It's sad to say but Family of Blood has gone the way of Doomsday for me on rewatch. It's just impossible for to enjoy the way it was intended. When I look at this episode I do see a great performances from Tennant, I can appreciate the truly fresh central conflict that asks interesting questions about the Doctor. But I just can't love it like I feel I'm supposed to.

In the end you're supposed to feel a loss as the Doctor gives up a life of mundane joy and fulfilment for his lonely adventures as a Time Lord. But that moment is undercut by the fact that I don't like John Smith or his lady love Nurse Redford. Their clear and unrepentant racist treatment of Martha aggressively put me off the two and they never came back from it.

I still respect this episode. The Doctor's return was triumphant and his absolutely visous treatment of the Family of Blood was great to see. I even loved how Latimer's story was wrapped up. When I attempt to step away from my admittedly particular and uncomon biases can see the craft throughout this episode. But I just can't love it.

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It kind of annoys me when people say they don't like this two-parter because it's so racist... it is set in 1913 England of course it was racist! Sure this is a fantasy, sci-fi drama but these elements of realism are what make this series dark & gritty. It actually makes viewers think & ask questions, perhaps a kid watching this would ask why the Doctor is treating Martha this way which can open up a conversation about race & history, isn't that important?

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Shout by DH 1

Best two parter I’ve seen since beginning this show.

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-I'm John Smith. That's all I want to be, John Smith!
With his life and his job. And his love. Why can't I be John Smith?
Isn't he a good man?
-Yes, yes, he is.
-Why can't I stay?
-But we need the Doctor.
-And what am I, then? Nothing? I'm just a story.


-What exactly do you do for him? Why does he need you?
-Because he's lonely.


-Falling in love? That didn't even occur to him?
-Then what sort of man is that?


-The Time Lord has such adventures.
But he could never have a life like that.


-He didn't just make himself human, he made himself an idiot.
-Same thing, isn't it?

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This episode was pretty damn heavy!

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That was much better than I remembered, and a great way to give Tennant something to completely different to do.

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