This was good episode, until the moment Alicia didn't kill Morgan. That was pathetic.

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no one's gone.... Until we see a walker bite on-screen. Can't help but think the writers are trying to pull a Glenn under the dumpster again.

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Shoot Morgan please. The most annoying TV character.

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That thing Althea did all season long, forcing people to tell her their stories, was so uncomfortable to watch.
Morgan back to breaking balls with the all life matters shit.
That group therapy session at the end was so cringy...
The kid got away with killing Nick...
I really didn't care about Madison's fate at the end.
This episode and generally this season so far was hard to watch and I don't like the show's new direction at all.

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50 minutes of detailing Morgan’s heroic downfall when the character had zero viewer investment built from a series that has been on life support from the get go with a rotating cast!

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no Nick, no Madison, no party

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Uhm, so... Madison is dead for good? Right? RIGHT? Oh god I hope she is... That character was poison for this show.
They should really consider ending Fear and just let Morgan bring the people to Ricks group.

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Mid-season finale: Zero fucks given

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And that's how our heroic Madison checked out! Sad...

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Still weird story telling now with all mixed up at first with the camera it was nice but no it get boring.
And madison iam sure she is alive never trust when u see nor corpse :D

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auhm finally the full plot explained, this episode is the end of a path started with "What's your story". This season is IMO the best so far of the entire show: better stories, better narration and most of all better direction and better photography (it really seems like a movie and not like a TV soap opera like previous seasons; imagine that we can finally see Alicia dirty and not perfect like if she was on a magazine cover all the time!!)
Of course there are things that could have been better but still I like the path they started with the season.. let's see if they'll be able to improve or not!

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This felt like a Jack and Rose and the door situation. They had Madison sacrifice herself for the rest of the group but it was in no way convincing that this was the only option.

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Overall it was a good episode. Felt a bit anti-climactic. I like that Morgan/Alicia scene. It was sweet.

I thought the blaze of glory part at the end was alright but it felt like the artsy dramatic extreme close ups (from TWD this season) a little bit. Felt weird and was actually boring me.

I love Madison and the originals. Love Morgan and John...pretty much everyone but Charlie.

I loved the beginning of this season but the rest was just...okay. Parts I like in every episode but I lose attention because I feel like nothing’s happening. I’m curious how this will play out but I feel like the entire franchise is running out of steam.

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