Nice seeing that brief cameo-moment of original-timeline Zari. I hope we get to see more of she who was the center of one of the best time-loop episodes ever.

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This season isn't starting out too strongly, but that bug zapper is an instant classic.

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I know Godzilla's roar when I hear it

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So Behrad thinks he's a wizardly fry-cook on the level of such greats as Spongebob Squarepants and Odd Thomas? Hah. Likely story. ;-)

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Fun episode, super weird but fun. Seeing OG Zari makes me sad, I keep wishing the writers will bring her back and ditch Zari 2.0... although I have to admit that in this episode I did enjoy the little feud between her and Behrad.... Also I thought I was going to miss the bromance between Nate and Ray but Behrad is such a great addition to the team and he replaces Ray quite nicely.
Not really liking the vibe that Ava is bringing this season thus far... I mean I get that she's pissed and emotional about Sara's disappearance but I don't appreciate the attitude she is serving, especially to the new girl Spooner (ridiculous name, like her though).

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