All in all, this one was flawed in spots and a far cry from serious and thought-provoking dramatic narrative, but it was all kinds of stupid fun. And c'mon. We all know that that's what this show is all about -- and when it's at its best. Good stuff.

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With all the heaviness of life, Legends is refreshing, (mostly) light entertainment and good fun. This episode delivered.

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Great season finale - just the right mix of cheese, ridiculousness and fun.

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I didn't expect such a good finale
. Oh, wait.. I did.. That was sick! I can't wait for another season

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This season was amazing. This finale was amazing! Praise Beebo, he truly is the one true god! I wonder if I can buy a Beebo somewhere :)

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The final fight was... interesting.

I couldn't stop laughing.

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DC's Legends of the last Airbender...

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"Beebo wants hugs" - I did not expect beebo to be the saviour of the world lol!

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incredibly bad writing but brought a+ entertainment as usual. it's good enough for me.

not a bad a farewell (till next season) but I'm happy Supergirl will now be back next week, Helen of Troy is the MVP, glad they're keeping Avalance, and Constantine for next season

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This show mixes the ridiculous with the badass so perfectly and still stays watchable every week. This season has been fantastic. What a way to end it.

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This season's finale didn't do it for me. I guess I wanted more for the season; More haunched over Rip being captainy, more Roary actually taking part in missions, more Damien being DAMIEN, more of The Atom, and a better use of Kid Flash if he is actually a part of the team.

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Shout by JT

It’s a Beebo Day miracle!

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i don't know what i just watched, but that was amazing. i had to pause it to try and understand what was happening but dang beebo really is the hero of this show

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This show is fantastic! Even in the midst of chaos they keep it loose and fun, unlike some of the other shows in the Arrowverse. I'm going to miss Rip. I love how he went out though. I think he went full circle in his story. I'm also going to miss Damien, he is a fun villain, I can't say that enough and my God, I am a sucker for the villain-turning-semi-good-in-the-end story arc. I can't wait to see where Nora and Ray are headed, the chemistry is there... obviously. I loved seeing Jax again and the final battle with Mallus was hilarious. Beebo, who even comes up with this. It's why I love this show!
The set up for the next season has been done, it's promises more mythical creatures I think. Great! And can we keep Gary forever? He is a perfect fun misfit.

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I was wondering how we didn't end up with a Flashpoint after that change to the timeline. Or, did that happen to the new timeline that got created, whereas Ray went back to the original one by going back to the Waverider? I wonder. Perhaps there was a change, Constantine's hair became orange.

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Good end to a great show. Much more enjoyable than The Arrow. Constantines hair looks a different colour.

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I'm really sad that Damien Dhark is gone, but otherwise this episode - and this season - was absolutely amazing. Can't wait to watch the next one.

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Final fight was quick and funny. Interesting episode though. They kept all the timeline intact as of now .

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Ridiculous end of an medium season !!!

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Shout by kinky

That was one of the weirdest boss fights, ever!

Only a few seconds of Constantine at the end? Lame... I guess next season will be more of a Constantine season with the Legends guest starring in it. I'm excited for the former, but frustrated by the latter.

I only kept watching LoT in hope that Rip would join the team again, at some point. Now that he seems to be gone for good, I'm not sure if Constantine alone will be enough for me to keep watching this show. After Gotham is gone, all that will remain of DC on TV will be the crappy CW shows (and the awful Krypton). sigh!

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