RIP Simone. I liked her :(

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Brilliant ending. Loved the music.

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"Did You Do This? No, You Did It!" is a pretty decent set-up episode, a cool-down of sorts after the highlight that was last weeks episode. I particularly liked the opening montage, and Mike killing The Undertaker was a great moment. However, there are too many slow scenes in this one. I also didn't feel Simone Gerhardt's death had the appropriate emotional impact, given that she has been one of the weaker characters this season. On top of that, poor editing choices are still as prevalent as ever.

Overall, a decent set-up episode that should have been better.

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In the opening episode, I thought the feature song (Children of the Sun - Billy Thorpe) was actually (Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull) .. Similar opening tune. Well, I was pleastanly surprised to finally hear Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull in this episode!!

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hard to be simple in times of complication

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Simone totally didn't deserve to go out that way. I actually really liked her character. This was a fantastic episode, a lot of emotional moments. Beautifully done.

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Really great episode. I love all of the build up. Still can’t believe I slept on this show for so long.

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What a great show. Some caracters are so great. I mean Karl the lawyer for example is hilarious as he is annoying at the same time. Mr. Milligan dialog is great. Plus he has alot of potential of moving up, but downplays himself waiting for the right time to strike. Finally the suspense in these tete-a-tetes with Lou is just phenomenal. Great acting all in all.

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