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Doctor Who

Season 3

One of the best NuWho series, with an exceptional second half.

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An underrated new who season. Martha is criminally underrated as well. Deserves / deserved better.

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Weak first half, strong second half.

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I just can’t stand Martha as a companion, maybe if they hadn’t written her as the girl that is immediately in love and attached to the Doctor. He made it very clear from the beginning he lost Rose and Martha couldn’t respect it. Just makes me fume. So glad so only got one season.

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Sorta good first half
Really Great second half
As a hole nowhere near as Awesome because there was no Rose and Martha and her annoying mother and boring family just sucked any fun out of the adventures that would have been Amazing with
The Doctor, Rose and
The Captain.
Martha just wasn't that interesting and for the
First ever Black
Companion in Who
History she was just plain boring and definitely second best to Rose,
Just like The Doctor
All through this 3rd season
I LOVE And miss Rose terribly and yes Martha was just a rebound while
We Mourne the loss of
With that though
Really Great 3 part finish
And having
The Master back is
Frickin Awesome
And Captain Jack is
Just phenomenal
And once again
David Tennant
Knocked it out the
ball park.

So after the underwhelming
1 and done
Martha tryout
I hope it's not to long
That The Doctor is
On his own.
Super Stoked for the
4th season and what
Brand New Adventures



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