And Morgan is back to his annoying self. What a bummer.

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I really wish that ridiculous vehicle gets destroyed soon, hopefully with the pointless camcorders and videos. If the vehicle is such a powerful weapon why did they only have 1 person in it. To that end how does it keep getting stolen.

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Was fucking weird his girlfriend waited so long till she took her mask of xD

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Dwight realizes the bitch is crazy so he [spoiler] (opens the gate) [spoiler] lets her go.

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where is Alicia omg this is dreadful

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What a pointless episode, completely nullifying a long storyarc that was present over several seasons.
This episode gave us nothing except another reminder that these series are nothing but bleakness

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How to write a script and look like a f***ing idiot? Easy:

Have characters shove loaded guns in each others faces in one scene, then make them kiss and make up in the next. Repeat. Repeat even more, and then once more for good measure!

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