I wonder how Dexter is gonna get away this time. It has been the best episode so far.

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Chills literal chills, I'm so pumped for the finaleeee

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This feeling I have watching this episode brings back all the tension and shouting in my head that the original series got me in at this time of the season!

The crescendo of episode 9 of the original always had me rewatching a few times to try figure out, 'okay Dex, how you gonna get out of This?!' Needless to say this episode is no different because, 'reasons'. (not gonna spoil it for anyone).

I'll say it again, there better be more seasons coming up in this new series and it can't just end like Dexter's Righteous And Violent Ends of his targets.

There will be Dark Passengers bubbling up and out of few million viewers at least if there isn't a season two announced pretty soon...

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Opening was awesome. Dexter theme playing, a classic Miami's Dexter scene, dressed up in his all-green dark passenger suit, while he was telling Harrison about the code. Just perfect.

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They did went there! They confronted the fantasy aspect of rooting for serial-killer and justifying his gruesome actions by pretending that he is some vigilante. I love that they showed how disgusting and messy his process actually is. They talked about power trip. Focused on grooming. Props to original creator. Now I have faith that it is the proper end for Dexter. If not for his character, but romanization of his actions for sure.

Praise aside, I think the proof part with Matt's murder is bs. Even if another one of surgical steel would be found in the ruins of his house or on his property. It could be dismissed as planted there by Kurt. I'm pretty sure the one who would put end to it would be Harrison and not by killing him, but going as a witness and helping Angela.

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Finally some good writing! Pity that this was the penultimate episode. This should've been episode 2 or 3.

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That escalated quickly. Gosh, will he really get away again? Will he kill Angela like he killed Debra if push comes to shove? Can't wait for the season finale. But so far they made good on the disastrous final season of the original series. I hope Harrison turns him in.

And that trophy room is more impressive than the trophy rooms of Real Madrid and Bayern Munich combined.

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That was some helluva father/son bonding time lol. I thought Deb was was fantastic in this episode. Just not being over the top and pleading with Dexter the whole episode not to tell H he kills his victims. And I think I’m one way or the other, Harrison will be the downfall of Dexter.

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Loved the old school Dexter flashback. The aspect ratio changes really added something to it.

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As good as any episode of Dexter, ever. A real love letter to why the series was so amazing. This revival has been top class, and has washed away the mess of the last season. Provided they don't botch the landing (there's precedent for that), this will have been a major success.

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Harrison - hey fuck-o
Kurt grabs his gun
Dex drugs him
this scene gave me an adrenaline rush.

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After this episode I don't see the kid becoming a killer. He's disqusted by Dexter's actions. Just like Harrison Sr. was

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Superb episode. I shall not whine about the show ending so fast after being resurrected... I'll cross my fingers for the creators to have a change of heart or for the internet to take some action :grin:

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Either Dexter or the Sheriff will die in the finale. I would say it depends on whether Michael C Hall wants to keep playing the character or this is it for him.

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That’s some helluva father/son bonding time :laughing: Good episode. Excited for the finale

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Another great episode. Excited to see how the season finale plays out.

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This rebirth of Dexter is solidly better than the original series from the way it's shot to the story to even details as silly as the credits. Last week I thought this series may have peaked, now this episode dropped and I feel like it was better than the last one, so I'm solidly on board at this point and can't wait to see how this season ends next week.

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Anybody else worried Dexter will be the first to go on Harrisons table???

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Shout by Marc Friedolin

I really hoped Molly would stay around longer - she was the character I actually enjoyed most and hoped would survive.

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The best line All season...
Deb: ""You absolutely can't tell Harrison about your sick-ass ritual". Lmao

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damn i got chills ... It was hard seeing his sun watching that... but that motherfucker on the table deserves it.

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