By far the best episode in a very, very long time. I'm as frusterated at this show as anyone, but this was heartbreaking. Seeing Morgan shift back to crazy Morgan was great, he needs to stay this way and go on a killing spree for this show to have any kind of redemption value. Yes if it comes it came way too late, but if it doesn't come at all then what value was ever extending his story anyway? TWD got to end with a pretty little gathering around the table, end this right, end it ugly.

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Shout by Logia

This episode was exhausting to watch. This padre lass is so lacklustre and goes back on everything she says. "I don't want to kill you" - continues to try and kill morgan. Only iota of redemption for this episode and I say iota, it's literally the only good thing to have happened in a long time on this show, is Grace's death.

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This is basically a show for children now. Nothing that happens on screen is believable in any way. Human motivation, action, speech...all disingenuous and fake. In nearly every scene I'm astounded by plot holes and impossible time/space jumps. It has no redeeming qualities and it is 100% the worst show on television.

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Utter Bilge. I supported the recent writers strike. I draw the line at this.

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where do they find the "actors" to play the villains in this show? Retard factory, I swear

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Mo has to be one of the most annoying, insufferable brats i have ever seen, can she be eaten by walkers please?

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Another zinger...

"I dont die, I just lose people and then I lose myself" ok, sure we see that set up for Morgan possibly raging out in the finale, but also he still has people, evident in Madison showing up for him in the trailer for the finale, so ,"no one is gone until they're gone". I suspect we'll see Rick make an entrance as well, to prime us for the upcoming Richonne film fest but also to remind Morgan of who he is and how far they've all come (and to be introduced to Mo)... idk, one can hope... at this point I'm just living for the reunions and nostalgia.


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