Really wanna give it less than the minimum 1 star. This was atrocious. How ironic the whole intent of this series was to fix the “ending” and wound up being far worse than the original finale. This was gut wrenching, not because of anything happening on screen, but because of how ill conceived and unprepared this whole thing felt. The entire season was a letdown but this finale was the nail in the coffin. Goodbye Dexter Morgan, you deserved better.

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Why is it so easy for Angela to find evidence? Very weak & unoriginal writing.

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Now the other half of the internet gets to be disappointed and furious. Let the feud begin!

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lol, this is worse than original ending. It's like they were going for season 2 and then halfway through the shooting of last episode it got cancelled so they finished the entire story in 20 mins.

Why would Dexter kill Logan when Angela's theory for him to be BHB rested on finding some needle marks and ketamine on some junkies. And he could've claimed Kurt set him up because he found Kurt's bunker. This makes no sense.

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Don't worry guys, they'll get it right the third time!

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As others have said, rushed ending.

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My only comment is this: Meh....

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Original Dexter was known for a long time to be the series with the dumbest finale ever.
Now they have surpassed their own previous achievement. Nobody could beat them for a dumb finale any time soon!
Otherwise, that finale made the whole series pointless.
Why did you need to reboot Dexter? So that you could kill him? Because you missed killing him on the boat in the middle of the severe storm so that you are able to create that bullshit sequel just to kill him in the most idiotic way assumed.
There was no need for that! You should have let him die in the storm. Or in the countryside, eating burgers, getting fat and eventually die from a heart attack.
And now what? Will create a new series about Dexter's son? Don't even try to make me watch that.

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"let's make a reboot just to fucc it up for the 2nd time"

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Really? He killed dexter for nothing. I wanted to see more of the real dexter, with killings and getting away with it. Not being killed by a brat.

This series had room for so much more and they ruined a second time. Damn, that's dumb.

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Dex will surely be missed....

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Noooooo. I so so hoped Batista and Dexter would get their confrontation... Although glad we got this season, I was actually more satisfied with the ending of the original series. It didn't leave me high and dry like this one did...

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OK, when is the first season "Harrison" starting?

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The 2nd half of this episode felt rushed. They should have added 1 more episode or maybe another 30 minutes to this one to finish some things off.

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"Dexter: New Blood showrunner and screenwriter Clyde Phillips teased in a new interview that the finale of the continuation series will "blow up the internet" when it airs." "It is, I personally think, the best thing I've written."
A lot of things in this episode doesn't make sense also I don't mind killing Dex at the end but serving very dissapointing ending TWICE, wow what an achievement... They make fool out of me, again. What now? Season two and Dex will be a ghost, like Harry? Please, don't.

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Shout by Keldian
BlockedParent2022-01-10T01:53:00Z— updated 2022-12-18T19:54:05Z

The writing this season has been as sloppy as "Jim" has. Angela keeps finding needles in haystacks—this time around, the one surgical screw that was in the cabin. Curiously not buried under ash and other rubble, it just happens to catch her eye while she casually strolls through the wreckage and chats with her partner.

Later in what is arguably the most baffling leap in logic seen in the show, she smugly pulls out the screw like it's supposed to incriminate Dexter further than what she already knows. What was her theory here? He kills Matt, burns the body, waits for the incinerator to cool down, takes a screw back home as a souvenir (implying he would have known they don't melt), and leaves the rest of the screws for someone to find? From her point of view there would be no reason for the screw to have ended up in his cabin unless someone was framing him. Come on, Ange, you're better than this.

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i’m so fucking angry. i refuse to believe it. NO!

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Even worse than original finale.

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Very frustrating, frustratingly frustrating.
Dexter, being a Blood spatter and forensics dude would have known about pins and they have their own serial number, hell, even I know that, and I know and Dex would have known that and seen the scar as an indicator that Matt had surgery while doing his slicing and dicing. And every man and dog knows these are made of titanium and don't melt.

I don't know... I'm pretty disappointed at the moment and not sure about the whole lot now.

Then the second Cameo... what the hell was that all for?
Yep, disappointed.

