2019 and, like most of the world, I saw it. Since then one scene has been getting my Theorist brain in a tizzy. We see Elsa freeze, which came as a total surprise to me! The previous movie tells us that the cold never bothered her and yet, here we are. So my question is, HOW do you freeze the ice queen herself?

Last time we talked about how Disney and Sony ended up agreeing on their new deal to keep Spider-Man in the MCU for the current slate of Marvel movies. Today, I want to dive deeper into the WHY of Disney not agreeing to pay $10 billion to Sony for ownership of good ole Spidey. You see, they may not HAVE to pay. If they play the long game, they may end up getting him for FREE! Yes, FREE! How? Watch and find out!

The trailer for the new Black Widow movie promises what appears to be an epic action movie meets spy thriller. There are a lot of questions around this movie but the one I want to focus on today is BIG question - who is the Taskmaster? The trailer sets up this masked villain, but we get few clues as to the secret identity. Today, I am unmasking this villain and how this will fit into the ENTIRE movie! Stay tuned!

I went to see CATS and it was an experience I won't soon forget. The opening song alone, well, that's everything you need to know! Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats - it makes perfect sense right? WRONG! It makes NO SENSE! What even IS a Jellicle anyway? That question has been bugging me since seeing the movie - no, since seeing the stage show years back. Today, we are solving the mystery of Jellicle cats once and for all!

We are still awaiting the final episodes of Rick and Morty season 4. This has been a very DIFFERENT season for the franchise and I think that means something. What? Well Theorists, today that is what I want to dive into! What is going on with Rick? Why has he seemed so different this season and what does that mean for the rest of the episodes? I've got a theory and it's not looking good for old Rick Sanchez...

Theorists, it's time to save Mary. With our last episode on HiImMaryMary, we got to the core of what this series is about - a girl trapped in her own mind, tormented by the monster embodiments of her own struggles. We left off with the final manifestation - The Woman in White. Who is she? What does she want with Mary? Today, we are answering those questions and figuring out how WE can help save Mary once and for all!

The finale of The Good Place was AMAZING and everything I wanted from the series. Yet, there are still a few questions left to answer. Today Theorists, I want to focus on one of my favorites, Michael Realman. You see, I think Mr. Demon wasn't just there to torture our main protagonists. No, in fact he may have been in his own Bad Place the whole time! Theorists, it's time to get Good and uncover the truth about Michael's Bad Place.

When I was watching the new Sonic movie I had to ask myself, "MatPat, why is Sonic on a road trip?" We all know that Sonic's big thing is running. He can move way faster than a car, which makes the choice of making his big theatrical release a road trip movie SUPER weird. Theorist, today I am peeling back the layers of this "plot hole" to figure out if it was a MISTAKE or, perhaps, proof that it really is about the friends you make along the way.

With the addition of Disney+ to the already crowded market of Netflix, Hulu, Apple Tv, and SO MANY other, we've come to one big question. Who will WIN the Streaming Wars? You see Theorists, with such a saturated market the bubble is going to burst - and it won't be that long from now! In the aftermath, who will be crowned the king of streaming? Did one come to mind? WRONG! You see, no one is going to win - not even the viewers. Why? It's a familiar story..

In Frozen 2, a key plot point is the idea presented by everyone's favorite snowman, Olaf. He tells us that water has memory. That is a concept that has been around for a while and, while I am not one to fault the water based science of a creature that is literally made from frozen WATER, that is exactly what I am here to do. You see, that was something I needed to learn more about and, OH BOY, did I find out how bad Olaf's science really is! Don't let a snowman teach you science Theorists!

When it comes to the Finding Nemo franchise, Pixar really seemed to do it's research. Their fish science went the distance to make the movie feel as authentically under the sea as possible - mostly. You see, clownfish are very cool creatures, very RESOURCEFUL creatures. With Nemo's mom removed from the picture due to natural predators, Marlin stepped up to solo parent. One point for good dads! Except... maybe not? You see, we need to talk about Marlin.

Mulan is an AMAZING movie - the songs, the characters, the redefining of roles in society! During my previous Disney series of videos where I figured out the most deadly of Disney movies, Mulan peaked my interest for another reason. While researching the avalanche scene where the majority of the Huns were taken out, I learned a bit more about how the science of avalanches work. It posed the question, did Mulan's rocket attack REALLY defeat the Huns or did the Huns ACCIDENTALLY defeat themselves? You are about to find out!

The new Sonic movie is FULL of hidden gems, the most important of which has to be how ADORABLE the redesign of Sonic ended up. That's not the point of this theory, though. No, today I am focusing on one key detail from the movie - Sonic's shoes. Specifically, the fact that Sonic seems to keep ruining them. You see, this detail says something VERY important about the way Sonic runs. What is that? Watch and find out!

There have been MANY installments to the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise over the years. I've been looking through them with my current free time and realised that NO ONE is really "winning" against Freddy Krueger in these movies. He's always there once they, inevitably, fall asleep. I want to figure out how you can actually BEAT Freddy Krueger at his own nightmarish games.

The Netflix documentary Tiger King has taken over almost every corner of the internet, from memes to theory channels alike! One of the big "mysteries" of the series, of which there are arguably a TON, is the question of whether or not Carole Baskin fed her husband to their tigers. Joe Exotic certainly believes she did and tried some... questionable tactics to make his point. Today Theorists, I am dipping my toes into the world of true crime to see if it is possible to get rid of the remains by feeding them to your tigers - or rather the big cats that the couple had on their property at the time of the "disappearance". This is about to get REALLY weird!

With Black Widow being pushed back to the end of the year, we have plenty of time to dissect the trailer for any and all secrets hidden in it! I think that by using the Black Widow trailer, I've figured out exactly what Marvel has planned for Phase 4 - and boy is it a doozy! I think not only are we getting General Ross as Red Hulk, but I think we may be getting an entire lineup of Dark Avengers! Get ready for some serious theorising folks!

With the state of the world at the moment, there is a lot of mystery surrounding what the world's new normal is going to look like. What businesses will make it, what ones won't. One that looks poised to go under and likely not survive is your local movie theater. You see, in a world of streaming, direct to home releases priced like a theater ticket, and the possibility of large scale gatherings being put off for longer yet - it's not looking good. Will movie theaters survive the pandemic? Well, let's talk about it.

With all this unexpected free time on my hands, I've started rewatching some of my favorite shows. One of those is, of course, Community. Thanks, Netflix! Community is a show of many long running gags and hidden jokes, most of which were resolved by the end of the series. One of the biggest unsolved Easter Eggs of the whole show is the secret identity of the ACB - the You-Know-What Bandit. Who is this masked jokester? Is it the ever loveable Abed? Everyone's favorite Dean? Who can't we trust? Today I am putting on my detective hat ro nab this perp once and for all!

'Never Ricking Morty' maybe be the STRANGEST episode of Rick and Morty ever! It also may be one of the most genius. You see, this episode was the writers talking to us fans of the show. They were breaking the 5th wall, if you will. Yes, 5th. Rick and Morty won't just settle for 4 or below, they have to take it to a whole new level - one full of evil Mr. Poopybutthole, Evil Morty, half gone Ticket Takers, and more! What was hiding behind the absurdity of this episode? Hand over your tickets because you are about to board the Theory Train!

2020x21 Scooby Doo is an Alien?!

  • 2020-05-14T19:00:00Z15m

Scooby-Doo has been around for YEARS! It's gone through many reboots, spin-offs, and movie versions. What if I told you that every Scooby-Doo show and movie was connected in one giant, tangled timeline? That it is a vast multiverse rivaling that of Marvel itself! A multiverse full of real life celebrities, ghosts and ghouls, the characters of Supernatural, and one alien dog named Scooby-Doo. That's right, Scooby-Doo is not a dog - and I have the proof!

Today we are diving back into the crazy, messed up world of Rick and Morty - with special guest Neil deGrasse Tyson! Since I have an expert onboard, I thought we'd explore one of the more scientific mysteries on the show, the portal gun! Don't lie, you've wished you had one so you could hop around the universe too. Well, the first step is understanding how it works. Theorists, prep your back up clones and we get ready to break down the science behind Rick's portal gun!

With everything happening in the world today, late night talk show hosts like Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert have not been able to record their shows in front of live audiences like normal. Instead they have pretty much become YouTubers - setting up cameras in their house to talk to and getting their families to participate as a stand in for crew members and famous guests. Now, I give them credit for trying to adjust and keep making content how they can, but come on. These hosts do NOT know how to YouTube. What do I mean? Listen up Theorists and welcome to This Time Today with MatPat.

