Shout by Deleted

Soooo many plotholes and inconsistencies it's unbelievable.
Why does Alicia have to kill all of the people? Why is she a leader in the first place? At the end she leaves her family in the middle of the goddamn apocalypse and tries to "live on her own" in a world where everyone is constantly dying? Troy basically kills the whole ranch and is then back in the team? Troy starts out crazy and then is completely normal at the end of the episode? JAKE'S DEATH??? Nick basically killed him!? This show had so much potential..

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Why don't they just cancel this. So I don't have to watch anymore of this

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This was THE BEST episode of the series. Amazing performance by Alycia Debnam-Carey.

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Shout by Deleted

I have almost died of boredom...

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Wait... this wasn't the season finale? :O

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You'd think a prepper doomsday cult would test their bunker air flow once or twice ...

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I also hate that they decided to let Alicia charge. She’s a good leader I will give her that but she is only 18 years old. She didn’t deserve to have to be the one who put those people down. She didn’t deserve to have to deal with peoples fates. And she definitely does not need to be going out into that world on her own even if she is a good survivor.

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I feel so bad for Alicia :(

I really liked this episode tho because they were stuck in one of those dire situations where they didn’t have long until they would start dying. In most shows/movies they all end up surviving because they get saved at the last minute but this episode really shows the reality of what probably happens most of the time. No matter what they did and how hard they tried to give themselves more time, in the end it just wasn’t enough and almost all of them didn’t survive because of it.

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Wtf was going on? They're bitten=dead. So why this charade? My first instinct would be to check everyone if they're bitten when the hatch closed. That place was doomed from beginning. And don't make me start about Troy.

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Best episode so far Alicia is the best

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Shout by Simon

You have to be kidding me. A mass culling of cast followed by a separation of the main cast

The architects of this show sure aren’t worried about taking a chance!

So; how exactly did the walker end up blocking the airway. Unlikely surely?

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Alicia is really the only reason I'm still watching this show... She is the only likable character. Kinda the exact opposit from TWD, were we have so many likable characters...

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I would like to personally fight anyone who says that Alycia Debnam-Carey is not one of the best actors of her age. She continues to do nothing but impress with absurdly deft and nuanced performances.

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I commit to shows , if I watch one season I see it through but this has to be the most boring show I have ever watched. It is absolute horrid right now

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Poor baby Alicia, suffering from her mother's and brother's stupidities.
The old lady was more of a mother to her in those 10-15 minutes than Madison has been her whole life

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This episode really felt like you know TWD atmosphere. Long time no see, but there was tension

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Tonights episode was the culmination of some of the worst TV writing I've ever seen.

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