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Fargo: Season 4

4x11 Storia Americana

It's like they hurried up to nicely tie everything up. Not enough good material to fill 11 episodes. And the characters were a bunch of clichés.

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Mildly amusing ending for one of the most average shows of 2020.

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Haha... That was hilarious! A little over half way through ep 11 where the whistling was playing and the montage of city scapes were being popping up, there's one building with a sign 'Cold Storage', however the editors forgot to block out the cell phone receivers... I nearly lost my mouthful of choc shake! Good episode by the way!

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"Storia Americana" is a terrible and rushed finale, ultimately proving what a waste of time this season was. While several main characters die in this finale, none of their deaths felt earned or well-executed. Loy Cannon's death scene was particularly hamfisted, in my opinion. Also, why was this finale less than 40 minutes? Not enough material for a complete conclusion? Quite odd, as this season has been infamous for dragging out scenes. On top of that, Oraetta turned out to be the most disappointing character in Fargo's history, ultimately feeling like a missed opportunity as her character was highly intriguing at the start. Honestly, this is a highly shallow season of television, made worse given it's not as intelligent or insightful as the writers most likely think it is.

Overall, a fittingly terrible conclusion to a terrible season of television.

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Phew, I'm glad I wasn't imagining things:

It looked like Rodney L. Jones III, who plays Satchel, grew taller during the break in production. Was it something you noticed? It feels like the story benefits from it.

Well, yes, I noticed. Even though we don’t say that time has passed between Episode 8, the black and white episode, and episode nine, time has clearly passed. It’s no longer winter. But I also felt like that opening montage of the war intimates time passing. But yeah, in July, when it looked like you’re actually going to be able to go back [into production], my first thought was that Rodney might have grown. He’s at that age. So they sent me a picture of him as he looks, and he’s clearly getting older. But I agree that it works. The fact that he left a boy and he came home almost a man is meaningful, cinematically.

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Although it is not at the height of seasons 1 and 2, especially, mainly due to some casting errors, it is a very remarkable season, in which there are those charismatic and very well built characters, such as Nurse Oraetta (Jessie Buckley) or Marshall Dick 'Deafy' Wickware (Timothy Olyphant), a certain air of "Miller's crossing" and anthological episodes like "East / West". It could be a good ending to the series, completing four great seasons.

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Shout by Ro

No rest for the wicked

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Wonder if the Covid delay shortcuts any planned plotting that needs to be fully filmed. So many stories that seem rushed throughout and not developed enough, including this short finale. And with more focus on Buckley, who's a scream throughout here (with that great line "Can you shoot him first so I can watch?"), it's borderline criminal that this season had sidelined such a perfect Fargo character like this.

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