The scene was Laurel was heartbreaking. Damn ninjas cutting onions in my room! I was such a nice touch. That and Mick erasing Snart's memory "You end up being a better man", damn.

Sara is evil, leaving Darhk there with that outfit. At least give the man some socks. And Nate is Mari's grandfather is kind of confirmed.

I'd just like to thank the CW for one of their best seasons ever and to everyone involved for giving me this marvellous season and for getting me as hooked as I've never been before in this nonsensical shit that I love. I can't wait for this to start again. I've laughed, I've suffered but at the end of the day, this show has been pure entertainment. I've grown accustomed to this and to my little happy, dysfunctional family. Thank you very much for this amazing show!

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That was a very whovian ending!

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This episode just proves that this is the best show within the Arrowverse. Keep it coming, we like it!

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And we thought Barry fucked the timeline! Oh man it all went to pot this episode. Got back on point tho and some strong Sara stuff. I'm glad her achievements as Captain were recognised too.

Can't believe how much death there was! Was a bit jarring how quickly Amaya got over hair guy dying when presented with another version of him! Lol.

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Forget The Flash, this is the best show in Arrowverse.
We had Laurel playing ninja cutting onions

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Shout by Deleted

One year ago I couldn't believe I would say this but this is the best Arrowverse show atm. Great season and great finale. Hoping it keeps the quality.

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Legends fucked up worse that Barry ever did haha. Barry's probably having a timegasm right about now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I can't believe rip left. I really like him. Was hoping he wouldn't leave :/ That starting scene where Rory caught the mini waverider was hilarious as hell hahah. "Look, it's the teeny, weenie, Englishman" xDD
That scene with Laurel was great too. How I miss her <3 Great finale overall. Although I didn't even realize it was finale until it was over :P Gonna miss this show ^^

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It has been a fantastic season!

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Very interesting way to end the season 2 of Legends. "it's 2017... in L.A. with... dinosaurs!", i am very fucking concerned/curious as to where season 3 is going to lead us...

Loved it (& rofl'd) when Mick grabbed the mini Waverider out of the air and said, "Look its a teeny weenie Englishman" :D

I also think Rip may return in season 3 depending the on direction and story arcs.

If any new faces were to come over from other shows in the Berlanti-verse, i think it should be,
John Constantine, Rory Regan/Ragman, Cisco Ramon/Vibe, J'onn J'onnz
and maybe hopefully hints and or clues to Blue Beetle, Doctor Fate, and Booster Gold... that would be amazing!!! (speculations)

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I'm ridiculously hyped for this episode. I'm too addicted to this nonsensical show and I can't help it. It's a pity it's over! The episode looks absolutely amazing, as always. I'm looking forward to the new intro. This gotta be awesome!

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This was so much fun! Double the Legends, fantastic. I like how this show balances dark with light, using humor. I mean we saw characters we love die and they made it funny. sad to see Thawne go, I love him and I love how Matt brings different energy to the character than Tom. I mean, he had to go, obviously, to wrap it all up but I love me some Thawne. Also, the dynamic between Malcolm, Darhk and Thawne will be missed.

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Shout by Simon

Probably a good ending to the season?.... certainly set's things up for season 3.

The cast make odd choices though. No we can't do that because. Well, lets do that anyway and to hell with the consequences, just because....

Who doesn't like a Dinosaur?

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Out of Doctor Who, and into Primeval. When's Harry Potter?

Actually, the "science" in this universe isn't too far from Doctor Who, and the Temporal Zone looks a bit like the TARDIS's timestream, so wait for them to bump into the TARDIS, in the Temporal Zone :D

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Shout by kinky

Fun season, great messed up finale, but I really miss Captain Rip Hunter, I don't like what they did with the character.

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Season finale. Much worse than T1, poor choice of enemies. I've finished it with effort. I quit with this series

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