Lmaooo the BREXIT! spell killed me :joy:

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Such a fun and funny episode.

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That was a fun episode. Legends of tomorrow is different from the others lol.

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One of the most fun episodes this show as ever graced us with. Also, the whole family reunion and the friendship theme that seeped throughout the episode in a crescendo until the end, giving it some emotional depth besides just the giggles, made this whole thing go up another notch.
Damien has always been my favourite LoT villain and I will definitely miss him. Still, it was so much fun to see him out of his usual evil character.
This ranks as one of my top favourite episodes from this show.

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To be honest, I have mixed feelings about this episode.
I can’t stand Damien Darhk. I believe the Arrowverse, overall, grew past the need to have Darhk on screen, the writers milked his character enough already.

However, I can let that go once taking into consideration, the circumstances he is brought in. Ray and Nora are easily my favourite characters on this show. It hurts knowing that soon they will be gone, yet it’s so heartwarming to see them getting married (especially because I didn’t think it would actually happen!).

This episode is also dumb, fun and has muppets. Clearly a top-notch LOT-style episode.

On a final note, I’m glad to see Sara still can’t let go. I can’t either. Regardless of whatever fate Damien brought to himself.

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I'm always so excited to see Damien reappear! and I'm so sad to see him go for good this time. He's a villain to my heart with that witty side to him. Anyway, this was a good episode. I feel like it's the first really good one this season. It's been a slow season so far and bringing back - even if it's just for one episode - a character we know (and love) was a good move even though it means that both Ray and Nora are gonna leave soon too. It's just Sara and Mick so it's a nice to see they are giving Mick more storytime. His daughter seems awesome. Oh, and can Zari please return to normal. Her voice irritates me a LOT like this.

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Quote from the episode: "Please make it stop, make it just stop..."

Yup, I said the same thing throughout the show...

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One of my fave episodes yet. I still think it’s utterly baffling how the show would write off 2 great characters who never have to worry about chemistry to, I’m assuming, make way for inconsequential side characters. This episode had lots of clever and fun bits, my favorite bring Damien’s approval of Constantine.

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woo woow wooo
DAMIEN DARHK killed Sara Lance's Sister on Arrow . WHAT IS GOING ON?

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This is exactly why I still watch this show. All episodes are a little too silly for me and might have a few decent jokes but when there's an episode like this, it's worth sitting through. Bringing back an old character that makes the episode more fun and giving us more good jokes than usual.

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Thanks. Another stupid episode. Gary and Conny are irritating AF

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Legends of Tomorrow just used the term "Brexit" as a dark magic spell exclamation while also making a wholehearted parody of "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood". What did YOU do today?

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