The preachiness is killing it for me. It’s better than the previous episodes but still overly long.

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This episode was amazing and actually made me cry at the end. Well done, writers.

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Love this episode but yet, the paradox, I seriously don't like unsolved paradoxes on this Series. Many writers did it, some light or some more weird paradox. This is not the top unsolved paradox, but I would feel more comfortable without. Visiting "your" gran do all that interaction, in other words, thing happened as she always new because of her "Yasmin". How grandmother doesn't know "Yasmin" was there in the past in a very important event of her life? #spoilers lol yet the episode its quite great, focus in some aspects and losing 1 lil tiny detail :P

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there's this one question I can't seem to answer. why were the aliens so aggressive in the beginning of the episode? if they're only there to accompany the dying then there's need to be so hostile.

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Best episode of the new season.

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loved this episode. this season is pretty good so far. Jodie is doing one hell of a job as the doctor.

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This one made me weep like a baby! It was a very good episode.

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watching historical lessons from Dr who is like watching porn for the sex education. But ignorant fcks won't know....would they?

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Heartbreaking... The best episode so far...

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Demons of the Punjab...or how I learned to stop worrying and love multiculturalism. ;)

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This season has been a major improvement in writing/ storytelling. I always thought it was odd how little the show would go and do actual historical events. This season, we've had two - awesome!

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an attempt to whiteness history by blaming Hindu for violence. revisionists. deeply offense. inaccurate. played down British role in driving the wedge as last revenge tactic for losing the crown prize of the empire, India. 1 star because can't give - infinity. am off dr. who. gave it a fair try this series but it's too political and not much entertainment. with latest episode its turned into pure white rascist propoganda tool to let British empire off the hook for their unpunished crimes and genocide.

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By far the best episode of the season. There is hope after all for this new season. Joddie was amazing, and Yaz finally got more time on screen. History part was great, as well as the villian plot twist.

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I enjoyed this episode a lot and made me realize Israel and Palestine was not the first time that British Empire made a massive mess, the fact that this is what led to the present is heartbreaking.

I also love how this episode villain turns out not to be the alien but instead bigotry and xenophobia. It's tragic and definitely by far best episode I've seen of this season. The speech that the boyfriend makes could very well be spoken in modern America.

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I thought it was pretty good. I liked the twist with the aliens. It furthered my already poor opinion on any flavor of religious zealotry. Finally, it had a heart crushing City on the Edge of Forever decision to be made.

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Definitely a good episode.
Not a fan of most historic Episodes.

But I did like how the Demons were in twisted roles. The former assasins who become the ones who honor the dead, no matter who or what they are or what they believe in, making them what we like to think of ourselves. And the humans on the other hand, who divide not only a country, but a people in two by force - behaving like, well demons.

So who really were the demons in this story, the ones who looked or the ones who acted the part?

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The Writing in this episode is SO GOOD! Better than Rosa. At first, I was not sure if I'm going to like it, then when the important thing has been explained—that what kept me glued to the screen. And very emotional episode too.

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