Since Peter took over as the Doctor, I've been waiting for him to really develop his doctor. I was liking him in FLATLINERS, and in TIME HEIST. was really liking how this story line was developing on this ZYGON INVASION. Really not liking the the SONIC SUNGLASSES. Unless you wear glasses all the time, I don't think there is a reason to put a sonic device in glasses. I want Peter's doctor to be more FANTASTIC.

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I've been waiting for this doctor to develop into a doctor that is his own individual. I find that Peter Capaldi is struggling. I really enjoyed time heist and Flatliners. I like where this episode is going it just doesn't feel like peter has made the doctor his own.

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Bit boring, but maybe I was just tired.

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The stand out moment of this episode is when a Zygon takes the form of a soldiers mother. While lurring him to his death. That was unbelievably creepy.

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Shout by AJ

Hey, remember when there were standalone episodes and we only had two-parters on special ocasions!? Geez, what's wrong with season 9!?? Only double episodes so far!

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Nothing special or fun about this episode. i miss the way Doctor who used to be :(

PS. Also some really flat acting after the 15 min mark.

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Shout by Ward

What is this utter ridiculousness about 20 million zygons living on earth? That is dumb. One of the dumbest decisions in the whole show.

Way to take weight away of Osgood's previous death.


There is no way 20 million Zygons would go unnoticed as they cloned humans. There is absolutely no way UNIT could keep this a secret.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

I like the rebel group talking about how they can't be their original appearance on the planet. But is that the only thing they're fighting for?

Why couldn't the doctor take them all to a more suitable planet?

Obvious immigration and terrorism allusions.

In reality, if humanity knew of these Zygons most of them would be wiped out, because that's just how humans are, and they see a threat in these alien zygons, especially since they can assume human form. Humanity wouldn't listen to any government intervention, there would be a systematic purge. Many governments would even go along with it.

I don't like this whole episode. Every dumb and nonsensical moment grated on my mind. And what's worse, is it's a two-parter.


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Once in a time "Doctor Who" was good. But this is generic shit.

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sometimes i think moffat is the reason of what's happening but then i remember how good 11's arc was. then i think maybe its twelve or peter capaldi but he's really magnificent! is it clara or jenna? i dont think so thEN WHATS THE PROBLEM? WHY DOESNT IT FEEL RIGHT?!!?!

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Shout by jane_lane
BlockedParent2016-04-12T10:29:11Z— updated 2019-01-18T22:23:50Z

Another meh episode. Significant themes developed in a very boring & simplistic way. The scene with the soldier and the mother at the church was really pathetic.

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Shout by posterchild

also evil clara looks fabulous and i really like her #fingerscrossed

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Shout by Deleted

Evil Clara/Bonnie was really awesome!!

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