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Episodes 2011

Kathleen Rose Perkins steals season 4

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Hilarious show. Matt Le Blanc is excellent!

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Each episode keeps getting better. Fantastic show.

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For everyone who still doubts to see this show: JUST GO WATCH IT NOW. This show makes shows like Friends (I like this show), Two And a Half Men (I also like this show) or How I Met Your Mother (I like this show, like, alot, really) look nothing. Everything just fits right in each other. And though it's like there are different seasons, but the episodes just follow each other like nothing happend in the past year you waited on the next season. REALLY. GO WATCH IT.

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I really want to watch this series!

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i'm only on episode 5 but this show is really really good!!! i definitely recommend!

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Really good show. Sucks season 5 is the end of the show.

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Shout by Deleted

BRILLIANT !!!! Can't wait for next series .....there will be a next series, won't there?? X

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Une très bonne comédie de mœurs dans le Hollywood d'aujourd'hui, avec juste ce qu'il faut de "mise en abime" pour profiter du voyage...

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Quite a funny series. Didn't even know it was a thing even though it's almost 10 years old. I like the combination of British and American humour. A good start, slightly boring middle but the end turned out to be better again.
A bit disappointed Matt LeBlanc. His performance is basically being Joe…

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The show is written in a pretty clever way in the sense that it gets away with grotesque situations and characters. We all love Matt LeBlanc, and I think his role in Episodes is quite ballsy and clashes with the "Joey image". Still a very fun role, but he's clearly the star of the show. The rest of the cast, to me, failed to truly shine even though they had good scenes.
Overall the satirical show about Hollywood isn't that original and the season finales "twists" are expected from the start.

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Absolutely brilliant and hilarious, from start to finish. A satirical total take-down of Hollywood (in particular, the television industry) that doesn't forget the importance of having lovable, or at least interesting and well developed characters, as so many satires often do. Matt Le Blanc steals the show, and it's a surprise to me because even growing up watching "Friends" I never cared for him much. But his performance and the dynamic and chemistry between him and Sean and Beverly is unforgettable. Speaking of unforgettable, THE SERIES FINALE! I swear it almost made my head explode. Never saw it coming in a million years. Probably one of the most thought provoking meta final moments I've ever seen in a series.

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IMDB shows this as still airing. Season 5 premieres on May 5th.

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Shout by Alex

You should remove season 5 since the show got cancelled after season 4.

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Shout by Deleted


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if you search for episodes of Episodes does trakt explode?

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I wasn't really eagerly awaiting the season 2; but I gotta admit that Season 2 actually makes fun.

The main downside is the girl assistant character though, a bad and unfunny copy of the Parks & Rec assistant.

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