With any luck they kill of the stupid camcorder stuff. And the nonsense of leaving tapes at gas stations.

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Why am I still watching this snoozefest of a show? I guess I will stay til the end of this season and then I'm out.

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Fear The Smoking Dead. This episode was better, probably because most of the others were so bad. I liked the manuscript even less than the tapes. Stupid decisions are still being made.

The bad guy has the tapes. Oh my gosh..I don't care..

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Water on teargas...good luck you stupid POG it will burn as hell!

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So the driving force behind everything that happened in this episode was a... manuscript? :cry:
I'm so sad about this show, it began so strong and now it has become like a zombie wandering around with no purpose

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According to the title, this episode is dedicated to all fans of the first three seasons who haven't stopped watching series yet.

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A manuscript and a bunch of tapes... One would think there are more pressing matters in a zombie-apocalypse even if it has been going for a couple of years. I guess it's me and my inability to truly imagine being in a zombie apocalypse but... in what world is it logical to put things in a safe, boasting that's water-, shock-, fire- and whateverthefuckproof and then NOT CLOSE OR LOCK THE DAMN SAFE? Especially since you've been holding on to them for oh, idk, 5 seasons (she lived before she was in the show ok)

And then the whole thing about the manuscript...
And painting the tree blue with the hopeful (?) words "you're not gone till you're gone"... The hell is that supposed to be? Couldn't you be a tad more creative Alicia? What the hell does it even mean? You're not dead till you're dead? You didn't leave if you haven't left? What? Yay? Everything is better now! Super... Cu next week when the BIG BAD GUY has... THE TAPES such dread

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WTF did I just watch???

Is there a (rational) reason Alicia isn’t killing the dead? Did I miss an entire episode somewhere?

Why would Victor decide to basically dance around the walker in the tear gas until he can’t see?

Why would Wes kill the dude for a manuscript AND THEN NOT TAKE THE MANUSCRIPT?

And, finally, why does all their deep, self-explorational banter ALWAYS SOUND LIKE THE SAME THING?

This show is becoming increasingly difficult to watch. I may be in the minority, but I don’t find Morgan interesting whatsoever. His cryptic dialogue is beyond tired. Same same same. There are ZERO compelling arcs driving the story forward. Nothing is happening.

Rant over.

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So, the whole point of Wes' thing was ridiculous really... Also, what the hell is wrong with Alicia, is it because she got that maybe infected blood on her earlier ?
Also, I still don't understand why they can't share the petrol, like why would that be a problem, do they really need all of it ? Is it such a small operation.

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Just stupid and borring lol

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I didn't mind this episode. Probably mainly because Logan has something on Morgan and also found Al's tapes. She's clinging to much on them.

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