What the hell is up with all the Clara hate in the comments? She was an amazing character and I will miss her badly.

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I cannot believe this... I actually cried. She was my favorite character
I guess I can never watch Game of Thrones again without hating Aria...

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Nooooo, such a meaningless end to such a meaningful character. Clara deserved so much more.

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And there she goes, the Impossible girl. We'll always remember you.

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Why all this hate for the girl, people?

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I guess i am happy with Amy and Rory being stuck in the past now...

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There is no way this can be happening! Why? Why? Why?

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Clara, noooo! That silent scream really hit me hard... Why did she have to die like this.. Wish they had found a way to keep her alive cause her story deserves a much better ending...

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the silent scream fucked me up

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I'm a bit conflicted about this episode because I never much liked Clara and I felt she especially didn't really fit together all that well with 12, but I had kind of gotten used to her I suppose. Also, at first I thought that way of dying was incredibly stupid and lacked gravitas, but after some thinking it almost feels like the right way to go for Clara: she was always very quick to take incredible risks just to help people, and she had gotten lucky way too many times already. She framed it as just a clever idea with no danger involved but I'm pretty sure she knew there was a real risk and she just wanted to reassure whats-his-face (after seeing his daughter especially) and was willing to die in his stead if things didn't work out in either case. At least I really, really hope that's what happened because otherwise it would just be so stupid of her that she honestly deserved to die.

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what's the point of anything anymore

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A decent enough episode and would have given it 7/10 but being it has Clara FINALLY killed off/leaving the show(hopefully there won't be a gimmick to bring her back one last time with the stasis machine or something other before the season ends) I have decided to give it an 8/10. Such an awful companion imho.

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Shout by Fil

Our prayers have been listened to. Behold, brothers, this Show might have a future after all. Fuck you very much Clara, thank you for nothing.

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I always liked the ravens, but now I love them !!!

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Really? I was not prepared for this

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Shout by yunki

you were so brave, clara

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AT LAST!! A GREAT EPISODE!! And Clara was finally killed off, or at least it seems to be the end of the worst companion I've EVER seen, so.. What's next? I'm looking forward to next week's episode, I want to know everything. I hope they (writers) don't disappoint me.

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Shout by vanilla_chief

The backhalf of the 9th episode is in my opinion better than the front half. The Zygon Inversion was clearly the highpoint. This episode is also very good. I liked how Ashilda turned in a kind of a bad guy. I really didn't expect that (or more like River Song, she will have a moral turn around and becomes an ally?). Claras "death" was in its self suspenseful but because she died so oft in the series over all it will have no meaning. I am so excited to find out who is behind all this. I hope it is not some standard Dalek etc. (Missy! pleases or some other Time Lord character. Vaneyards name was dropped in some discussions). This episode is 2nd after the Zygon Inversion so far in this season.

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Why does the Lancashire girl have to die? :'(

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I'm certainly not the biggest Clara fan but I really enjoyed this episode. She died believing she was doing the right thing, even though in the end it was a bit pointless, which is slightly annoying. I think it was a good send off with Rigsy being there too. Plus Maisie Williams really grew into the role of Me & was much more believable in this episode.

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What a disgustingly bad way to send off one of Doctor Who's best characters. I've been purposely selecting the highly rated/key episodes to watch and this show has STILL become a chore to get through. Sad!

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Coupl'a major logic holes:
Dr could'a said, "give it to me,"
Clara could'a called Ishilda out on her promise to protect her ("And that is absolute," was the quote),
The death sentence was imposed under a false pretense: no crime had been committed, thus it should've been possible to lift it no matter what.

Emotionally it was kind of heavy while Clara talked him down from going scorched universe, but after considering my points above it's just empty.

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