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nothing like his father huh? just shot dead for no reason. the show was good until the ending. just let dexter run to cali and start a new season!!!!! dumb writer.

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The whole season was a solid 6/10. But finale was rushed and mediocre at best, A solid 3/10. I don't mind Harrison killing Dexter. But their encounter and conversation was so off and bizarre. The only character that was properly utilized was Angela.

P. S. : I can understand Dexter's willingness to die for his son. But I couldn't see the need for harrison to kill Dexter. Just my personal opinion.

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Why did they even bother showing Batista again?

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I'm satisfied. It gave everyone some much deserved closure.

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I don't mind Dexter dying. I actually wanted the last image to be of him sitting on the electric chair. Dexter Morgan, like Tony Soprano and Walter White, is a man responsible for the death of innocent people and he should pay for his crimes.
Though, it's not logical his son shot him. I don't buy it.

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Well... the plusside to this is that it makes the original ending much better.

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Nobel prize in bad endings.

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What another spectacular. The second time was definitely not a charm. This ending was terrible!

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You can tell they tried a different approach and there's now some sort of "poetic justice" attached to this ending, which failed to convince me, as the sheer amount of frustration derived from it completely obfuscated said ending. As a whole, this felt like a rushed, not adequately pondered and not that well written episode, and it definitely was not a good wrap-up to the series. It did bring closure, but at the cost of unwelcomed dissatisfaction, at least for me.

I continue to stand by what I said in this season's premiere: I enjoyed the original ending. If there's one thing this ending shows is that the original one was the right fit for the series.

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A show notorious for an awful ending comes back from the dead and has an even worse second ending. I need to rewatch the old seasons to wash the taste of awful out of my mouth.

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I've read a lot of negative opinion on this finale and I guess everyone's entitled to those opinions but I have to disagree. I think the ending was good as it makes sense that Dexter's journey came to an end. And at least this gives Dexter the proper closure he didn't get before.

The main thing I'm disappointed with in this final episode is Batista. His appearance is almost pointless, I mean ok it served a purpose of providing Angela confirmation on Dexter but I think this would've been far more rewarding having Batista actually get to Iron Heights and confront/face Dexter. Ah well though, I've enjoyed this return to this great character.

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Perfectly ended. Beautiful. This was just how it had to be, no two ways about it.

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WOW what a f ending ... lol alone Harrison goes away like a normal person wtf xD
And killing his father y why not...
Soon he will be a real killer...

After all ... the season was not worth it alone the Father & Son bond was weird AF

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So in other words, they repeated the same mistake as the original show? Great show, just ignore the last 30 minutes or so.

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What has happened in the finale is not the problem. The problem is how it happened.

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I'm seeing a lot of hate for this ending. I thought it was fantastic, other than the fact we lose one of the best television characters in recent memory - a tough but necessary pill to swallow.

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Perfect ending that Dexter deserved. Bring on Harrison Morgan: First Blood.

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I was at the edge of my seat thinking how could someone end the show when there is only 25 minutes left with so much to unwrap.
I would not call it a perfect ending but I think it was bound to happen this way. like poetry.

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I don't know what to feel... wow

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Minute 46:36... pause... I don't think I'll like how this ends. Should I continue or just stop here and call it a bad dream? Maybe snap my fingers and forget this season ever happened? Man up... complete the episode and deal with it later. God damn it!

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Nooooo no no no no no! Then I rather have the previous ending... NO! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob: for real... I've been a Dexter fan for so long... This ending hurts so much... It really feels like I lost someone dear to me right now... Damn this is painful! :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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Didn’t see that coming in all honesty, feels like a lame way to end the legacy of Dexter Morgan

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I should have been ready for this, but I wasn't.

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Liked the season overall. Just liked.

Could see ending coming a mile away no matter how hard they tried to distract the audience (Batista should just be named SGT. McGuffin). Father of the year tho, that kid would have started running with wrong crowd had he not blew his father away and watched him die. Did I see a smile on Harrison’s face while he was driving off into the sunset? “Finally normal”.

I hope Audrey’s preg lol

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I don’t understand the hate this episode is getting, I think it was -especially the ending is a masterpiece

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Debra pulling away her hand was cold.

