Wow that was absolutely
Amazing and
Matt Smith is
Truly magnificent as
The Doctor.
He's brought an energy
and excitement that
No one before him's done.
Amelia is Awesome as
The new companion
Definitely the best one
After Rose.
Rose will always be
The Queen of
Doctor Who, and will
Always remain at
number 1 as the absolute
Best ever companion,
She is Greatness
On A Different Level,
With Martha being
The most boring
Piss-poor companion.
But Amelia has definitely
Come right in as my
Second favourite and
The chemistry between her and The Doctor is
Off the charts.
I'm super excited for this
Seasons adventures
In Time and Space
And to see what this crack
In the fabric of reality is all about and what caused it.

"Bow ties are cool"

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One episode into the new season and I think these two are instantly my new favourite Doctor and companion. Great stuff.

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Shout by AJ

Hello, I'm the Doctor. Basically, run.

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"Why, what's tomorrow?"
Amy: "Oh, nothing."

Closing shot shows a wedding dress. :joy:

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I like Amy better than Rose and Donna. Martha is still my favorite though so far.

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I loved Rory at first sight (at least this time). 11 is just too wacky and blah for my liking... & I like wacky :confused:

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