Shout by DH 1

I’m speechless. RTDs run of Doctor Who and it’s spinoffs has been some of if not the best TV shows I’ve ever seen and the way he brings all of his work together in this episode is amazing!!

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Epic on a different level
This 2/3 episode was off the charts Awesome,
Holy-smokes, I nearly
Stroked out.
Everyone coming together
For a united stand against
The Doctors
greatest Nemesis.
Not just Everyone but there
Respected Spinoff Shows
This was an episode we have
Not seen anything like
Up until this point in the show.
And that reunion at the end
Well the hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I had
ChillBumps all over.
This episode was something
Very very special and proves
Without a shadow of a doubt why Russell T Davies
Was and is the best Showrunner this show ever had. The guys a frickin genius
And a master of his craft.
On a scale of 1-10 of how
Awesome this episode was
Well that's easy.....definitely
a 11.

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LMAO I love how Harriot Jones just has her ID in hand to show the Daleks when they bust into her house.

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Shout by ryan.s
BlockedParent2021-12-24T17:05:33Z— updated 2021-12-29T12:55:40Z

I wonder why can’t BBC have some nice soundtrack rather than these stupid ones.

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The Stolen Earth is the Doctor Who event: the first part of a culmination of everything Russell T. Davies has brought to the show. Big, loud, bombastic & ends with multiple cliffhangers on a sprawling, galaxy-wide scale where the heroes lose. Infinity War, only better.

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Am I the only one who cheers for the Dalek?
I get so pumped when the Dalek show up.

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