I really got to thinking after watching episode 7 of Rick and Morty season 4, 'Promortyus'. Those alien facehuggers posed a very interesting question, but maybe not the one you were thinking. See, their evolution as a society to find more meaning brought them to peace - even if it was only a ploy by Summer. Yet, it didn't last. What does this have to say about us all and our pursuit of more? Let's find out!

We did it, Theorists. We've reached the end of Rick and Morty season 4 - and what a season it was! It feels both like nothing happened at all and that EVERYTHING has changed. Maybe that was the point. In the season 4 finale, we were hit with a WHAMMY of a twist. There really is a Beth clone! Not only that but Rick, and by extension us, have no idea which one it is! That leads to what could be the final straw for Rick and his family.

At the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, we were given one of the biggest reveals in the MCU so far! Bigger than Thanos. Bigger that the original reveal of Nick Fury. It was the reveal of J Jonah Jameson - and not just ANY J Jonah Jameson! We were rewarded with the familiar face of JK SImmons, the same J Jonah from the Sam Raimi Spiderverse! That bombshell got my Theorist brain tingling with ideas. Today, we are focusing on J Jonah himself and figuring out once and for all if he is a good boss or a CROOK!

Ever wonder if something scary could be living right under your feet? No, I don't mean bugs or your downstairs neighbors. I mean underground, like mole people or the monsters from The Descent. Haven't thought about that horror movie in a while, huh? Don't worry Theorists, with today's episode I'm going to make sure you never forget it or it's cave dwelling monsters ever, EVER again.

Star Wars has a LOT of ever shifting lore. One piece that has stayed and evolved since the original trilogy is the Force Ghost. You know, the blue filter versions of all your favorite dead Jedi that pop up to appease the fans - I mean, give sage advice. It's true, when we look at Force Ghosts throughout the franchise, they seem mostly useless. Until we get to the newest trilogy, where they are shooting lightning and lifting giant ships out of the ocean. What?! If these Force Ghosts are so powerful and able to interact with the real world, why do they not help out with all the crazy stuff going down? That's what I aim to answer today!

When it was announced that the infamous Snyder Cut of the DCU Justice League movie was going to be released on HBO Max, it definitely caught my attention. This movie has been hyped up by Snyder and fans SO MUCH that I don't know if it can live up to the expectations... but I don't think it has to. What I mean is, this movie CAN'T fail. The build up, the hype, the dedication of the fans - it has all come together to make this movie too big to fail. Even if it may be just as lackluster as the original.

2020x30 Naruto Run is BEST Run!

  • 2020-07-18T19:00:00Z15m

Naruto is an anime staple. It was also a pioneer for many memes, the most famous of which is arguably the "Naruto Run". You know the one - arms back, forward lean, head down. It's used as an example of silly anime choices, but what if I said there may be some merit to running like that? Hear me out! The Naruto Run may NOT be as dumb as we've all been thinking!

Batman, or rather Bruce Wayne, is the richest man in Gotham. We all know that. Well, today I am here to prove that FACT is a LIE! Yep, good ole Brucey has been beat by none other than his biggest rival. Somehow our favorite ever smiling big bad Joker has come out on top of the money game. How? Well Theorists,to answer that question we'll need to revisit one of my favorite Batman movies ever - The Dark Knight!

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a gem in the history of movies. It stands out not just for the acting and the main story, but all of the things you can find hiding beneath the surface. It is a surprisingly ominous movie and the character of Willy Wonka is at the center of the horror. We've talked about Wonka using the Golden Tickets to pass off his OSHA violations onto the winner, but what if that was not the only trick he's trying to pull? What else is Willy Wonka up to? Watch to find out!

With the release of the Hamilton musical on Disney+, it got my mind thinking. Now that Netflix movies and other streaming titles are being considered for the Oscars thanks to "the times", what about Hamilton? Does it count as a movie? It is certainly shot like one and we are treated to an up close, more film like depiction of the Broadway show. So, does that mean that Hamilton, like other streaming movie releases, should be able to win an Oscar? Well, Hollywood should get ready to get turned upside down by one Lin Manuel Miranda.

Have you all been watching the Rick and Morty anime shorts? I have and let me tell you, there is a LOT hiding there! Things like the PROOF that our very own Rick is actually a MORTY! Are you thinking, "How is that possible?" Welcome to timeloops, Loyal Theorists! Where Morty is his own grandfather and grandson all at the same time! Get ready for this wild ride!

Did you ever expect me to cover Kung Fu Panda? Loyal Theorists, never doubt the extents I will go to for a theory. Today, we are getting to the center of Kung Fu Panda's biggest question - why is Po the Dragon Warrior? Now I know we can just say because the plot says so, but I am a man of science and overanalysis! There has to be a logical explanation of why this panda is the chosen one. It turns out, I was right! Let's dig in!

King Of The Hill was a memorable show, one full of a lot of little details if you were looking for them. You know, Loyal Theorists, that I am ALWAYS on the lookout for clues. Remember how Hank and Peggy struggled to have more children after Bobby? In fact, it's a running joke in the show how he and his wife would have more kids if it were not for Hank's condition. Now, what if I were to propose the idea that maybe Hank never did have a biological child with Peggy? Who would that leave to be the biological father of Bobby? Watch to find out!

I'm ready to ruin your childhood once again! Today, I've set my eyes on Ratatouille - or more specifically our little rat chef Remy. Such a good guy right? WRONG! Remy is a JERK! Throughout the entire movie, he's only out for himself with no concern about his so-called "friends". What evidence do I have to back this up? Who is the REAL person (or rat) you should be rooting for? Time to find out!

The new trailer for The Batman starring Robert Pattinson looks very interesting... and surprisingly familiar? You see, with all of the hints hidden in the newest trailer - and I don't mean the riddles - I think I've figured out the ending twist of this movie! Loyal Theorists, you may be thinking, "Matpat, how can you possibly know off of the trailer?" Never doubt my ability to theorize out of the smallest details! You see, I think the big twist of this movie will be that The Batman is actually... well you'll need to watch to find out!

The Walking Dead is ending and I think I've figured out what is going to happen! Today Theorists, I'm going to get into EVERYTHING. From where is Rick Grimes, to who are the Three Rings, to how The Walking Dead: World Beyond is going to PROVE once and for all that there is a CURE to this zombie virus! Yes, I said a cure! Theorists, this may be my biggest prediction theory yet!

Have you ever wondered if the house in Up could really float away on balloons? So have I but that is not the most INTERESTING question! You see, people have tried to figure that out before. What I aim to do today, Loyal Theorists, is figure out the actual COST of making a balloon powered flying house WORK! That's right, we are not stopping until this house would really fly!

When you watch the Friday the 13th franchise enough times, you start to notice things. Things like the fact that Jason is teleporting - or at least COULD be teleporting. Stick with me here, Loyal Theorists. I know Jason is supposed to be SLIGHTLY more realistic that Freddy from The Nightmare On Elm Street... but what if he's not? We've seen Jason do some CRAZY things. Is it so hard to believe that he could be zipping from place to place via teleportation? Let's find out!

Remember Arthur? The aardvark that helped you know how to SPELL aardvark? This PBS show is still running and I think it's about time I ruin it for EVERYONE! It's my job! I started watching through some episodes and started to notice something: there are a LOT of bunnies on this show. Now, there are plenty of jokes to make about rabbits but what I have to show you is MUCH darker than that. I am about to pull back the veil to show the tragic secret of the Arthur universe.

It Follows brought a very original and terrifying monster to our screens. The Entity that once attached to you and follows until it can end you. The only way to save yourself is to pass it along to someone else... or is there another way? Is there a way to actually defeat the monster? Loyal Theorists, this will have to be one of my most clever solutions yet! Let's get SCARY!

Film Theorists, did you watch Winnie the Pooh? I did and one of the things that sticks in my memories with sharp clarity is Pooh's huge love of honey. That Pooh bear was never far from a pot of honey. It was one of his biggest passions. It seemed to me like he ate it for pretty much every meal. Now, I may not be a specialist on bears but that strikes me as a very dangerous diet for a bear or any animal! Is Pooh's love of honey actually killing him? It's time to find out!

What is scarier than a creepy puppet? A creepy puppet that is the avatar of an insane killer determined to teach people lessons with very... EXTREME escape rooms. Well, maybe not inase. No, no, no! I am not saying Jigsaw was the good guy all along. It's not that kind of theory. What I am saying is that maybe he wasn't COMPLETELY wrong with his basic idea. You'll have to watch to find out exactly what I mean!

