Shouts about...

Extant 2014

Horrendous. Stupid plot, stupid lines, good actors being destroyed by a cheesy POS show. Sorry but I'm amazed that they renewed this for a second season. Crazy.

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This series has been cancelled.
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Just was canceled by CBS.

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I think it's theme and plot is amazing. Very good series and acting. However, even though the characters are deep enough for you to feel involved, sometimes they behave irrationally and take the most inexplicable decisions that lead them into trouble. At certain points you are looking at the screen wondering who in their sane mind would do that. Apart from that, awesome series. Really looking forward to season 2.
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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I like it, the 1st episode made me stick to the show, It's quite interesting and promising. Halle Berry is a brilliant actress!

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Bad, bad, bad show. I can't believe the bad job they did. The story itself sucks, the characters respond in unbelievable ways to what is going on, and it is impossible for the viewer to develop any insight into these characters. Go home Steven Spielberg, you're too old for this sh.

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A step above The Dome, which isn't saying much.

Made-for-Television, it's homogenized SciFi...

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After 3 episodes I'm still liking it. Feels like a crossover between 'Alien' and '2001'.

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excellent first episode

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excellent first episode

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Great first episode, kinda reminds me of Defying Gravity.

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Level "Entertaining" • 6 :heart: • You may or may not enjoy this.

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what the nasty .. ? it ended in a strange way! wasting my time..

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Starts out okayish but becomes quite unbearable because of Halle Berry's role whining all the time.

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Fantastic 1st season with great and deep questions about artificial and alien intelligence. You can think about this from a original perspective, comparated to the way they are usually addressed. The relashionship with Molly, John and Ethan is very well explored, how to build an Artificial Intelligence with ethical moral values from they own experience. Ethan really love their parents and this is essential to their moral development. I really loved that. But the 2nd season was wrong script decisions, good questions about cohexistence with human and alien intelligence, but I really don't like the way the things took. The question with Humanics is very cliche, everething is so predictable. After all, the 2nd season was just OK. I really don't want to see 3rd season after the choices of script on 2nd season. I mean... I don´t blame the productors for having ending the show on 2nd season. But 1st season is really, really BADASS!

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Season 2 is faster paced and way more entertaining, there were a couple of moments where the scenes are just glaringly out of character with the show but overall it was a lot of fun. Wonder if a season 3 could do any better.

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After a hard-to-watch 1st season, with a not-so-great plot (to say the least), I just watched the whole 2nd season. And this one is so much better than the first one. So if you get through the first season, don't give up hope, it's worth a trip!

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Sadly it went from being original in season 1, to being completely blend and predictable in season 2. For me it the experience is ruined when characters are not consistent and true to themselves. It takes you out of the experience and it's disappointing.

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This show had so much potential in its plot and played with some interesting themes through out the series. But I found that the series didn't make me feel emotionally invested therefore I didn't feel any tension.
I feel like the second season was even more boring than the first and had to resort to sex to keep viewers. If there is going to be a third, it'll most likely decline in quality. So I really hope this show gets cancelled.

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I have to agree with some of the comments about the plot but the fact that they drive all electric cars etc makes it feel kinda futuristic but not overly sci-fi. I mean that future is coming. It's just a matter of time and I really like the acting of the kid and father.

Btw, I know that maternal instinct is a real thing and some of my sisters felt like failures because they couldn't produce offspring but as a guy with no need for kids it's strange to see it influence the series so much. It actually turns me off so I have to lower the score because that is the most alien thing in this series to me :)

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It's very good so far, has great production values and shows us a future that isn't to far away or unbelievable such as electric cars, voice activated AI assistants. The storyline is interesting thus far, hope it keeps its momentum.
(via TV Blaze for WP)

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Im still interested what will happen in the next series but, i have to say that after a strong start of 2 or 3 episodes the story went thin. The whole part with the anti technology activist could have been scrapped, god what an awfull actor that guy is.

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Halle and Goran are acting quite annoying! When will this serie be exciting? Don't think I will be watching season 2 unless it gets better.

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I love love love this show!

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Well, don't know what to think about this show, but I kept watching. But why oh why is Halle Berry so annoying and bad acting? She's terrible.

