Of all the people to depart the waverider, this one was the saddest. Going to miss you, Ray. I hope we see him and Nora again.

Brandon Routh did a fantastic job with Ray Palmer.

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Brandon Routh was the heart of this show. A lighthouse of optimist and charm that easily stood out among his peers. I feel lucky to have been able to witness the one and only Ray Palmer since the Arrow days. After the ending of that show, the Arrowverse seems once more, emptier. This time due to Routh’s absence.

Overall, this episode is far from perfect and often feels like a completely missed opportunity to give Ray and Nora a proper goodbye. For instance, we spend more time worried about Nate’s reaction and feelings rather than the characters that are about to leave (seriously, this is not about you Nate). Moreover, notice how Ray and Mick barely acknowledge one another and he and Sara only get a mere 45 seconds scene... They have been there since the beginning, the writers could have tried a little harder. And if you’re gonna thank someone and honour them, why not do it while their onscreen instead of waiting till they leave? I just kept spotting all these gaps and is quite frustrating.

Nevertheless, it was a decent episode. Even if it’s just because of Ray. Farewell, big guy!

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Favourite bit was when Sarah was drunk and slurring her words! Oh boy

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Con: The whole cause of the secondary Shakespeare emergency was the Legends being, as Damien always called them, idiots. (I mean real true you-guys-know-better-than-that idiots.)

Pro: Almost everything else, in classic wacky-Legends style.

And then, of the Original Legends, there were two...

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Lol "You guys are being replaced by Riverdale!" best line ever!!

Brandon is a f*cking brilliant actor to portray Ray Palmer!!!
I f*ckin' love all these idiots!!!!
Although I am going to miss Ray very much, he's my favorite character ever since first appearance on Arrow!
I'm going to miss Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford!!!

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Tear-jerker. Not the best episode but tore me up. We will miss Superman and Nora.

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Remember when Ray wasn't a blumbering idiot? Remember when this show wasn't a farce? Remember Constantine being gritty? Remember Ripp Hunter?

I do...

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