The MCU is in trouble - and no I am not talking about how Marvel has had to shuffle around their phase 5 releases in 2020. Sure, we still have no Black Widow movie and we're getting trailers for the Disney+ shows like WandaVision that keep getting pushed back but what I am talking about... is Thor. Thor is going to destroy the Marvel multiverse. From the comics to the movies, it's all going down because of our favorite lightning god. What dark fate awaits our favorite superheroes? Let's dive into it!

With the return of The Mandalorian season 2 to Disney+, I felt it was about time to also return to a Star Wars theory. In a previous theory, I talked about how the Jedi could be construed as an 'evil' order. Today, I'm taking that kind of idea and flipping it to talk about the Empire itself! I think The Mandalorian provides us with even more clues that the Empire may not be as wrong in it's philosophy as we thought! How? Why? Well Theorists, make sure you Baby Yoda is somewhere safe because this is about to take a turn to the dark side...

2020x48 The Lorax Movie LIED To You!

  • 2020-11-21T20:00:00Z15m

We all know what the moral to The Lorax is, right? Respect the environment and conservation. Well guess what, you're WRONG! At least, you are wrong if we are talking about the 2012 movie version of The Lorax. You see, that movie made some... interesting changes to the story we all know and love. Changes that kind of ruin that message. In fact, it almost turns it on it's head and says the opposite. Yet, the movie STILL claims to be about environmentalism. Get ready, I am about to expose all of the LIES of The Lorax movie!


2020x49 Aquaman is NO Hero!

2020x49 Aquaman is NO Hero!

  • 2020-11-29T20:00:00Z15m

Listen, if you watched the solo Aquaman movie or Justice League, it will come as no surprise to you that Aquaman is a jerk. That is his whole persona, the likeable jerk who talks to fish. That Theorists, is not what this episode is about. We are not here to critique his attitude. We are here to give you the evidence you need to convince you the Aquaman is NO ONE'S hero! In fact, this guy is damaging the one thing he's supposed to hold dear and protect - the ocean! Strap on your SCUBA gear and get ready to dive in!

Theorists, do you like to move it, move it? Well, I hope so because today we are talking about the Madagascar movies! You know, the ones about the zoo animals that end up on Madagascar and hijinks ensue? Exactly! When you look at the movie on the surface it seem like a standard kids movie about talking animals but when you look deeper you start to realize something. Some dark... and hungry. These animals are not made to survive the environment they end up in and realistically the ending of Madagascar would be much more of a downer... Theorists, get ready to enter the jungle.

The Grinch is a Christmas classic in all of it's iterations. From the original to the Carrey to the newest 2018 version, the Grinch has found his way into our holiday traditions. In a previous theory I talked about the problems with his heart growing three sizes. Today, I'm here to figure out if the Grinch was RIGHT to be angry at the Whos. You see, I think there was a reason we all missed - a medical reason. Get your earmuffs ready, Theorists, we're about to get LOUD!

We all know how WRONG Frieza was in Dragon Ball Z about it taking 5 minutes for the planet to blow up. We've laughed about it, we've made memes about it - you get the picture. Guess what Theorists, it wasn't Frieza who was wrong it was US! Frieza was actually a tactical GENIUS! Charge up your special attacks, because I am about to blow your mind!

Titanic is a movie that has stood the test of time... and has one of the BIGGEST unanswered questions of any movie. No, I don't mean could they both fit on the door if Rose had just moved over a little. I mean the question is Jack a time traveler sent to make sure the Titanic sinks? Yes, that age old question. Well Theorists, today we are going to answer that once and for all!

Who is Dad? No, not YOUR dad or MY dad. DAD! The man at the center of the new surreal series on YouTube. While familiar with the creator, I only came across this channel a little while ago and when he made a video with MY FACE as the thumbnail (even though it was deleted soon after), I knew I had to sit up and pay attention. There is some WEIRD stuff going on behind the facade of neon colors and dance music. Who is Dad? WHAT is Dad? Well Theorists, we are about to find out.

The highly anticipated Wonder Woman 1984 is FINALLY out! It's been too long since I had a new superhero movie to talk about, so I had to watch and see if anything stood out as theory worthy. Well, Theorists, Wonder Woman did it again - or rather she DIDN'T! The last time I talked about Wonder Woman, she'd failed us as a hero. Well, looks like she's up to her old habits again! Yep, Wonder Woman has failed us once again - and I'll tell you how!

Theorists, did you know that Lifetime made a Colonel Sanders movie? And that it is a romance? Neither did I until very recently and you KNOW I had to watch it. I was surprised, not by the steamy romance, but by the fact that they seemed to reveal the secret ingredient to the KFC recipe! Yes! Throughout the movie they reference a specific ingredient, something very unexpected. Do not look away from Mario Lopez and his weird hair, Theorists! This may be the most important movie we've ever seen!

I've been wanting to cover more classic cartoons lately and Invader Zim was the perfect choice. The lore and science of that show fascinates me. There is so much we can dive into that it was hard to limit myself to one thing, but for you, Theorists, I will do my best. Today we are going to uncover the SECRET ALIEN hiding in plain sight. No, I don't mean Zim. I am talking about DIB!

I am thoroughly impressed with Disney's first Marvel Disney+ show, WandaVision. The old time sitcom comedy mixed with the almost Twilight Zone feel of the mystery is just what I needed to reinvigorate the Marvel Theory side of my brain. Today Loyal Theorists, I am going to PREDICT the end of WandaVision based on all of the cluse so far - plus how I think it will shape the rest of the MCU moving forward. You won't want to miss this!

By now, most of us know the end of Monsters Inc. The Monsters discover that the screams they've been using as a power source are not the most optimized way to do business. Which, you know, is good to find out given the terror they've been puting generations of kids through. Thanks to the adventures of Sully, Mike and Boo, they find out laughter works even BETTER than the sreams. What I want to know, Theorists, is WHY that is and, more importantly, did the Monsters actually make a big MISTAKE?

"For the children." That's the phrase that keeps coming up in WandaVsion. For a while, I thought that meant the missing children of the town but last week we got to see them again. Then I thought it meant HER children, Billy and Tommy, whose mysterious appearance has left many questions so far unanswered. Theorists, there is SO MUCH to unpack when it comes to the Hex, Wanda's kids, and what reality actually means anymore. Get ready to get mystical!

It's been a while since we talked Phineas & Ferb, so I knew I needed to check in to see if there were any new theories being concocted in that backyard. It turns out, there totally IS! Today Theories, we are talking about the killer plant from SPAC! In the 'Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Candace Against the Universe' we come up against an alien species that needs something from earth. Theorists, that is just the set up to a KILLER theory!

WandaVision's Scarlet Witch name drop was a BIG moment in the last episode. Now we know why Wanda's magic is red - it's CHAOS magic! Fun fact, if you've been paying attention, the roses in Wanda's garden are ALSO red. Not to mention Agatha, whose purple magic ALSO matches her purple garden. What a coincidence... or is it? What if hiding in these suburban homes of Westview is another secret witch? A THIRD witch? Well Theorists, that is EXACTLY what is happening! Today I am going to reveal WandaVisions's FINAL witch!

The King of Monsters is back and this time he is not alone! The trailers for Godzilla vs Kong look epic and it meant I had to take a swing at the BIG question - who will WIN? Well Theorists, it's actually pretty simple. So instead of hedging my bets, I'm going to come out and say it. Godzilla will WIN and King King will... well the answer is not that simple. You will just have to watch to find out!

I've wanted to talk about Hazbin Hotel for AGES. FInally, I think I've cracked the big question of the show. How many souls does Charlie have to save to fix the problem in her fiery home? Theorists, Charlie means well but ultimately I think she is doomed to fail. Why? There are simply too many souls. Let's dive in!

There is a lot to unpack in the first episode of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, but why stop at that? You see, Theorists, all this setup is leading to some BIG reveals and I think I've figured it out. Today, we are not only covering what all of the clues in episode one mean for the future. I am going to predict the 3 BIG TWISTS coming up in the series and how the end will change the face of the MCU moving forward. Let's go!

Last time I talked about the Lion King, we were seeing just how big the body count was for this beloved Disney movie and sayong Scar was the rightful king. WEll, we are leaning into that even HARDER this time! Today, I want to talk about the sibling rivalry to end all sibling rivalries - Scar and Mufasa. Theorists, lions are a very, VERY interesting animal. I think that Scar ATE Mufasa after the stampede. You'll have to watch to find out WHY!

