Aww I actually really liked this episode. It was hella stupid, but that's the legends for ya :') so many great moments at the end, Zari as a kid saving them, Nate's sacrafice, Nate and his Dad, Nate and Zari, Ray and Nora, and that little moment when Gary tried to hug Mona but she wasn't having it lol. Maybe this show ain't so bad after all, it's crazy - but doesn't try to be anything else. Thank you Legends!

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Zari is gone? I'm really sad

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I love the Legends they are so amazing, nothing of that BS drama that Flash, Arrow and Supergirl deal with just normal fun and cheesy things. Too bad this season was only 16 episodes as Legends are my favorite show, just 45 minutes of dumb jokes and nothing serious, it should be labeled as a comedy with some action.

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I think Sarah looked better as Supergirl.

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a tear jerker at the end. We lost Zari, that was a pity. Perhaps Crisis will bring her back.

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Pretty average season finale given Legends' track record, though some of my qualms with the mismanagement of characters ( were tended to so I guess there's that.

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It's kinda comforting there are things out there that are worse than Season 8 of Game of Thrones on some level. Then again I'm not invested in this show as I was in Thrones.

Also it had way better dragons than whatever this was.

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No matter how cheesy this show gets, people keep coming back for more. And it keeps getting renewed. Something for everyone.

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What was the Monitor doing at the Legends’ show?

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Make earth hell again? I think Trump is already doing that.

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"Make Earth Hell Again??" Oh yeah, that was subtle...

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Stupid and cheesy but that's why I love this show and prefer it over the other shows like Flash.

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I cried. When Ray sees Nate's body, my heart! But when everyone starts to sing for him! I couldn't stop crying. It's such a cliché but it worked. Loved seeing Hank again too. I really enjoyed this season and they wrapped up nicely with a cool setup for season 5. I'm not sure what to think about Astra yet, not feeling her vibes. So cool that they added Vandal Savage!! Makes me miss him and I didn't really like the storyline they had for him in season 1 but now I'm hoping he'll be back somehow. Sad to see Zari go (even if it is only for a little while) her relationship with Nate was definitely one I was rooting for. Getting to know her brother is fun though. My first impression of him was good so I'm totally open to him joining the Legends. I do have to admit that I had some hope that with the altering of the OG timeline would mean for the possibility of Rip and Damien being alive...

Ready for season 5!

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Probably the worst episode so far...
I don't think it is humanly possible to make something more cheesy and boring.

But well, when you start putting magic, demons and hell stuff inside a (already quite weak) time travel show, you definitely can't expect a masterpiece...

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Omg! I would want off this show. I guess a paycheck is a paycheck.

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