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I don't know whether to watch or not

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Shout by Sean Donnahoe

Not sure where the show can even go after that season finale. I thought the story line was taking way too long to develop. The last episode was quite good though. Would have been nice if they caught Odin.

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Excellent season finale. Can't wait for the next season.

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Excellent season finale. Can't wait for the next season.

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Excellent season finale. Can't wait for the next season.

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I like SyFy shows always, this one sometimes goes weird, plot twists, argumente failures but anyway i will give a try and continue to see :) is always a better story than twilight!

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this show is just boring. i can see how they try to reveal the alien... but it is just too slow.

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This show turned to SHIT! ................. I's ok, not what I expected, but it keeps my attention- still, it's a pile of shit.

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Amazing series... It remember me

Lost for the novelty of the topic and the turns it takes...

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Shout by Saibagen


I agree, except for the "the fact that they continue to act like Ethan is a real child is just blowing my mind. He's a freaking robot." part of your statement- it's subjective.

He is an android and a child at the same time. We don't know what we, humanity, will think&do; in a 20-30 years from now. Our definition of life changes constantly with us showing affection and care for the things around us.(interactions that are oriented and organized in relation to the things around us). Ethan's programmed to live a human life and he fulfills his purpose the same way you fulfill yours; basic actions( eating, sleeping, surviving, analyzing and processing your envirnoment) and your puzzle-solving/pleasure/social actions( communication, imagination, creation). - to me it means he's alife. Sure, it's an artificial life, but still life.
But yea, it's all a matter of perception. ^..^
I could love an android the same way I love my family( including my animals). Nowadays elder people have problems with what's going on around us. The way things proceed in this world, people who don't go with the flow won't have it easy in the coming ages. ^^

PS: People beat the shit out of cops because their dog is missing... Ethan's certainly brighter than your dog, programmed to show affection and immitate love- I'd go as far as to argue wether Ethan's love is really fake. When we rip everything apart to get to the bottom of things we hit a wall beyond which ethics and morality does not matter- our love's probably the result of biology(chemical processes). Ethan is programmed to love, so he can show/love (to) you. Your dog does not love you- that's a fact. If I had to choose between my dog and Ethan I'd go with Ethan. Again, preception. ^^

But yea, the show is medicore- tho I've seen worse this season. smiles
I really wanted the show to succeed. When I saw that space ship in ep. 1 I was like "Oh, cool!" but ...
whatever. Kinda disappointed now that the first season's almost over.

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Well I've watched 8 ep. so far and... I like it, it's alright, I've read some of the comments from those that don't like it and I can see their points, but over all it and it has kept my attention, I'll continue to watch it, just to see what this baby looks like and what else it can do.

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not bad

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epically bad episode

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Noticing a lot of reviews here of people giving up on the show. I've been watching each week and I'm enjoying the mysterious storyline and themes. The script could use some tweaking and Molly's husband (John) always has the same surprised and frustrated look on his face. All in all, I give this a solid 8 out of 10 after the first eight episodes.

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Story isn't going anywhere even after 7 episode...won't watch of luck...

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I can't watch this anymore, boring a lot, sry Spilberg and Berry.

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Just watched the last episode that aired. This show is trash. I really liked it at first but the story and the character development is so poor that I no longer can watch it. The fact that they continue to act like Ethan is a real child is just blowing my mind. He's a freaking robot. It's like if it were 1998 and you believed your tamagotchi was a person. Why did Halle Berry even sign on to this? Terrible, I feel like Sogourney Weaver in Aliens and I want to eliminate all androids. Terrible, terrible, terrible, just terrible.

Again I say MACHINE. You can't hit a cop because your robot son is missing. Luka from ER is the worst character in this show. Why not just reprogram your robot son to do what you want?

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excellent first episode

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excellent first episode

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excellent first episode

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Ill give it a go!

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Весьма интригующе и качественно. Ждем продолжения

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Its Yes! Great new experience. Gonna hook to this.

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...The first time I saw this my thought was- oh, look, low budget sh*t.
Why? Our world inhabits Ad-monsters. There was little to NO advertising for this show!
Can you believe it? 2014- crappy adworld & no ads? Unbelieveable!

Anyways,yesterday I read " Steven Spielberg served as one of the executive producers" and decided to give it a try.
Too early to tell what it's gonna be like! It's a YES for now.

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I'm looking forward to it :)

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