I actually cried WTF

ok the whole arc and events don't make any sense I agree with that

but this episode was an emotional trip.. Alicia is one of the OG characters so the emotions with her hit different
that line with Victor on the boat was very emotional considering what they have been through

I'm happy with this episode as stand alone episode because I enjoyed it
but if you look at the overall event they suck

Victor had a safe place then these came and ruined everything as usual
it's like if we can't have it you can't too which is dumb and selfish

the whole arc with Victor being the villain was stupid and accomplished nothing

anyways I'm excited for the finale

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Alicia is gone and so am I, what an amazing performance although it was shitty writing, Alicia truly is the heart and the soul of this show.

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Dream. Pass out. Wake up. Repeat.

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Oh super, another boring episode where half of what we’re shown is a hallucination. Bah!

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If she faints ONE MORE TIME!!

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Why God. Why is it so horrible? They ruined this universe. Fear, World Beyond...

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As it turns out, the gang could have skipped all that effort trying to get the tower and just hopped on some boats! Did the characters not know they were within spitting distance of the damn water? Alicia has been sick with the zombie fever for, how many weeks now? This episode features her falling down a lot, hallucinating a lot, talking to her younger self and seeing flashbacks of Madison talking about younger Alicia saving a bird. Also, Strand goes from a bad guy to a good guy out of the blue. With a chance to leave on the boat with the people she loves, Alicia decides to stay and go back to the crumbling tower toward all the irradiated zombies. Smart thinking! Before that, she passes on the beach, and we're thinking perhaps she is finally going to turn, but nope. She just wakes up good as new, even though she's still talking to her younger self, an hallucination that was supposedly a symptom of the fever (!!). Holy shit, this is some awful writing.

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I'm done!! I'm not going to waste a second more on this horrific show, which has gone from bad to worse to even worse. Safe your selve the heardache.

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at this point, the show is way beyond jumping the shark, it's now jumping a sperm whale, Alicia has been sick for weeks, and suddenly gets 100% better because she had to save herself as a child? LMAO, remember when this show was about surviving a zombie apocalypse? yeah, me neither. even worse is the fact that Strand spends the entire season being a bad guy and is now suddenly a good guy again and everything is forgiven?

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Was this the exit ep of Alicia? Because if it was, it was shit. The ending was also very confusing: so she sudenly felt better out of nowhere (after months of "battling the infection") and she just go on her own (and leaving half a bag of things in the beach)? Very boring episode. Is just her falling down again and again, and people carrying her. Also, the arch of the Tower ended stupidly. Hope they finish it soon

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This one was a slog...

On what planet would all the characters (including a doctor who's been taking care of Alicia for weeks if not months) let her wander back into the tower by herself and expect her to make it all the way back (also by herself) when she couldn't even get there on her own? Apparently all it takes is one small passionate speech for everyone to just change their minds.

Hallucinating seeing young Alicia was just annoying. I do like how they tied it into Madison's story with the bird and all but it just felt stupid. Don't understand how she just wakes up feeling completely better either (I really hope she wasn't "sick" just because she felt like she was losing her legacy or some shit...).

This is all just frustrating. I hate abandoning shows but I also need this one to end soon, otherwise I just may have to.

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They really thought they were clever with this one didn't they...

I'd be pretty pissed if you dragged me from point a to point b just to tell me to go back to where we were going in the first place. Not like there's death on every corner right?

Boring fake-emotional crap.

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No one is gone until they're gone.

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I think the thing that bothered me the most about this episode was the thick black smoke rising from a supposed burning building - a building with no flames and zero burn marks. That tower would have been a pile of ashes by the time she went back to it and if it had actually been burning. that is all - annoyed rant complete

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bullshit, if i watched fainting goats on YouTube I'll be more entertained

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Shout by kilianpg

So... Birds, video tapes and zodiacs...

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So the tower survived the zombies, a nuclear blast and Strand yet, a small fire on the roof took it down?
The past couple of seasons the show was: fight fight fight, surrender and befriend the enemy, kill the enemy and let the walkers take over, rinse and repeat.

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The show is making less and less sense. This episode was beyond confusing. The writers are trying to be cleverly enigmatic, but it comes off as a mess instead.

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Wow! I didn’t think the series could get any worse, but it’s actually managed it. That has got to be the worst episode ever. It was dire.
I won’t be watching season 8 which has apparently already been ordered. 0 out of 10 for this episode, only because 0 is as low as I can go.

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