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They should have ended this with Dexter being the first one on Harrison's table for killing coach.

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So much tension i love dexter

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weird ending but i kinda had a feeling they were gonna do this. but man if this is the finale of it all, then what a ride. and if it isn't.. the start of something new.

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They were really killin' it all season. Really liked the large letters during the closing credits -- reminded me of old school murder mystery novel covers.

That was one horribly sad ending...and, more than a little fucked up he'd push it to that extreme, even if that gave H his needed closure.

I'm so glad Ang got to find C's give her her needed closure.

Of course Harrison's final analysis was correct -- the future victims saved by Dexter's dark vengeance didn't enter into his calculus. Which, in part, made this ending much more emotionally satisfying. Of couse, that unsent (?) letter to Hanna clinched the closing.

Just really well done...really killed it (I'm still fucking crying though).

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nice, they gave us an even worse ending than before. at least i could imagine dexter livin life in the oregon forest before smh

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absolutely terrible ending... it has no sense what Harrison did.. no sense at all, he wanted to be normal and would you feel normal killing your dad?! they really wanted to put an end but I'm the worst way possible.

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Better than the original ending, but at what cost? Just about ten hours of your life.

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It's a jaw-dropping end for Dexter Morgan.
A way better finale than the previous series.
A worthy ending I can say, although I wasn't expecting it.

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I can see season 2 coming, with Harrison killing and Dexter as his Dark Passenger....

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It took a decade, but this is the ending Dexter needed.

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An actual closure. I liked it. Would it be cool to have another season since the show is good now? Yeah. But maybe it's best not to risk it again. These fuckers really have a tendency to overextend shows until they're terrible.

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Not bad. Not bad at all. One solid point as a bonus from me for having guts to end on a definitive note.

There were some hiccups. Pacing overall was a bit off. I don't understand the reason for showing Angela being so sure that she has solid proof when in reality it would take zero brain power to first suspect a person that gave you most of the screws and steel in the first place. Footage had more promise honestly. But oh well.

As for proof for being the Bay harbor butcher that part worked way better for me. And his desperate and hypocritical actions RIP Logan. I love that it was the showdown between two thematically appropriate counterparts in the end. I would honestly prefer more legal way of dealing with it. Although lying and getting away with murder is part of the show works for the series too. And in the end with the letter it did felt like a proper end overall. Without any promise for more seasons from a certain character not from the title.

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His last sorry at the end of his life
It’s like he is saying it for everyone who watched this season :”|

There are no dexter in this Dexternewblood thing

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:thinking:After that season FINALE, who’s ready for season two? :rofl::joy::joy::joy::joy: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
It did say finale. So let’s think about it for a second. Without spoilers for those who seen it, think about what cold weather and snow can do to a body laying there bleeding:thinking:. To die or not to die that will be the question for season two, if they planned season two that is.

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:eyes::eyes::eyes:poggggg they said “season finale”

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I needed a day to sit with the ending before I commented. Was I upset with the final episode? Absolutely. But it wasn't necessarily because Dexter died. Much like the prior season, it was due to the complete break in the series and the characters.

The beginning of the episode played out alright. And then it quickly spiraled after he was arrested. And this is the point where it seemed as though the writers painted themselves into a corner. They saw where they wanted to go, but didn't have a clean exit strategy. It wasn't so much Dexter's character that devolved, but everyone around hhim.For instance, Coach breaking protocol with the bottle of water? Now, I can see that happening when he was first brought in and didn't know the charges. Not after. And having the police chief run around like an idiot was just silly. And the ending with Harrison driving off into the sunset after killing his father? Lame.

But maybe it's just me :-)

Despite all of that, this was a much better season and I am sad to see it end.

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what an ending... I preferred the storm to this, I hope that in some not too distant future someone will say that this is not canon and give our anti hero a worthy ending.

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Oh Dexter! I am gonna miss you

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I found it difficult to like the Harrison character throughout the series. Even so, the ending made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

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Ending seemed rushed. Thought for sure they were going to leave room for a second season. I can't believe he killed the coach. That one felt wrong

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After such a strong season they end it like that? Some wannabe poetic ending? I suppose we should agree with Harrison objectively. Dexter has definitely had collateral damage along the way but dammit, we loved him anyway.
Maybe they needed to keep the ending closed so it could be a one season mini series? God knows I don't care one iota about Harrison. Certainly not enough to watch him as a lead. Even if they do a hokey ghost Dexter.