So now that we've all finally got to see the infamous Snyder Cut of DC's The Justice League, we're good right? Wrong! Now the people want to make it CANON! Well Theorists, what if I told you it already was? What if the original vision of Zack Snyder's Justice League has ALWAYS been canon? That's right! Before you send off that #RestoreTheSnyderVerse​ tweet, watch this video! It may have you saying #SnyderVerseIsAlreadyCanon​ instead.

Disney is infamous for keeping a tight hold on it's copyright, including taking it to extremes with things that TECHNICALLY fall under public domain in their original format. Well, that is not what happened with Finding Nemo. You see, the story of Finding Nemo is VERY similar to a not as well known children's story. One that is NOT in the public domain. Today, Theorists, we are going to dive deep and figure out if Disney actually STOLE the story of Finding Nemo!

What if I told you there was a Snyder cut of Godzilla vs Kong? Theorists, Zack Snyder does not have his own version of this movie, but I believe there is a LOST CUT. That's right. Somewhere out there is a version of this movie that NO ONE was allowed to see. Today, I'm going to crack open the vault on the Godzilla vs Kong movie we SHOULD have gotten but likely never will. Let's go!

What IS a Minion? That was the question I started with when working on this theory. I wanted to REALLY understand these little guys, so I started searching the movies for information. Well Theorists, I found more that I expected buried in the Minions and Despicable Me movies. A LOT more. So much that I can definitely say that the Minions in the movies are NOT Minions. You'll have to watch to find out WHY!

About 4 years ago, I released a theory saying that the movie Wall-E was about cannibalism. It was likely what solidified my place as King of Ruining Your Childhood forever. Theorists, today I am doubling down on that theory. The proof is in the pudding, or rather, it is in the cup. Where does the food come from and what is in it? Get ready for another heaping helping of people!

The future of Marvel remains a mystery and the world of Shang-Chi is no different. We know TOO MUCH for me to not suspect that some gigantic surprise is awaiting us in the movie. We know about The Mandarin and the Ten Rings. So what, Theorists, is the movie hiding? I have the answer but you will have to watch to find out!

Theorists, maybe Cruella had the right idea. Wait, no! I'm not talking about making coats out of cute, defenseless puppies. I meant that they cost a LOT of money. She tells Roger and Anita that they simply can't afford to keeps them all, so they should sell them to her. Well, THAT is a bad idea but maybe she was onto something. Raising and providing for three humans PLUS 101 Dalmatians must cost a LOT of money. How much? Time for us to to get out our calculators and find out!

Dad is back but he seems...different. Theorists, I think something is wrong. Something sinister. Today we are diving back into the world of Dad - a web series that is more like an experience. What does the future hold for Dad? Let's find out!


2021x22 Is Wall-E Satan?

2021x22 Is Wall-E Satan?

  • 2021-06-03T19:00:00Z15m

Today Theorists, we are diving into an oldie but a goodie. The classic theory of " Is Wall-E Satan?". I've seen this floating around the internet for a while and was always curious to dip my toes into it and see what I could find to back it up. So that's what I'm going to do! It's time to find out is Wall-E really saved humanity or if he DOOMED them after all!

Finally, there is a Five Nights At Freddy's type of content I can cover on Film Theory. Theorists, welcome to The Walten Files. It is a video series created by Martin Walls and we HAVE to talk about it. It is not your standard haunted animatronic eatery story. Sit back and grab a snack as I introduce you to the series you NEED to know, what it's telling us, and where I think it is going. Just press play....

Disney+ has been killing it with their Marvel series. I knew Loki would be the same and, boy, are they proving me RIGHT! I started theorizing after episode one but, after watching Loki Episode 2, I made sure we worked that in as well. What is going on with the Time Keepers? What does the BIG reveal of episode 2 mean for the future of the Sacred Timeline and the multiverse? I think I know how all of this madness will END! Let's go!


2021x25 How To SURVIVE Saw!

2021x25 How To SURVIVE Saw!

  • 2021-06-22T19:00:00Z15m

Do you think you could SURVIVE a Saw movie? It seems like a logical question to have after witnessing the horror Jigsaw brings to people who are, arguably, just like us. Well Theorists, your buddy MatPat is here to help you do just that. This is not your average "how to beat every trap in Saw" kind of video. I am going to teach you the TRUE way to not die in a Saw movie. That's a good deed worthy of keeping me off Jigsaw's radar, right? Right?!

Rick and Morty has returned with a bang... at least for Morty. He was truly the "hero" of this episode while Rick was floundering to meet his usual standards. In the previous season, Rick was too cool to be touched by almost anything going on. In this episode we see him struggle to maintain his usual attitude in the face of his rival, Mr. Nimbus. In the meantime, Morty takes on a much more "Rick" like role. Can this be the future of Rick and Morty?

Welcome to another edition of MORTY, where I look back on old theories and see if there was anything I missed! Today, I'm taking another crack at Spongebob Squarepants himself. There was a popular theory going around about how Bikini Bottom was the result of nuclear testing. Could that be TRUE? You'll have to keep watching to find out!

I have been binge watching the Fast and Furious franchise recently and I am OBSESSED! With that and all of the memes taking over every social media since Fast and Furious 9 came out, I knew it was time to cover it. There were MANY ways this could go. Do I cover the lore? Or maybe the insane physics? Not today. Theorists, I decided I need to answer the most important question. Which Fast and Furious movie is the MOST fast and furious?

Theorist, we are reaching the end of season one of the Loki Disney+ series. Before it ends, I have one more BIG prediction and I think I may have figured it all out. We all have been thinking that the series is building up to some reveal of Kang the Conqueror. The big question is WHO will it be? I think the answer has been in front of our noses all along... and I don't mean Agatha.

This season of Rick and Morty feels different... and I'm not the only one to think so! Many fans of the series have pointed out how this felt like a return to season on Rick and Morty, dropping the more overarching story feel of the past few seasons. I think that was done for a REASON! A reason that I think is based on something fans have been asking to see for a long time - Evil Morty's origin story! Theorists, get ready for a wild timey-wimey ride!

Space Jam is a cult classic nowadays. With the release of Space Jam: A New Legacy, I knew it was time to cover the now franchise. Watching the original movie, I was struck with a realization. The game was RIGGED... and not in the way you think. The MonStars were never going to win, and they did it to themselves! How? Watch to find out!

After watching the new Marvel movie, Black Widow, we were all left with one question. Did Red Guardian ACTUALLY Fight Captain America? A lot of people have tried their hand at answering this but I think they've missed the BIGGEST twist of the story. Yes, Red Guardian fought Captain America... but it was NOT Steve Rogers! Who was it? You'll have to watch to find out!

The Minions in Despicable Me seem near indestructible! You know what that means ,Theorists! I must figure out how to DESTROY them! Today we will find the best, and most efficient, way to kill a Minion. Who says my Theories have no real world applications? Let's get testing Theorists!

Falcon and The Winter Soldier, or rather Captain America and the Winter Soldier, ended with a big speech from Sam about being better. Well Sam, I think you forgot a few things. You see, even Captain America has done some... less than stellar things - both Steven and Sam. I think he's got the right idea, but I think we need to workshop it a bit. Captain America, I'm about to fix your problem.

Theorists, something has been lurking in the comments... and not just mine. Meet OwO, the commenter. Now that may seem like an innocuous coincidence but there is something much deeper going on. I started to see comments from OwO pop up around YouTube and was even told point blank "not to engage". You know I can't resist that kind of invitation, Theorists.

Season 5 of Rick and Morty has been... a mixed bag. One thing they HAVE delivered on, though, is the promise of some epic lore. You see, the Rick we've been seeing is very different to our usual Rick. I've made a couple theories already about why that may be, but the most recent episode left a BIG clue. Has Beth been dead the ENTIRE time? Watch to find out!

Have you been keeping up with the search for the new host of Jeopardy? I've loved seeing all the different guest hosts. When they said they found a new host, I was surprised at the choice... less surprised when it fell through. I think the people behind Jeopardy need to broaden their horizons with who they are considering. I think they should consider me. Hear me out! I think it is time for the old school Jeopardy to embrace new media and I think I have a strong case on how to do just that. Jeopardy, let's talk.

You read the title right. I'm doing a Baby Shark theory. It was, like Thanos says, inevitable. What do I have to say about Baby Shark... do do do do do? Well, it seems like Mama and Papa shark have been keeping a secret. Baby Shark is ADOPTED! How do I know? Get your fins ready, Theorists, it's time to do a deep dive into the lore of Baby Shark!

