Oh my god. Damien Darhk makes corny dad jokes. I am so happy right now.

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Of all characters, Damien Darhk made me tear up. Great well-made episode! He's still hands down one of my favorite villains in all of arrowverse! Also with Nora becoming stronger with Mallus being part of her (because of time aberrations ) + Damien... the Legends are almost f*cked... they do got a speedster now Mr. Wallace West and also access to John Constantine. I feel like Constantine is gonna come back to help out the Legends take down Mallus maybe.

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Daaamn this show just keeps getting better and better

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"Hi Annoyed, I'm Dad." God, Damien Dhark was already funny on Arrow, and now he's like my favourite character apart from Sara. And Ray. and Rip. And Zari. And Nate. .... I love this show.

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Wally is a great addition to the legends, all they need now is Constantine as a permanent member and the team is perfect

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I can't get enough of Damien, he is such a fun character.

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