Shout by chair

Was that the first zombie-kid kill in the wd universe? Finally. Overall a slow episode, but I'm still hoping for some good stuff in the future.

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Father fixes the fence just to kill his family later. And his son makes a very irrational decision. Jup, TWD logic is back. Just waiting for the return of the ninja zombies now.

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This episode was like a mini story.

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aaaaand enter shitty humans plotting behind each other.

this is part of what made 'the walking dead' go downhill so much. the show stopped being about zombies and survival and started being more about humans plotting against each other, which is incredibly boring. it's of course important to highlight the struggles of an apocalypse, pitting people against each other for resources, etc. but this one was just kinda fucked up.

also, love those digitally edited in stars. (can you sense the sarcasm?)

please bring the zombies back.

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Chris dont look but he walks with him to the corpse of his mother lol

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Shout by Simon

Why? Why leave that poor kid behind... Thats cold :(

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A one-hour long episode feels like three hours.

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Shout by Si_Crazy

This was a good episode... Didn't make much sense that the father was fixing the fence just to ended up killing his family, but other than that I liked the story.
Gotta say that I felt sorry for the little boy that got stuck behind because of the stupid decision of his older brother

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Shout by Deleted

nice build up these two episodes were!

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so many racord errors in this last scene

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Pretty effed up, like the show is supposed to be. Nice one.

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After the maddeningly slow start of the show, I'm pleased with where the second season seems to be going.

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