This was absolutely the best crossover so far and nobody can make me see that otherwise. I loved seeing all the characters work together and what is especially great is that for each episode they maintained the tone of the show. This part brought some of that Legends goofiness that I love so much. I mean; BEEBO!!!?? Yes!
It's hard giving every character enough screentime on a crossover this big and yes, some characters could have had a bigger arc but they wrote it best they could have in my opinion. You know, without dragging the story forward too slow.
The only thing I missed; Reverse Flash. Where was my man Thawne? I mean, since the beginning of The Flash they have dangled this story in front of our eyes. The newspaper clipping said a face-off between Flash and Reverse was about to happen. Thawne even said to Barry last season 'see you in our next Crisis' and they completely left it out. Maybe they mean to use it elsewhere, which is fine by me but I hope we will see Thawne appear in the rest of the season.

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Started out like an episode of Supergirl.

I kept thinking the legends would use their time capsule ship but they went a different route.

Enjoyed the Rory bits. Also guy who plays not-Eobard-Thawne (tom cavanaugh) is always a joy to watch.

I liked all the references (meta) to being stuck in another crossover or getting a selfie or a fan getting a signature.

Part where they reveal the table was a bit cheesy. Would have preferred more Legends time.

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Guess Iris isn't that important to Barry since he didn't even mention her during this episode, hell it took him even longer to finally get to her. Too bad sisko isn't in there either.

I liked the winks and nods to Doom Patrol and Titans but having Swamp Thing in there just hurts... unless they bring it back!!! Cause it deserves to come back!

There was a lot of kitsch in this crossover, a lot of bad CGI, a lot of bad acting (thx Lex Luther and Kate Batwamen) and way too much emotional notes that fell flat on their face. But I praise it for making this the most crossover of all crossovers... Hell they even crossed it over with the movies despite Ezra's Flash being a DOUCHEBAG BRO.

Also:: who the fuck is Gleek.

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The big battles felt a bit cheap effects wise and came off a little cheesy. Otherwise this was the best crossover.
It at least explains that Doom Patrol and Titans are different Earths. Which is why the Chief was different on both Earths. In Titans and Doom Patrol.
Pisses me off to see Swamp Thing as a Universe that rose and fell though. That was a final “fuck you, we are not uncanceling it.”

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cannot wait 4 this episode and the Finale!!!

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It's at times like this that I remember why Legends is the only CW superhero show that I still watch.

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Part 1: Supergirl, S05E09
Part 2: Batwoman, S01E09
Black Lightning, S03E09
Part 3: The Flash, S06E09
Part 4: Arrow, S08E08
Part 5: DC's Legends of Tomorrow, S05E01

It would be nice if we had this legend on each of the crossover episodes.

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Yay to throwing it like a girl!

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Part 5 felt a bit out of place but I love the round table. Is that the Hall of Justice building at the end? Also, liked the introduction of the new multiverse.

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We watch this episode by being part of the crossover

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So all this happened and Oliver actually dies and in all this events no sign of Felicity!? And not even Mia and William on their dad memorial!? That was too strange!!! #fail

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Imma miss Oliver so much:sob: he deserved his happy ending :(

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Ok, this whole ep was the best from the entire crossover. It got the action but it also had the humor. And 8 out of every 10 these shows are mostly comedy so finally it felt true to itself. There were more interactions than in the previous 4 eps combined (Kara fangirling over Batwoman was my peak of this whole crossover). The last scene was perfect in a way of hope and future. If I'd watch it when it came I would probably be convinced to catch up with every show. It's sad that even tho such hopeful for the future ending is... 2 years later so sad that most of the shows are already gone so the future for the crossovers was gone with this one.

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I can’t stand the crossovers. Especially the ones with The Flash and Arrow, which I stopped watching due to all that multi verse bullcrap. And there we are…

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Shout by Mark B.

Man BEST CROSS OVER EVER so many mentions Flash from the DC movies, Swampthing, Star girl, the wonder twins, Lucifer, titans, doom patrol, swampthing me being a person who has watched all of these shows and then seeing them all in this cross over shits just amazing and super hype!

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I watched this after all of The Arrow. I was a bit confused. I thought part 4 was the last. Definately not the best Legends of Tomorrow! Had some amusing crossover jokes. The round table was perfect.

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What is wrong with Trakt? Now it's saying that this episode airs on January 21 2020 at 9:00pm (tomorrow) when it actually already aired when Trakt originally said on January 14 2020 at 10:00pm. Why does S05E02 have the same name as S05E01? Is someone screwing the pooch? Or is it a technical error?

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Love the cameo of Ezra Flash. But like Tom Welling, wish they used them more than just a tiny cameo haha

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Anyone else notice that Johns, Diggles, new suit has a black and green theme going on. Will they hurry up and make him a Green Lantern already lol.

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Best crossover ever. New timelines and new heroes!

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Shout by Deleted

great episode. Doom patrol! swamp thing!

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