I didn't know the acting and stories could get any worse but this is pure detritus on the screen, I sincerely hope this show is scrapped asap!!

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This is getting too stupid for me

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The poor alien lol.... He could have been a powerful ally. And good thing Garrys dinner didn't end up being good guys.

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So sad to see a quarantine episode, like an event that is supposed to be widely popular, but there are only 15 people in front of the building (with counting security) and the audience is just a big zoom call. This was also the first time I felt Zari to be too heavy for the show, like I know she's a fan favourite, I like her too, but she was a bit forced. I wouldn't mind a Nate centric episode, that guy is stuck in full supporting role for quite sometime now.

When Mick realized he and Sara are the only ones left from the original crew.. I know Dominic Purcell is leaving by next season, but separating Sara away from the team also starting to feel like they are experimenting how the rest of the team does without her... which worked well for the previous 2 episodes, but this one was a bit meh.

Also: I'm not sure if the little alien was an easter egg or not, but it definitely looked like a mixture of baby Yoda and BEEBO.

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The new character, Cruz, is annoying as fuck. Poor poor poor choice for a character.

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The "Action"-Sequences are getting dumber each episode. Don't get me started on their "superpowers", especially Nate's... Seriously, in the fight scene against this stupid cosplay-robot from Disneyland the actors actually look bored. Like they don't care anymore. It's so obvious... Please let Season 7 be the last season. Let them keep the last bit of their dignity...

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What even did I watch? Honestly, so ridiculous and yet... fun? I actually like Zari and John as a couple even though I still miss the old Zari (I will continue to mention it... yes). The singing though... so cringey.

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Holy Smokes. Matt Ryan. Nothing more needs to be said

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Dammit, Mick! Lord K. would have been a wonderful addition to the ship's crew. But you're my favourite character, so I forgive you.

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What the fuck did I just watch. This has gone down like Flash & Supergirl.

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This show has just gotten so BAD. It feels like it's just going downhill at mach 1 and will crash and burn anytime now. It was an OK run, time to cancel it in my opinion. I'm finished with it, lol.

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Such a funny episode - this is a show that I only enjoy a ton watching with my wife. I guess it's a social show. I don't think I'd watch it anymore by myself but it's a hoot in our family.

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I wanted people to shoot me through the head while I was watching this.

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Well. I think that DC Legends is also on the way out. Guess with only Rory and Sara Lance being the only original members left, the show seems to have lost most of the charm as well. They should not have removed Brandon Routh.

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This one was already doomed with me from the start because of the concept of the episode, but then they went and made sure that there wasn't a single ounce of the usual charm to be found. And only one funny moment, as well - - when Rory, um, stepped in. Of course, it was also an extremely stupid moment, as was pretty much everything that he did in this one. Just a pathetic outing, and a rare and massive misfire. Have there been major changes in the writing staff this season?

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