Theories aside, we all know that Spider-Man: No Way Home is going to be a WILD ride! After that trailer drop and confirmation of Doc Ock, the mysterious laughter of Green Goblin, and more - there is SO MUCH to talk about! So much that we are covering not one, not two, but THREE theories today! That's right, we are going all in on everything this movie has to offer. Let's go!

The original Matrix trilogy was a well of theory potential. Yet, I haven't covered it in YEARS! So when the new trailer for The Matrix 4: Resurrections came out, I felt the need to try and cover ALL of the theories and predictions possible. All at once. Yes, today we are answering every question posed in the Matrix 4 trailer, what I think the plot and ending of the movies will be, and what that means for us the viewer. Get ready to PLUG IN!

Listen, we've been waiting to see Venom fight Carnage in Venom 2: LEt There Be Carnage since that post credit scene and it is FINALLY time! Of course, that means I need to try and predict who will WIN. Most of you likely assume you know that answer already. It's Venom. You know, the "hero" of our story. Yet, WHY will he win? What does Venom have over Carnage, besides plot armor? Theorist, it goes a whole lot deeper!

The secret at the center of Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol is a captivating look into the mysteries of history. The Lost Symbol is a race against time to put together the clues and potentially save the lives of many. Today, I'm going to take that as a challenge. I think I've figured out what exactly is going on and, Theorists, nothing is as it seems!

When I last left off with The Walten Files, I told you there was something else... something that deserved its own episode. Today we are talking about the tragedy that is hiding at the center of the series. This is a story of a broken family and the consequences of their choices. Today, we unlock the final secrets of The Walten Files.

It feels like EVERYONE is talking about Squid Game, the Korean action / drama about a deadly series of children's games. I've seen other channels take a swing at explaining the series and figuring out the best strategy to surviving until the end, but I felt like I needed to try and figure it out myself. There had to be a perfect winning strategy. Theorists, I think I've found out the ULTIMATE way to survive to win the Squid Game!

We've talked about the CryptTV universe in previous episodes and since then it has blown WIDE OPEN! With their new series called The Girl In The Woods, it looks like the timeline is shifting and I think we may be entering a monster multiverse just in time for Halloween! Today we are opening the door on the secret horror hiding in The Girl In The Woods!

The legality of Squid Game may seem like an easy question to answer. These people signed away their rights, right? Well Loyal Theorists, it is NOT that simple. Today we are going to figure out once and for all if the people behind Squid Game are BREAKING any laws or if they have outsmarted the system!

Eternals just came out... and my biggest take away? We were right. We called it years ago. Thanos was right! He tried to save us. And here is how Eternals proves it.

What if you cannot even trust the MOON? Theorists, we are returning to one of my favorite analog horror series... Local 58! Since my last episode on this series SO MUCH has happened! In fact, things appear to have crossed from function onto OUR reality. That's right, Local 58 has gone full ARG and I am here for it! Let's get solving!

Dune is an epic fantasy that has captured the imaginations of people for YEARS. It all centers around a specific substance known as "spice". This spice is the key to everything in the Dune universe. Today, Theorists, I am to figure out what exactly that spice IS and WHY it works the way that it does. It's time to get spicy!

Theorists, we know that Spider-Man: No Way Home is going to be WILD! What you may not know is that Shang-Chi may have ALREADY told us what's going to happen in the end. That's right, we are predicting the FUTURE of the MCU and how Shang-Chi and Doctor Strange are at the heart of it all. Get ready to crack open the multiverse, Theorists, there is no going back from here!

Theorists, I know you like it when I open the door to the creepy side of YouTube. That's what we are doing again today! Enter The Mandela Catalogue, a series that seems to be telling us the story of the bible... or is it? I think there is something strange going on with these "angels". Get your tin foil hats ready, Theorists!

Since we know that Squid Game season 2 is coming at some point, I figured it was time to cover THAT theory. The "are Gi-Hun and Il-nam related" theory. It's been circulating for a little while and I felt like I needed to test the validity for myself and see if this could be the BIG TWIST of season 2. Theorists, get your game face on as we dive back into Squid Game!

Here's a question... "Is Santa the bad guy?" In all the media we see, he is working those elves to the bone. Sometimes, those elves are even depicted as CHILDREN! What kind of workshop of horrors is he running? It's time to bring back our OSHA checklist and see if he's up to code.

There is a LOT to cover about Spider-Man: No Way Home! So much, in fact, that we are going to be talking about three theories today. Yes, this is another quick fire round of theories. Get your web slingers ready, Theorists! We are going to tackle all the answers to explain the mysteries of Spider-Man: No Way Home! (Or, you know, three of them!)

Now that everyone has seen the trailer for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness that premiered after the credits of Spider-Man: No Way Home, we NEED to talk about it. There is a lot to take in - from other worldly monsters, mysterious teenagers, and the Scarlet Witch. Today we are going to figure out what exactly is going on in this movie and what EVERYONE has been getting wrong about the villain of this story. Let's dive in!

Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen Spider-Man: No Way Home! The movie opens with Peter Parker dealing with the fallout of Mysterio's big reveal at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home and his apparent death at the hands of Spider-Man. Flash forward to Matt Murdock as his lawyer saying Peter has nothing to worry about and will likely be found innocent. Not so fast, Daredevil! Maybe you are not as good of a lawyer as you think you are...

The question on everyone's mind after finishing Encanto seems to be one thing. Does Mirabel ACTUALLY have a Gift? You see, she seemed to be the only one able to save the family and hold them together. There is a lot of speculation that hidden somewhere in there is a secret power. Today we are going to figure out what that may be and what it means for the Madrigal family.

2022x05 We KILLED the MCU! (Marvel)

  • 2022-02-03T20:00:00Z15m

As we enter Phase 4 of the MCU, I have to wonder... will it ever end? Don't get me wrong, I love me some Marvel movies and making theories about them. Yet, with all of the big ideas and the changing of our major character roster, could we be entering the actual END of the MCU? More than that, can the MCU be KILLED?

Over on GTLive, I've been diving into the unique horror experience that is The Backrooms. This found footage horror story is full of secrets. Today I'm piecing together the lore of this creepypasta maze of horrors and figuring out how to survive being trapped in The Backrooms. Can it be done? Watch to find out!

2022x07 Batman Is STEALING From You!

  • 2022-02-20T20:00:00Z15m

Now that you've read the title, I'm sure you are thinking "MatPat, of COURSE BatMan is a criminal! He's a vigilante!" Well Theorists, that may be true but that is NOT what we are talking about today. I want to talk about the crimes of the man himself, Bruce Wayne, and what he's been up to in his business dealing with his company. This theory goes all the way to the TOP!

Theorists, by now we know who the "secret villain" of Encanto is, right? It's Abuela. Well, what if we are all WRONG? I think someone else in the Madrigal may have been pulling the strings. Someone who always knew what was going on... whether they liked it or not. Someone whose gift may have felt more like a curse. No, I'm not talking about Bruno....

It's been a while since I posted my first theory on The Mandela Catalogue. The series has NOT slowed down! Today I want to focus on one of the scariest things to show up yet - The Intruder? Who is he? Should we ACTUALLY be afraid or is the truth a little more mysterious. Theorist, it's time to step into the dark and spooky world of The Mandela Catalogue once again! Don't be afraid...

Theorists, if you haven't seen The Batman yet, what are you waiting for? Today we will be talking about that last scene. The scene that sets up what could be the future bad guy for Robert Pattinson's Batman. Who is the mystery villain? IS it the Joker? SHOULD it be the Joker? Get your cowl and cape ready, Theorists!

Theorists, have you ever heard of Captain Jack Sparrow? I'm pretty sure most of you have. What if I told you he was in trouble? Like DEADLY trouble? No, I don't mean from undead pirates or Davy Jones himself. I'm talking about good old dehydration. That's right, this rum drinking pirate is DYING of thirst and it's all his fault!

Theorists, the Netflix Marvel series have officially invaded Disney+ and Marvel has confirmed that Deadpool 3 will be part of the MCU and still be rated R. Now that Moon Knight premiered and Disney+ instigated a parental control system, we can officially say things are changing. Is this the beginning of a more mature MCU? Let's dive in!

It's time to re-enter The Backrooms, the scary found footage series that I have been OBSESSING over lately. Last time we covered the main story, so today I am looking to dive deeper into The Backrooms lore. What is the Monster? Is ANYTHING real or is reality a lie? That and more in today's Film Theory!

Today we are diving back into the question, "Who owns your face when you are dead?" Deepfakes have made that a BIG question, one that needed more than just one episode. So here is a new question for you: if you could own the image of a dead actor, would you? Is it okay for you to use that likeness in movies forever? Let's talk.

