The final scene is heartbreaking and actually beautiful in a way. Nick was by far the best, maybe most complex character in this spinoff show I'm not sure he was the best one to kill off going forward. We haven't seen a proper send off death scene up to this point though.

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I do have to say I’m loving this season so far. It has more of a walking dead vibe to it, I guess that could also be because of Morgan, but I love it so far. The switches between the times and the different colors in them is amazing also. I know most shows/movies do that but it’s one of my favorite things when they do.

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Noooo:sob::sob: why did they have to kill nick off?!

He was one of the greatest characters on this show:sob:

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Shout by no:RE

what a terrible way to kill off a character… and one of the best ones for sure, nick shouldn’t have died, he had so much potential.

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Al is such a cool character, a little kinky too

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WTF!!! I never expected that at all! RIP Nick Clarke. Fantastic acting all around. Probably my favourite FTWD episode so far.

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what happend in the end, did not see that comming so fast

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Why Nick? He was the only decent character in this show. And was replaced by Morgan, one of the worst characters. I hate his cult of stick.

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If this show could stop killing off my favourite characters, that'd be great...

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He had it coming with his last kill morgan warned him still the girl is a little bitch who deserves to die now :(

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Congratulations, you just killed off the only character that made this show interesting! :D And such a fruitless death at that. At least they didn't do that to Carl. They should've just killed Nick off at the dam.

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So, I couldn't be more happy bc of the end. Never figured what how the hell he survived t this point. I somehow wonder if they didn't lose their mother at the Stadium... that would be even better. Will left Daniel as the last not interesting/without any logic character.
It's so strange that in TWD I struggle to like any of them, left with Judith who has not many scenes as well as Negan and Michonne who is strange after the ridiculous idea of the time change and in FTWD I like almost everyone, only pissed off from beginning to the end with Nick (I don't even have words to describe him), Momma the Senseless and Daniel (he could survive...?)The loving father/the first person who's gonna turn on you/sociopath in the making. I'm hoping for some more deaths/revealing of some deaths from the past.

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go drink in your ass

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I just don't get why they're all so much into that kid.

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I hate this show now. 1-3 was easily one of my top 5 shows of all time, besides "Quantico" Season 3 I've never seen a show take more of a nose dive than this show did. You kill off Nick, you kill off Madison. We STILL don't even know what happened at the dam!! Now the second half of this season only has 1 original character left, "Alicia" (who happens to be my least favorite). Know we find out that Lennie James + the new cast is taking over the show. IM DONE WITH THIS BULLSHIT! IT SHOULD BE CALLED "THE WALKING DEAD 2.0 - MORGAN LEFT THE ORIGINAL EDITION."

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Shout by ali nasser shshtri
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-07-07T06:56:04Z— updated 2018-10-26T00:03:48Z

that was not Cool poor kid he was awesome

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Why don't they take the radio from Charlie?

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Didn't expect anything TWD could actually be fun to watch for couple of years now, but here it is. This episode, as well as the two leading up to is, actually reminded me that TWD was once prime TV.

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Seriously they killed Nick? And in such a way too? There goes one of the best characters... But Mandy will stay alive till the end... They never gonna kill the "female Rick"... I think it's kind of a habbit killing all the good characters in the Walking Dead series...

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Finally he died!! Can't wait to see Madison's death as well.

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Well, I literally have no more reasons to watch this show. They were off to a good start, then kinda went downhill, Nick's character was carrying the story for me, and now this...

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Wow! That ending was brutal. Didn't see that coming! Just... Wow!

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Note to Self: In the world of The Walking Dead, NEVER stop to look at flowers.


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Shout by Jaysonsosweet

Wow.... Didn't expect that for sure... Looks like we already lost Madison, now Nick has fallen... Thats the price to pay to welcome Maggie Grace, Garrett Dilahunt and Lennie James? Man.... That's harsh....

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Well, I expected some flashback of Madison's death, as she has been absent all along, but instead - daaamn!

Did. Not. See. That. Coming.

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Rule #1 of TWD.....NEVER look at the flowers!

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Goddammit, and I was so looking forward to the Morgan / Nick banter Ah well...

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i can't believe they've killed the best character in the show!

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How could they survive from that flood and how could they find each other?!

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I loved Nick and Morgan's interactions here, they were the best thing in this show imo. I don't like what happened tho, I'm not a fan of killing off characters for plot continuation purposes. But it was amazingly executed, I didn't see that coming like at all! Oh my gosh! No! I didn't like him in the beginning, but he gradually became my favorite character of this show. So sad, he's now gone. Just like that. I sense a pattern here, is that what we're doing now writers? TWD and now here.. killing off main characters.. Kids are truly the worst..

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Another child competing for the "most hated child on television" title

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Children are truly the worst

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Good episode! I didn't see that coming.

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Really loving this season of this series. I skipped last season but this sort of restart they made this season is so far worth coming back. The ending was actually surprising though. I expected some characters to die this season due to the addition of Morgan, Al and John. But did not expect it so soon nor it to be one of the most supposedly central character of the show. Hope for a more interesting episodes ahead and darn that Charlie girl becoming evil at such a young age lol

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Shout by Sam Abdel Hamid
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-04-30T12:41:09Z— updated 2018-10-26T00:02:39Z

personally...I kinda dig it. That's what TV was missing for some time. whether we like it or not, some will die, and the more we get attached to a character the more interesting the killing will be.

personally I said.

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It was a great episode and finally something interesting in the franchise but the ending really ruined a lot of it. The character didn't have to be retired in such a cruel way, right after Morgan tried to show him the better way. Assuming there were reasons for the actor to no longer appear in the show, the creators could have just not cast him for this season and we'd think he had died or disappeared at the end of the previous one.

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Shout by Checkmate

With Morgan moving to the show, I really thought this show would begin to get better. Although still disappoint even though it could be so good. Killing off characters all the time before an emotional connection can even be formed.

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What a fucking way to end the episode. That death came out of no where. Sure tugged on some heart strings.

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i would like to see Rick and Nick together!!!
their names are so close also :D

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