Wow! This series has been a real great comeback, the two parters and cliffhangers are a real hark back to classic doctor who, and this two parter definitely had that classic feel.

And what a scene! We will talk about it for years, Capaldi could well have took the best doctor who scene ever with it, hairs on the back of my neck standing up just thinking of it again, absolutely sensational, for this to go out on remembrance weekend was no accident either.... fantastic writing and every actor in the scene deserves credit, Capaldi though was different class, one of the best doctor who episodes of all time!

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I really liked the showdown where Capaldi really showed off what an extraordinary actor he is.
He brought back some feels that I missed in the last few Doctor Who episodes.
I was disappointed by the first episode of this 2-parter but this one is really, really good.

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this episode finally showed me that Peter Capaldi could be the doctor. He finally created his own doctor persona. I only hope that this can continue on and he can develop this to be his own doctor. I finally starting to like Peter Capaldi as the doctor it stink in a season and a half but he's starting to really develop.

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The ending was amezing. i finaly have some hope for this tv show again :D

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I enjoyed this second episode is a lot more than the first half. I hope Osgood is in more episodes, I really like her character

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Finally, a truly epic Capaldi monologue.

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Okey, he made an epic monologue maybe but something still doesnt feel right..

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Well, I suppose Capaldi isn't the right actor for this role. I am watching the show for the sake of all previous episodes and seasons I watched. He still couldnt create his own way of doctor sadly..

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Ugh, another «the Doctor holds a crappy sappy 15 minute speech and all is magically resolved and all issues that had before been raised magically dissipate into thin air» ending. Great, just what the show needed. More plot holes than the episode had frames, too. And don't even get me started on the double Oswin representing peace or some bullshit side-plot and the «President of Earth» thing returning.

Especially disappointing because the first episode of this two-parter, despite all of its flaws, at least seemed somewhat promising. On the bright side, Jenna absolutely nailed playing an «evil» character, and Capaldi made the best out of the mess he was given.

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Shout by Deleted

Brilliant acting from Peter Capaldi, Jenna-Louise Coleman and Ingrid Oliver (Osgood). Best of the season so far if you ask me.

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It's a shame we can only get just a few GOOD minutes of Doctor Who now.

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