Ah Gideon! It was really nice to see you again after a long time!

Great episode!

All this time loop-ish thing was marvelous.

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Besides the obligatory TNG and Groundhog Day references, I was hoping for a Stargate reference. They did a great "fun" segment too.

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Great ep. Lots of fun, cute moments, team building, progression. It ticked a lot of boxes. Zari is brill. Love the Avalance flirt fest too. Top form episode!

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Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-02-21T08:14:17Z— updated 2018-03-04T21:44:07Z

"It was only a matter of time before we did one of these." Oh, I love this show and the sheer joy of it. Here we get a nice variation on GROUNDHOG DAY (or "Cause and Effect Day," as Ray would have it), with Zari as the hero (and book editor) and Gideon providing the sneaky assist, all for a good and mission-important cause. Tons of fun, as this show seems to be able to bring week in and week out. And since it solidified Zari's place on the team, it gets bonus points from me since I don't want to see her leaving anytime soon.

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Another good one. Never really liked Wally on The Flash, I think because you don't really need two. If he joins the Legends he could probably do most missions on his own, he'd be the most powerful of them all.

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This was a great episode! Fun! I really like Zari, more and more with every episode and I'm glad we got this episode to get to know her a bit more. The montage, so much fun to watch and of course that little scene with Rip at the end, yesss he's back!

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I have to deal with Damien Darhk all over again. And now Wally too? Ugh

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Shout by kinky

I'm a sucker for Groundhog Day episodes and this one was quite alright and fun (apart from the unnecessary and time-consuming speech from Zari right before the bomb was about to explode - yes, that wasn't real, but they didn't know that, so the whole speech thing was an extremely dumb and very annoying move). I've seen a bunch of Groundhog Day episodes in other shows throughout my life, but I can't remember one where they actually mentioned that movie, which made me go all "aaaaww" when they mentioned it in this one.
Now if we could please have Rip back at the helm of both the Waverider and the team, maybe this show would get back on track. Yes, I will bitch about it until they make it happen (or until I quit watching the show), because LoT just hasn't been as much fun without him guiding the Legends.

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This episode was hilarious. And that Hawkgirl Easter egg was cray. We miss her on the show!

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