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There’s 10 hours I’m not getting back. I’m refusing to call this series cannon

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That's the right way to do it . now next series to punish Harrison.

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For the most part, I think Dexter New Blood redeemed the piss-poor ending Dexter received. The ending was pretty predictable, but maybe that's just because it was inevitable. Surely few people wanted to see Dexter die, but the murder of Logan really solidified his fate, and I'm not sure there could be a different ending to the tale of a vigilante serial killer.

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WTF? I wish Dexter had killed the writers of this episode.

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I guess we're not getting a season two! That was an absolutely horrendous ending. You couldn't have made it any more worse if that was your intent. too bad it would have been nice to see more of the show.

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Well that sucked. Didn't care for the ending at all.

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Angela such a good detective, she can easily find everything the writers hid from her. That said google helped her too.

I don't mind the ending but I find how we got there stupid. Angela insta connects the right dots with help from the gods and Dexter killing the other police officer so his son can easily shoot him. How considerate.

Would also be nice if they showed the aftermath.

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I think it was for the best. Defo just a one off special then.

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I mean it was an okay final and I enjoyed the season as a whole. However, I was really looking forward to Batista confronting Dexter because that would have been a really cool moment so I was disappointed when it never came. I feel like this season could have been so much better than it was.

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I loved this season. I was not expecting it to be this good at all. In fact, we tried to start a Dexter re-watch and found ourselves not liking it much. Somehow this new season captured what was special about the first seasons and updated it to be relevant. I loved how the new episodes dropped on Sunday and it gave me really old vibes of how it used to air on Sundays in the mid 00s.

Sad to see it over - felt they could have easily told this story over 2 10 episode seasons. But what a joy compared to the old ending. Good Bye Dexter - one of my favourite shows of all time finally got a nice send off.

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I don't see a season 2 in this. It would be too predictable and may as well watch 'Mr Ed' (for those young'n here it was a sitcom where the focal guy had a talking horse).

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Shout by Zaramoth

A controversial ending that I'm sure will receive a lot of hate, but I personally loved it.
Dexter has broken down, mentally and physically throughout New Blood, and his son was his final hope of gaining happiness or the prospect of a happy life. But acknowledging that he deserved to die for the betterment of Harrison is the most noble thing he could have done, and it almost brought a tear to my eye. love it or hate it. But some of the best ones often are. It will be studied and analysed for years to come, and I hope people who dislike it so much may come to like it more someday.
Farewell to an amazing show, and an amazing character.

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Most stupid finale I've ever seen

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Shout by agneev

Another terrible finale. Clyde Phillips can suck it.

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You guys are overreacting. It was way better than the last ending.
Of course it could have been better but it wasnt that bad.

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Worst ending ever on tv ...

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Should have never watched it.

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sadly i expected that ending .. i wish i been wrong i was more interested to see Dexter walk with some genius idea. it's fine i can accept this one because the whole 10 episodes done perfectly.

good bye our hero RIP.

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Devastated :tired_face:

Hope writers/ MCH bring us something new to watch just as enthralling as the Dexter series.

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It was the only way out, for both of them. C’est la vie.

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SEASON TEN???!! God I'm glad I stopped watching 6 years ago. The meme was a good notice to stop.

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Took a couple of minutes to take some breathe before I left a review saying something like “I’m so f:asterisk_symbol:cking upset about the season finale” but man… if Angela love her job so bad, even more than her relationship, why the f:asterisk_symbol:ck would her let Harrison go away just like that; what a double morale/standards for the “good chief of police”.
On the other hand, Dexter may planned this carefully, after all, who sent that envelope containing the titanium screws to Angela?, don’t forget he went to Kurt’s office where apparently, he did not find anything. Or at least, yet we haven’t seen that scene…
Anyways, they gave us an even more f:asterisk_symbol:cked up Dexter Morgan then the one we saw back on 2013.

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