Remember when this show was miles better than The Walking Dead?

Should have stopped watching when Nick was written out.

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Omg... Within a snap of the finger, Strand drops the theatrics & becomes... the good guy?!
And then at the end he changes again? :joy:
Whatever... As I said in previous episodes, nothing makes sense any more.
Of course they would destroy the tower. Now they're in search of a new safe space to destroy. AGAIN.

Finally, I think that they gave Charlie radiation poisoning so that she will have died by the time Madison arrives and she won't have to confront her son's killer (yes I will never forget you little :poop:).

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The stuff with Wes just didn’t make sense at all. How does he suddenly just become a villain and hate the whole entire group even after EVERYTHING they did for him over a lie or something?? Ok whatever.

Strand is for real gonna give me whiplash tho, like I cannot with the back and forth constantly. Choose a god dang side I’m over it.

I really hope they don’t kill Charlie tho :( like it seems like an inevitable thing now but I want her to actually have a story in the future and maybe even have to confront Madison when she comes back.

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So Wes who was largely a nothing side character suddenly becomes the main villain, and every single crony in the building at the same time chooses to follow him and abandon Strand all in an instant. Wes who killed his own brother, but couldn't handle Luciana lying to Daniel (the same Daniel that Wes shot in this episode...) even though it was for a (morally gray but) decent reason, and because of one character's lie he suddenly hates the entire group, wants to kill them all and look out for only himself.

It's honestly ridiculous and I can only enjoy this if I turn half my brain off.

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Starting to get repetitive

Victor turns bad then redeems himself over and over again

plus Wes whole arc is just dumb.. his shift didn't make any sense

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This so doesn't make sense anymore. The timing, the changing of minds, the (un-)precise shooting, whatever. Everything just happens without any internal consistency or logic.

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So Wes is a C-list character and all of a sudden he is a leader and has a backbone....ok. The writers are so lazy. Bye bye.

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