The trailer for Thor: Love and Thunder is out and it is SWEET! Well, the song choice is anyway. The rest? Well you will have to stay tuned as we dissect every inch of the new Thor trailer to find every clue and easter egg! Then we can try and predict what kind of crazy adventure this movie is going to be! Let's go!

By now you've probably heard about Netflix not quite hitting the numbers it was expecting to. The headlines are all about how "Netflix is DYING!" or "Netflix is BROKEN!". Well, I think I have the solution to their problems. Netflix, it's time to sit back and let good old reliable MatPat save you.

When you watch A Quiet Place and A Quiet Place 2, we are shown how humanity has adapted to survive in a world where any sound can get you killed. Except, that's not exactly true. Even in the movie itself, we see that people are unable to exist without making ANY sound. So, how loud is TOO loud? It's time to find out!

Theorists, I made some predictions about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness right before the release of the movie. Now that it is out I can say, I was RIGHT! Well, mostly. It's time to talk about the future of the MCU (again) and what we should expect in the aftermath of the madness that was this movie.

By the end of Encanto, we see Dolores united with her prince charming - or at least that is what it seems like from the outside. Theorists, when watching Encanto for the 100th time, my mind started thinking a little too hard about the whole Madrigal family and their magical, secluded town. Let's just say MAYBE they should hold off on the wedding for a while...

Welcome back to MatPat ruins your childhood. Today's target? The always adorable Nickelodeon show known as Paw Patrol. I know, how could I possibly find something dark and scary to talk about in Paw Patrol? Well, it turns out Chase, Skye, and the rest of the Paw Patrol pups have a dark secret. Prepare yourselves, Theorists! You are NOT ready for this.

Theorists, it's Morbin time! I know, I know. That meme is super old now, but it was part of what inspired me to make this theory in a way. Well, the Morbin meme at least meant I needed to take a second look at Morbius. Oh boy, did I take a second look. Specifically, I watched the trailer again and realized that the movie I was advertised was NOT the movie I saw. At ALL!. Is that even LEGAL? Think of this as the sister episode to our episode over on game theory about mobile game ads.

Yes, you read the title right. The dinosaurs in Jurassic World and Jurassic Park are NOT dinosaurs. Today we are going to break down what exactly they are. You see, the way they brought them back from extinction was... unique. Would it work? And what does that make these so called dinos?

It may not be Halloween yet, but it's never too early to talk about one of the best horror series in recent years - Saw. Jigsaw is a pretty iconic horror movie villain. One shrouded in secrets that we uncover throughout the series. One thing we learn is that Jigsaw doesn't usually work alone. There are many people pulling the strings here. Who is the real puppet master? It's time to dive back into the scary world of SAW!

Theorists, we have not covered Star Wars in a WHILE. With the release of the Obi-Wan mini-series on Disney+,I knew it was time. Today, I want to figure out why the Empire REALLY lost the war against the Jedi and Rebellion. No, it's not the other side having moral high ground and Disney always having the good guys win. It's their ships. They SUCK!

Spoiler warning for Thor: Love and Thunder! Theorists, the installment in the MCU is out and we NEED to talk about it! I think this movie is setting up the next BIG EVENT in the Marvel Cinematic Universe... the second Civil War. If you are familiar with the comics, you may see where I am headed with this. From the events happening in Ms. Marvel, the new Captain Marvel film coming out soon, and the events of Thor Love and Thunder - there is a LOT to talk about!

The creepiest puppet show on the internet is BACK! Don't Hug Me I'm Scared released a new trailer called Fly and I HAD to talk about it. This series is a favorite here on Film Theory and it goes DEEP! Get ready for some scary, twisted lore! Let's dive in!

We are noclipping our way back into The Backrooms. Since I last covered the series, we've gotten more to watch and dissect for new LORE! From breaking reality to time travel, nothing is out of the realm of possibility with this creepypasta series! Get your hazmat suits ready, we are going DEEP into the mystery of The Backrooms!

Top Gun Maverick was a MUCH better movie than I anticipated. So much so that I felt I needed to do a theory on it. What are we theorizing about? The enemy of our protagonists. You see, they never actually TELL US who they are fighting. So, I'm going to figure it out for myself! Get ready to SOAR into some secrets!

Theorists, now that Comic Con happened and we got a peek into the newly expanded plans for the MCU, I think it's time for a little theory I've been kicking around. An... Ant-Man sized theory you might say. You see, I think I know what the big event of Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania is going to be. We already know that Kang is going to show up, so it has to be some thing BIG. I think our favorite multi-sized hero is going to DIE!

2022x31 Paw Patrol, Ryder is EVIL!

  • 2022-08-11T19:00:00Z15m

Theorists, the last time I covered Paw Patrol I mentioned that Ryder may be in on the constant cycle of Paw Patrol members - if you know what I mean. Today we are going one step further. I think Ryder is the big bad of the entire series. That's right, the dog's trusted human is actually the VILLAIN! Let's dive in!

Theorists, I have been WAITING for the right time to talk about Stranger Things and well... I guess that time is now. With season 4 wrapped up, it's time to see if I can predict how the series will end in season 5. How will they, inevitably, kill Vecna? Will Eleven survive? Who will DIE? And the most important question according to the internet, will Eddie Munson return from the dead? Let's dive in!

You know I am always looking for a new analog horror series to watch and analyze. I think I may have stumbled upon the SCARIEST one yet! Welcome, Theorists, to _Boisvert. This story is filled with glitches, otherworldly figures, and a terrifying yet relatable theme. Depression. I think this horror series may just be trying to give us the one thing we all need, hope.

Do you remember when the battle of the century stormed every social media post? That's right, today I'm diving into the mental battle between Elmo and Rocco... and Zoe. I think Elmo is being manipulated and he is about to BREAK! Theorists, we need to help Elmo. Let's head on down to Sesame Street!

Theorists, we are diving into The Backrooms again and this time we are going all the way... to Egypt! Yes, you read that right! I think there may be some ancient secrets hiding in the maze of yellow walls. I'm determined to see if this theory has a solid foundation and if it can stand the test of time like the pyramids. Let's go!

It's Rick and Morty season again, Loyal Theorists! As we head into season 6, it's time to see where the series is headed this time and, well... things are looking kind of grim. We start out with the whole family dealing with past traumas and hopping universes to fill the spots of their dead counterparts. Not exactly light stuff. Except, I think there may still be hope for a happy ending... or as much of one as we can expect from Rick Sanchez. Grab your portal gun and let's dive in!

It has been a hot second since I talked about anything anime. What better way to dive back in than with one of my favorites, One Punch Man? Yes, today we are talking about good ole Saitama himself. Well, maybe not so good. No, this is not a "the hero is actually the villain" theory. It's a little more nuanced than that. You see, Saitama IS doing bad things... just not on purpose. What do I mean? Let's discuss!

Let's be real. We are ALL anticipating the new Chris Pratt Mario movie for one reason or another. So, I decided to try my hand at predicting the ENTIRE movie. What's the story? How will it END? That and more in today's Film Theory!

It's time, Theorists. Time to talk about Dora the Explorer. I've wanted to do a theory about Dora since playing some of the Dora the Explorer horror games. Then they came out with the surprisingly enjoyable live action movie. Well, consider me VERY interested. So today we are diving into the dark lore surrounding our favorite explorer. Vámonos!

2022x41 You Are Being Erased...

  • 2022-10-20T19:00:00Z15m

2022x42 One of us is DEAD! (DHMIS)

  • 2022-10-29T19:00:00Z15m

While we’re waiting on Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared season 2, I’m cranking out the THEORIES! In the last DHMIS video I uncovered the TRUTH about Yellow Guy. Spoiler alert: he’s actually dead! But I skipped over one unsolved mystery. . . the strange symbols on the mysterious book. There’s something SUPER weird about it, so I invited RemGames to help me solve the mystery. Let’s figure this out once and for all!

UH OH, Theorists! jacksepticeye is trapped in project IRIS and he may NEVER escape! We analyzed every second of his analog horror live stream to find the secret behind the three biggest mysteries: What’s IRIS up to? How do Chase and Anti play into this? And who on earth is Echo?! Hopefully WTCHR isn’t spying as I make these answers public...

Since my last theory on The Mandela Catalogue A LOT has happened in this universe! The series creator, Alex Kister, uploaded two new volumes, and there is SO MUCH LORE to dissect. Who is the Intruder? What are the Alternates? And what’s up with that new Plushie?! We’ve got a lot of secrets to uncover in The Mandela Catalogue, Loyal Theorists, so let’s get cracking!

