I love the western theme not gonna lie. It’s really funny:joy: love seeing dwight too when I found out that his story continues on fear after he left the walking dead I was really happy cause I so badly wanted to know what happened to him

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Oh my god I love John:joy: he’s so bad*ss with guns

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Shout by Justmenat

Ok I’m sorry, but the longer I continue with the season, I’m just asking myself “why are they that stupid???” For instance, why waste all that ammo to get the walkers away from dwight’s car when they could have just honked their horn to draw the walkers away and let Dwight make a break for it. They could’ve regrouped just outside the town. Just lay on the horn and slowly reverse the car. Like come on. All that ammo gone.

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Wow lol they drive into a wood with nails and call Morgan and he drives to them.And they let the Wood lay there XD
And the double kill was so nice John is the best and only worth watching

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What a great idea to leave that plank with nails on the road!

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I never saw that coming

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Today's episode could be called The Quick and the Dead! I'm so funny

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It’s amazing that the gun cabinet wasn’t already broken into. And by amazing I mean unrealistic.

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WTactualF did I just watch here? What is happening? I’m so confused right now...

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Wonky stuff like this is better suited for Z-Nation and not for a show that - until recently - takes itself mostly serious.

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Dwighty Boy! My man it's so damn good to see him again!

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What the fuck are we headed for with this show?

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Fear of the walking dead is just full of surprises this season...

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:rotating_light::rotating_light: Pretentiousness alert: :rotating_light::rotating_light:
Yeah, ok, we know that it's (supposed to be) a western now, they don't need to make it so obvious..
They even brought Dr Ford from Westworld to play the saloon piano :joy: (ok joking, but when I see a piano, I assume that Dr Ford may be playing it)

The Morgan - Dwight meeting was nice and akward at the same time.
Also, the resolution to save everyone even if they don't want to, although noble, it is so stupid.

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"That's a San Antonio Split"...

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What a spoiler that screengrab is..

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