ENOUGH WITH THE TAPES!!!!!!!! (Kim) There's people that are dying!!

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Fear really does confuse me sometimes on where they are going with their storyline, I was bored for the first 20 minutes and then it did pick up.. there should be more people like Morgan in the real world.
The return of Daniel Salazars is a good move! Loved this character and he was very much missed last season... could maddison still be alive??? Do people stay dead anymore?

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damn, that was boring. the show can't just be about survival or good deeds....

they need to tell us what caused the zombie apocalypse and who's responsible!

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Here we go again, with the ridiculous and silly decitions...

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I love me some Maggie Grace, but homegirl needs to ditch the damn camera and tape obsession.

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Good thing that plan crashed @ 1min, otherwise that kiddo would have died. I mean, there was no way he could use his legs and run away....

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A very bland episode. It was fairly boring to watch minus a couple of good scenes, but this was possibly the weakest premiere episode they've had so far. I feel like all the characters are so dull, minus Alicia who continues to hold the entire show up for me. Hopefully it'll pick up a little more with episode two, but not much to get excited about here sadly.

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They are basically Suicide squad. After the last season of helping they are still helping it seems. I'm not saying it's wrong but they are doing it so carelessly it's just painful to watch. Radioing their whereabouts so openly, they might as well put signs up saying "come raid us, our hideout's right here". Honestly, at this point anyone of them dying just seems more like they had it coming. I don't know where the storyline is going but I'm already this far in so I'll just finish it I suppose. But watching this show I'm starting to hate their keyword "HELP"

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WHY am I still watching this in the hope it will get better?

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And its getting worse XD s1-3 where top

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Apparently this is an unpopular opinion but I loved this episode. I'll admit my bias - I came to start watching this show for Alycia Debnam-Carey after she was killed off The 100, but she continues to carry every episode on her back. I love her as the last Clark standing, I love her as a (the?) leader of the group, I love her as the teenage girl forced to grow up too fast and become a badass. John and June continue to be a highlight as well! I also was pretty excited to see Dylan - the actor was precious in his stint on American Horror Story Cult; I hope we'll see more of them. I think this was a fine season premiere and I'm excited to see where this season will take us.

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I'm not sure why I'm still watching this. I don't care about the characters and it's like watching paint dry.

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They should call it The Morgan Show or The New A-Team. The intro reminds me of that. Alicia needs a new better weapon. She can hardly swing it. Those bloody Prowlers. I wish someone would call them Zombies just once or twice.

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Alicia's killery scenes are my favorite scenes :D But pls enough with Daniel, he's so not important, no one cares about him and he's really not interesting character whether he's good or bad or neither (mostly bad)

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Morgan is such a selfish character. He’s gotten so many people killed & dragged others to help just to satisfy his needs. What a terrible person. In my opinion a true villain of the walking dead series.

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Boring start to what had become a boring show.

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Zombie Strike Team Z to the rescue! WE... ARE... HERE... TO HELP! strike an awesome group pose

Seems like we stumbled into some kind of... for the lack of a better example "Z-Team" that goes to the aid of people. At least that's how it looks and sounds in this episode. I kinda miss the Fear when things were pretty realistic and before the Walking Dead but then they did a timejump and it became much like the Walking Dead when it was getting bad. Since the last episodes of The Walking Dead were pretty good I wonder how fast they can turn this around.

I didn't dislike the episode, it just felt weird and cooky.

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It's so much better to video tape and radio out in the rain than in the car. Why would you do that in a car when your camera and you can get wet so easily. Al is one of the most dumb people. And can Morgan already die?

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Fiquei sem entender nada nesse final. lkkk

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