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Evil 2019

The show is brilliant because the leads are smoking hot and want to bone like stray dogs but can't because of reasons. That tension, which I will call "the Pound-Town Struggle" for lack of any better word, is truly innovative in the world of primetime drama and elevates Evil amongst its peers.

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There are demons and other supernatural beings, sure, but I don't think this show was titled for that.
The real and true EVIL is represented by those four girls chaotically shrieking every time they get even a second of screen time.

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Not a christian like bible nancy down there :point_down_tone1:but a good opening episode for the show.

Watched 1st episode and curious to see how the series goes.
Hopefully not another “premier great, remainder crap” series.
Good actors and good premise. Hoping it develops well.

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It had a rocky start, but it does get better as it goes on.

It has some dark humour, which I actually like. It’s trying to be serious and silly at the same time. It wasn’t working for me at the beginning, but it’s definitely grown on me.

Earlier episodes were cheesy too, but again that settles as you get in to the program.

It’s actually far better than I expected.

Has a strong supernatural premise and religion, but it’s kind of tongue in cheek.

Really didn’t think I would like this, but glad I kept watching. Looking forward to the next season.

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This Show is complete nonsense. Watched the 3rd season for Work and daaaamn is it bad.

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Not bad first season, not great second season and a pretty rubbish third season.

And those kids! Give me strength!!!!!!

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season 1 was alright but showed signs of things to come. Season 2 ist just on another level.

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Most episodes I truly enjoy. Then occasionally there will be an episode with too many plot holes and tropes and suspensions of common sense to make the story not break into pieces. So I did some research and the Kings always bring in a third writer each episode. Every episode my wife and I have had to laugh at and shout “oh come on” had Aurin Squire as the third writer. I also noticed the small handful of episodes he helped write are some of the lowest rated on IMDb. I don’t know if he’s a friend of the Kings or what but his writing weakens the show. That and her annoying daughters are really my only criticisms of an otherwise great show.

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It leaves much to be desired, it has too fragile a narrative, many stories are left open, it sits on the fence as to the focus of the series, it starts in the real world trying to explain the surreal, but then sinks into fantasy. The characters are weak, they did not define Kristen well, they confused psychology with psychiatry (when they say that it is a medical opinion), their physiognomy and attitudes are too insecure. Leeland can be very disgusting, but at the same time he is silly. David is great and donkey. It has some suspense, some interesting scenes, sometimes a main character imposes itself, a story closes with that snap, but it is not enough to be considered a good series.

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Not religious, but this show is truly sinister.

I haven't seen the kinds of things that happen in this show since The Exorcist.

Speaking of which, nice touch with the doctor arriving at the home of the exorcism, nice spin on an iconic image of cinema.

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George scared the shit out of me !

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I'm conflicted about this series. It has good production value, fine actors giving good performances and a premise that will pique curiousities. But, I'm also a Christian who believes in evil, manifested. I also believe that we shouldn't play with things malignant. Evil is not to be trifled with, and, I believe the best way to steal its power is to starve it to death. So, my conflict: Watch this well done series? Or, walk away from my curiousity. For production value, alone, I give this series a 7 (good) out of 10. But, does that mean I would encourage people to watch it? [Supernatural Drama]

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Decent storyline with interesting characters and plot. It seems to be edited in a style that you normally don't see in a TV show, but that might just be me. Worth checking out.

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Like the idea of the show and have enjoyed the first few episodes. They do seem to go out of their way to include the daughters all squawking at once at least a few times per episode. I really hope that slows down a bit. I can barely stand it at this level, if it gets worse, this show will be off the list! Are they being annoying on purpose?

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Do yourself a favor and stop the show after season 1. Every character in this show becomes either blatantly ignorant, self-righteous, self-serving, or just down right unlikeable.

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I loved this show. E is for Elevator freaked me out. Ive just finished season 3 and cant wait for season 4. I actually had a nightmare last night after watching the final episode! Should have put a comedy on before falling asleep like a "buffer" but there you go lol. I thoroughly recommend it.

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If you are looking for a funny horror, or a scary comedy series, this is it!!!
I love this show. The characters are hilarious.

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Show just keeps getting better every season,keep it up.

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Such an awesome show. My wife and stumbled across season one, and loved it. We waited for season 2 and loved that one too. Now we are on season 3 and are loving it. It’s got it’s dark and creepy parts to it, but they do a great job at mixing in a little bit of comedy.

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I saw so much hype for this, I'm still waiting for it to get good...

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Thought this was going to be a decent show but as a Bible-believing Christian, I know all too well that evil exists and miracles happen. I've witnessed both. Hollywood can try to explain away and debunk everything spiritual, but they came too late to the party. And if my own faith and relationship with God weren't enough to turn this off, those screaming brats are. There's just too much to DISLIKE about this show for me to continue watching it. Started it twice, but let's face it: There's plenty of good shows out there to watch without putting this one at the top of the queue. This one goes in the trash bin.

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I tried to watch this before, didn’t work. Trying it again and now i’m hooked:joy:.

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Love this show,fingers crossed season 3 will be another trippy blast.

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The first season of this show was particularly scary! It got me tripping...

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Even though I love it on its own, I do think that the cloud of overlapping chattering voices that is Kristen's four daughters is the best thing about this show.

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It has potential... the story gets better as the show goes on.

I’m interested to see where they take season 2.

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Decent, and has potential, but ... the cliche that all young girls only communicate in screams and yells is obnoxious and WAY overplayed in this series.

That fact alone puts me on the fence about whether or not I'll be able to see it thru to the end... It hurts my head.

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Started well but seems to of faded a bit now, stories seem a little weak of late. It's one of those shows that has great potential, hoping it picks up, still watching and curious but needs more bite.

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