You MUST resist the urge to smile, Loyal Theorist! Otherwise, the Smile Monster might getcha’. . . You see, the monster from the 2022 movie, Smile, transfers from person to person via - you guessed it - a SMILE. So how do you SURVIVE such a creature? And can it be defeated? Watch to find out!

Season Premiere


2023x01 Blue is NOT a Dog! (Blue’s Clues)

Season Premiere

2023x01 Blue is NOT a Dog! (Blue’s Clues)

  • 2023-01-08T20:00:00Z15m

We all remember Blue from Blue’s Clues! She’s cute. She’s cuddly. She knows how to find clues! But, there is one thing she is NOT. . . a dog. You heard that right, Loyal Theorists. Blue is NOT actually a dog. So what is she? You’ll have to watch to find out!

Today we’re no-clipping BACK into the yellow halls of Backrooms! And after theorizing four-videos-worth of content about this amazing series, I realized it was finally time to connect the dots. That's right! I put together the ENTIRE Backrooms Timeline. I hope you're ready, Loyal Theorists, because this gets deep.

Water. Earth. Fire. Air. The Avatar, master of all four elements, is tasked with keeping peace between the four nations. We all know that! But have the Avatars actually done a good job at keeping the peace, Loyal Theorists? Between Aang, Korra, and Roku, I DON’T think so! So that begs the question: should there even be an Avatar?!

Bad news, Loyal Theorists! We are no longer at the top of the food chain. The Cordyceps have infected brains, turning the human population into zombie-like creatures. It’s an APOCALYPSE out there, and there’s only one way to end it. Watch to find out how you can survive…

I may not be a mortician, Loyal Theorists, but I can declare that the DC Universe is DEAD. At least the iteration with Man of Steel, Batman vs Superman, Aquaman, and the rest of the Justice League. DC has been struggling to make its movie franchise work for years, but I finally found a way to fix it! And I’ll even share my reaction to James Gunn’s new DC slate of Gods and Monsters. You’ll have to watch to see if I think it will FAIL or succeed...

Have you watched Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, Loyal Theorists? I liked the Dreamworks movie so much that I watched it TWICE! But there was one thing that stood out to me… Puss in Boots should have DIED way more than he did! Forget about the Wolf, Death; Puss is a threat to himself. So how many times would he have died? Watch to find out.

2023x07 The Batman’s FATAL Flaw!

  • 2023-02-19T20:00:00Z15m

You’ve seen Batman battle with Joker, Riddler, Penguin, and all of the other Gotham goons. But, would he ACTUALLY have survived those fights, Loyal Theorists? Today we find out if Batman’s Batsuit is really invincible.

If you watched Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania recently, then you likely have the EXACT same question we do: what the heck was that?! After the CGI fest, cringe story beats, and swapped ending, we have to ask what Marvel is doing at this point. What went wrong and can they recover?

You’ve seen us cover Mandela and Backrooms, but now we’re diving headfirst into a NEW analog horror series here on YouTube. Harmony and Horror has a complicated story full of mystery. And the animatronics are SO scary. But how dark does season 1 get? Let’s find out…

Billionaire. Playboy. Philanthropist. CRIMINAL?! Wait, what? Okay maybe it’s obvious that Tony Stark hasn’t had the “best” business practices. But what you may not know is that war profiteering is not the worst of his crimes. In fact, he should probably be facing LIFE in prison! But to see his full sentence, you’ll have to watch this episode.

Can you imagine if your favorite, friendly Pooh Bear had a HORROR movie? Well, that is an actual reality now. But it’s NOT from the minds at Disney. So is this even legal? And could other Disney characters get their own horror movies? Oh Bother, we’re in for a good episode today!

If you’ve seen Dreamworks How to Train Your Dragon, then you’ve seen the incredibly POWERFUL dragons. They breath fire, ice, and even acid. Is all of this a total fantasy or could this ACTUALLY work in the real world? Let’s find out…

Take a stroll down memory lane to your FAVORITE Nickelodeon show, The Fairly OddParents. But we promise it’s not at ALL what you remembered. In fact, there is a dark conspiracy controlling all of Fairy World, and Jorgen may be behind all of it…

Welcome to Night City in the year 2077. All seems great on the outside, but under the surface it’s a TOTAL Nightmare! While everyone wants you to gear up with cyberware, you may want to beware. Why? Well there’s a sinister plot unfolding right before our eyes…

The Super Mario Movie was a fun escape to the land of Nintendo with TONS of easter eggs! But what interested us were the THEORIES in the lore. Can Mario Die? Is Peach actually human? And could we see MORE of these characters like Link, Zelda, and Fox in the future. Let’s discuss…

Planet Earth has been around for hundreds of years, but now we’re about to be put into a grinder… a MEAT grinder! While we already reacted to the meat snake over on GTLive, we’re now ready to break down the weird story of Vita Carnis. What is the National Living Meat Research? What are these creatures? And are we all in DANGER? This analog horror series goes deep, so figure out this meaty mystery!

As you know, Loyal Theorists, we have already broken down our thoughts on FOUR Super Mario Bros Movie theories (and a bonus one on this week’s Short). BUT what we haven’t discussed is whether this movie is actually good or not. So is it? The audience believes it’s amazing, but the critics do NOT agree. So who’s right and who’s wrong? Let’s find out…

We all know and LOVE the Disney Princess, Ariel. She’s perceived as a beautiful sea creature in the Little Mermaid, but how would she look in REAL life? And we’re not talking about the live action remake with Halle Bailey. No! We’re talking about a real life, half-human, half-fish looking mermaid. Trust us, after watching this episode you’re NOT going to want to kiss da girl!

What’s the deal with the Marvel gods? At one point in the MCU we saw Thor as an all-powerful god. But across the span of phase 4 and phase 5 Kevin Feige and company introduced us to a whole new LEVEL of Marvel god with Eternity, Kang, and Galactus. But now with the High-Evolutionary introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3, we’re wondering what even IS a god in the MCU? Let’s put together the pieces of this mystery and solve the ultimate question of which god is the MOST powerful in the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Bluey is the MOST wholesome show on television right now, Loyal Theorist. It’s an Australian kids show about a Blue Heeler puppy named Bluey But as with any wholesome show you KNOW there have to be dark theories flying around the internet. And today we're looking at whether the show ACTUALLY takes place in a post apocalyptic world. Woah, that’s dark. But is it true? That’s the REAL pickle we’re figuring out today!

John Wick CAN’T die! Now, if you’ve seen John Wick Chapter 4 you may not believe that since he was clearly shot at the end of the movie. But, we’re not buying it. NO! After falling off buildings and getting hit by cars, John Wick would not simply die from a few bullet wounds. There’s something bigger going on with Keanu Reeves, and we’re about to find out…

The popular YouTube horror series, The Backrooms is coming out with a movie! We here at Theorist are excited for Kane, and we can’t wait for all of the new lore. But there’s one BIG problem… making the movie could be ILLEGAL! Why? Well, Loyal Theorist, let’s find out…

Miles Morales has a REAL problem on his hands, Loyal Theorist. In Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse we find out he unintentionally created his own villain AND that none of the events from the previous movie were meant to happen. Moreover, Peter Park was not supposed to die! Now with the world unraveling around him and Miguel and the Spider Society doing their best to restore the “canon events” we have to ask… could the multiverse actually collapse? Is this Spider-Man movie connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)? And does Spider-Man have to DIE?!

2023x25 The DEATH of Indiana Jones!

  • 2023-06-25T19:00:00Z15m

Indiana Jones is BACK for one last ride in the Dial of Destiny! But one question that’s been on our minds is whether Harrison Ford would have ACTUALLY survived all of Indie’s wild adventures… but more specifically whether he would survive the infamous fridge scene. You know, the one where Indiana Jones survives a literal nuclear explosion by hiding in a refrigerator?! Put on your hats and grab your whips because today it’s finally time to put the question to rest.

Well, Theorists, we’re back with another DARK Paw Patrol episode. Last time we talked about how Ryder is EVIL, but this time we’re here to focus on the pups. Particularly in the previous episode, one specific comment kept coming up about how Zuma is not so bad. Well, we’re here to tell you that Zuma is actually the WORST pup. And we brought data to prove it! In fact, we’re ranking the best and worst pups from Paw Patrol and explaining how Ryder is punishing the worst pup. Without further ado, let’s get ready to ruff ruff rescue!

