Dragon Ball Z Kai: Sagas (Japan BD)

Cell Saga 2010 - 2011

  • 2010-12-05T03:00:00Z on Fuji TV
  • 26m
  • 6 hours, 30 mins (15 episodes)
  • Japan
  • Japanese
  • Action, Adventure, Anime, Comedy, Fantasy, Science Fiction
Order by sagas for the Japanese release.

15 episodes

Goku and Gohan finally emerge from the Room of Spirit and Time. However, sensing Cell's current strength, he is still unsure as to whether he is able to defeat him in his current state.

The Cell Game is only a few days away, with Cell keeping his promise with Goku about not killing anyone before then. However, with the army taking matters into their own hands, Cell is forced to act accordingly.

With Kami and Piccolo having fused together, the Earth's dragon balls no longer exist. Knowing this, Goku travels to New Namek in search of someone to create new dragon balls.

The Cell Games finally begins. But as Goku and the others reach the fighting area, they realize another warrior is willing to join the fray going by the name of "Hercule."


4x11 Showdown! Cell vs. Goku!

Following the humiliating match of Hercule vs. Cell, the much anticipated battle has finally arrived: Goku vs. Cell.

Goku shows the fruits of his training, giving everything he has to fight Cell who wants nothing more than a good tournament between him and every willing fighter.

The match between Goku and Cell nears a close, Goku finishing it off with a surprising decision that may cost him dearly.

Goku makes the decision to forfeit his match, leaving the fate of the entire Earth to his reluctant son - Gohan, confident that he has surpassed everyone in strength, Cell included.

With some unexpected help from Mr. Satan, Artificial Human 16 is able to give Gohan the necessary push to transcend the Super Saiyan level that others before him failed to reach.

Having reached a new form of Super Saiyan, any hesitation to fight back has been removed, as Gohan holds nothing back to destroy the Cell Juniors.

Gohan, having absolutely no qualms over killing the Cell Juniors has moved on to Cell itself, willing to drag on the fight as long as possible if only to make Cell suffer that much more.

Cell has been driven to his breaking point, willing to detonate himself to destroy the rest of the planet. Gohan is at odds with himself as to what to do until his father steps in one last time to help.

Gohan can't help but feel helpless in front of the newly revitalized Cell. However, some words of encouragement from the heavens give Gohan the strength to fire one last kamehameha.

With Cell finally defeated, the fighters all part ways, closing this chapter in their lives.

After returning to the Earth of the future, Trunks reunites with Bulma, and talks about what happened in the past. Trunks prepares to head back into the past to tell everyone of his victory. However, there is still one more android to stop: Cell.
