This is the best TV series netflix has produced till date.

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Shout by RASMUS
BlockedParent2019-07-07T16:09:09Z— updated 2020-06-20T13:39:31Z

What a season finale! I'm not quite sure if my mind can take the third season, but I'm certainly ready to try. And that ending...

"The question isn't from what time but from what world."

This show just keeps surprising me with its twists, which is why I love it so much!

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I'm not actually sure what just happened and what I think about it. But the one thing I'm sure of is that the casting in this show is absolutely phenomenal. The actors look so much like their younger counterparts that I'm not fully convinced they aren't actually related.

Plus the cinematography is still fantastic and the music monatages are really beautiful.

And altough the story is still very confusing I found it more easier to follow and more engaging than Season 1 because I now know all the charcters and their background. And it seems that the writers had this all planned out and aren't just making shit up as they go which is really important in a time-travel show.

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I’ll need a few days or so to recover from all the mind-boggling. This show is definitely one of the best out there.

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Shout by Ahmed Walaa-Eldeen
BlockedParent2019-07-08T02:18:19Z— updated 2019-07-13T01:15:39Z

This was so fucked up! but in a good way i guess?

Yes, i liked it, it was touching, mind-blowing, but i think it's also getting "a bit" ridiculous! You CANNOT end the season like that! at least the first season ending made more sense.

Not sure if i'm ready for a third season, but at least am not analyzing the show any more from the philosophical perspective and the fate game, it's now totally Sci-Fi.

Anyway, this show was recommended to me by someone i really really love, so i can't deny this is one of the reasons i love this show,
but it's still interesting, maybe am not ready for a 3rd season, but i am still curious to know what's next.

At last, I loved that they played at the end "My body is a cage" by Peter Gabriel, i knew this song from House M.D. in the scene when House jumps off the balcony
Well for sure it was fit with House more than Dark because of its lyrics & House situation, but it was lovely to hear it again in another show, one of my favorite songs.

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The show is getting a bit ridiculous.

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Following everything was already brain-intensive but season 3 is going to be mind-blowing.

I love how they are handling the whole time-travel thing. It was easier with only 33 years jumps, some occasional travellers and 3 timelines (season 1). Then they added more timelines, more travellers and more time-machines (season 2). Now they are adding multiple univers. This will be fun to follow...

My favourite moment is when Adam shows the picture of Elisabeth to Noah and explains Elisabeth is both Charlotte’s mother and Charlotte’s daughter :flushed:.

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Season 1: the question isn't how, it's when
Season 2: the question isn't when it's from which world

I don't know how Season 3 is going to end but by now I would consider everyone dying at the end a happy ending

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this show is an absolute mindfuck and i'm so here for it!

can't help but shake the feeling that Adam is Bartosz (instead of Jonas).

the fact that "older Jonas" has brown eyes instead of blue ones like "younger Jonas" makes me question some things too, as we're clearly shown they can do correct eyes througout the ages with Claudia.

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this cliffhanger broke my mind

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Pretty good finale, but I really didn't like how they just had to kill Martha off just for man-pain... Ugh.

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Nope, sorry. I’m not happy with this. 8 episodes of well executed time jumping headaches ending like that? I don’t like the final cliffhanger, which was the only possible (and unneeded) shortcut for a next season.

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Well...with all the fictional events I've witnessed throughout many TV series...I'm not sure whether I'm real or not :grin:

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Incredible season finale and an even better season overall than the first. One of the best shows I‘ve watched on Netflix to date. Can‘t wait to watch the final season and see how it all ends.

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Our Rob or Ross? :wink:

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holy fucking shit! Well done

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Mmm, so he married his granddaughter to give birth to his daughter, and I thought it won't get any weirder!

And that song from House <3

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Now THATS how you do TV! ... Hot Damn, what an amazing show. "I'm my own grandpa!" .. could be a real concept in this show!

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Shout by Isaac

The time loop has closed. Everything seemed like it went the way Adam wanted it to.

But then inter-dimensional Martha appeared and now there is a new element in play. Adam's success is no longer guaranteed.

Multiversal travel has just made what was already challenging to follow ten times harder. I really hope they end this show well and it doesn't feel rushed or a copout.

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very complicated, but very good , I could feel my head working while watching this whole season.

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Shout by Nyx

At first I thought, this town just has a really small gene pool, then I thought, ok, it's more like a gene puddle, but no, this episode made me realise that it's actually just a trickle, a very contaminated trickle... that's quite the accomplishment, when you and your daughter are simultaneously your own and each other's grandmother... WOW, talk about temporal paradox grandma! Alternate universe though, hmmm, I'm not sure I can buy that. LOL

So crazy good, I been bingeing, my mind is mush, what is sleep...

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Great final episode but a Martha from another universe felt unnecessary.

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Shout by kinky

The question isn't "when?", it's "from which world?".

And with that sentence this show went from genius to ludicrous.

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What a fucking head scratcher.
The one that awaits me in the third season. I thought I had organized my ideas, family trees and mental movements, they tell me:
1st Charlotte is the daughter of Elisabeth and Elisabeth is the mother of Charlotte, WTF
2º Another Martha appears, but eh!!! From another world. Seriously, you want to kill me.

An apotheosis.

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Oh look, they found a Piece of Eden. I hope Ezio turns up in the final season.

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OMFG! Are you freaking kidding me right now? FLIPPING MULTIPLE UNIVERSES??? WHAT???

What a shitty thing to do to leave us hanging like that Not cool!

Please tell me next season is coming soon, or alternativy where I can find a time machine to go to the future with. Oh, man, the wait is gonna suck

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