Let’s take a trip down memory lane to the Magic School Bus! You may remember the amazing field trips to the arctic, an underwater volcano, and even inside the earth. But there’s one trip that stands above the rest: getting LOST in space. Sure, it was a beautiful view for the students, but what Ms. Frizzle didn’t tell anyone was how DANGEROUS the ride would be. So, would the students survive? Buckle up those seatbelts, everyone. It’s time to take chances, make mistakes, and get messy, Loyal Theorists!

We heard you LOUD and clear, Loyal Theorists: you want us to react to the popular Buzzfeed Animation series Chikn Nuggit. We read your comments, and now we’re here to give you all the LOOOOOORE!!! Is Chikn Nuggit as cute as he looks? What are Bezel’s intentions? And is this show SECRETLY very dark? It’s time to find out!

Hey Loyal Theorist, today we’re switching up our regular pop-culture-themed programming to follow up about my year of being uncomfortable. If you watched the Game Theory episode a few weeks ago you’ll know that I played in a PGA Tournament event and helped produce a Broadway play. Both were wonderful experiences, and today I want to break down EXACTLY how that play came to be and all the fantastic people I met along the way, including ThomasSanders, Ranboo, TheGamerFromMars, WaitintheWings, and SwellEntertainment. Plus if you stick around, I promise you’ll find some hidden lore…

Skibidi bop bop, yes yes yes it’s time for Skibidi Toilet LORE! If you’ve seen the strange Gary’s Mod head in a toilet invading your YouTube or TikTok feed recently, you’re not alone! This viral series has earned BILLIONS of views per month since its inception. But WHY? There has to be something more to this series than just toilet heads. And OH BOY, Loyal Theorists, you’re in for a treat today because this lore goes deeper than you realize.


2023x31 We Found Barbie Land!

2023x31 We Found Barbie Land!

  • 2023-08-06T19:00:00Z15m

Loyal Theorists, we have found the Simpon’s hometown of Springfield; we’ve even found Peter Pan’s Neverland. But WHERE in the world is Barbieland? Margot Robbie’s Barbie and Ryan Gosling’s Ken travel by boat, roller blades, rocket, car, and more to leave their world and enter ours. But, according to the Barbie Movie logic their world is also in our world. Grab a map and let’s get to searching!

Disney is… DYING! That’s right, Loyal Theorist, the behemoth of the film entertainment industry is finally losing their way. But why? Is it because of Disney+? Bad stories? Or is it something else? Today we’re diving into the latest box office FAILS and seeing what we can glean about Disney’s future. Let’s find out if the company truly is in trouble…

The Shorts Wars ARG may have ended, but the LORE is just beginning! Over the past few months shorts creators JonnyRaZeR, Mogswamp, RoyalPear, joe_caine, DannoDraws, knsplash, Bundun, peehaleyour have taken part in a multi-series ARG across the platform. Some heeded the message of the big BAD guy, “the Boss,” while others skirted around it. Find out who survived, who got cloned, and what’s next for the spectacular series!

Welcome to the wacky world of One Piece! Yes, after all these years we’re finally exploring the world of Monkey D. Luffy and his crew of heroes pirates ! Sure, their land is filled with logic-defying adventure… but what if One Piece was actually real? What would that look like? And would the characters actually survive? Today we find out!

After looking at the worlds of Skibidi Toilet and Chikn Nuggit, we’re diving into the LORE of another YouTube series today, Murder Drones by @Glitch. Taking place in the year 3071, the series follows worker drone Uzi as she tries to discover the secrets of her people and hunt down the EVIL Murder Drones. Grab your railgun, Loyal Theorist, because we’re solving everything you need to know about this chilling series.

2023x37 I Solved the FNAF Movie!

  • 2023-09-19T19:00:00Z15m

OH boy, loyal theorist, it’s finally here: the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie! Ever since the first FNAF trailer dropped, we knew the lore would be different from the game and movie. But, HOW different? There are so many questions we have to answer: is this in the same universe? Where does this story take place? Are Chica, Fox, Bonnie, and Freddy all the same? And WHO is the real big bad? Let’s open the floodgates to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria and SOLVE the FNAF movie…

Aladdin and Jasmine should NOT have survived their own movie. No, not because of Jafar or any other Disney villain but because of one small scene: the magic carpet ride. There’s NO way Aladdin and Jasmine could have flown around the world in such a short amount of time. So today, we’re dissecting what REALLY would have happened. Grab your headset and start cranking up the Disney song jams because after watching this theory it will open up a whole new world of questions!

It’s almost HALLOWEEN, loyal theorist, and that means it’s time for scary movies like The Exorcist: Believer! And the mysterious question we’re intrigued to answer today is: what do exorcisms around the world and in different faiths look like? We’re analyzing Islam, Shinto, and Native American religions to find out how to get rid of those CREEPY spirits!

2023x40 The Paw Patrol are ALIENS?!

  • 2023-10-08T19:00:00Z15m

Bark bark, Loyal Theorist, and buckle up for another Paw Patrol theory. This time, we’re digging up evidence that the mighty pups you know and love – yes, Chase, Skye, Rubble, Marshall, and the rest – are all ALIENS! You won’t believe this canine conspiracy.

Today we boldly go where no theorist has EVER gone before: into the Star Trek transporter. While it seems like a fun sci-fi invention that transports you to and from planets into the Enterprise, it is the furthest thing from fun! In fact, we believe the transporter would KILL you. Please, don’t beam us up, Scotty!

After covering Murder Drones a few months ago on the channel, we’re back to cover another @GLITCH production! And this one, which has already received 32 MILLION views on the pilot episode, is a doozy. Today, loyal Theorist, we’re diving headfirst into The Amazing Digital Circus! Which era are these characters trapped in a video game? Who helped create the game? And is Pomni letting on more than she’s letting on? Let’s find out…

OOOH boy, loyal Theorists! The FNAF movie was a doozy. We've already predicted what _was_ going to happen in the FNAF movie. We've shown behind the scenes of the MatPat cameo. Heck, we've even discussed Five Nights at Freddy's alternate ending. But, now.... oh NOW we get to take a deep dive into all of the FNAF movie LOOORE! Let's do this thing.

2023x48 How YouTube BROKE Your Brain!

  • 2023-12-10T20:00:00Z15m

YouTube has fundamentally changed the way that we consume media. But they’re not the _only_ culprits; no, TikTok, Netflix, Disney, and the rest of the media industrial complex are ALL to blame. You see, loyal Theorist, our demand for viewing all of this content is actually leading us down a bad road to loneliness and depression. We know this is deep, but hear us out…


2024x02 Bluey is a WITCH?!

2024x02 Bluey is a WITCH?!

  • 2024-01-14T20:00:00Z15m

2024x03 The DEATH of Salad Fingers

  • 2024-01-21T20:00:00Z15m

2024x04 Disney is Making Propaganda

  • 2024-01-28T20:00:00Z15m

Watching the hilarious comedy improv show Whose Line is it Anyway for the past three decades has taught us one thing: everything IS made up and the points don't matter. But what if they _did_ actually matter? Throughout every season of the show, who would be Drew Carey and Aisha Tyler's ACTUAL winners? And how many points would he or she have earned? Today we find out the true winner of Whose Line. Is it Wayne Brady, Colin Mochrie, Ryan Stiles, Greg Proops, or someone else...?

Hey, loyal Theorist, for MatPat’s penultimate Film Theory, we’re diving back into the world of Gravity Falls! But before that, we have to issue a big Ẃ̷̝̼̼̙͙͇͉A̸̛͇̝̝̿̐͐́́̆̓R̴̼̖̞̹͎͘ͅṊ̷̺̫̟͈̤̬̔̔̔͂͝͠Ì̸̛͕̫N̷̨̏̋̉͐͆G̵͈̝̰̉͠! Bill Cipher is everywhere. Not just in the land of Gravity Falls, but in our world too. And if we’re not careful, he may just keep rewriting history and affecting the life of real life Gravity Falls creator, Alex Hirsch.

2024x10 Don’t Trust Your Heroes

  • 2024-03-08T20:00:00Z15m

2024x17 The Fallout Nukes are a LIE

  • 2024-04-28T19:00:00Z15m

Deadpool is TAKING OVER the Marvel Cinematic Universe this summer with his "buddy" Wolverine. Are you thrilled about seeing the Merc with a Mouth join the likes of Spider-Man, Captain America, and Doctor Strange, loyal Theorist? Because we sure are! And today we're analyzing the true POWERS Deadpool possesses... like how he can see EVERYTHING you watch. But be careful how far you look because everything you know about the Marvel universe may actually be a lie...
