Shout by maurice

hannah's a btch, i cant stand watching her ://

the tension between agnes and egon's wife is something strong :eyes:

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So we know that some (Jonas, Ulrich) can cross times through the odd metal gates in the caves. But others... Mikkel would probably remember if he'd opened and passed through those stiff heavy gates, and gone back. And I have trouble imagining Gretchen opening the gates at all. So... uh...

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I have no idea who anybody is anymore, and no idea what's going on.

Still a good watch though!

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The moment Claudia (1986) sees Gretchen running towards her in the cavern. :pleading_face:

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Instead of giving answers, the authors brings only more questions. The end of the season, guys.

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Who is Boris Niewald? It is really fucked up...

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I mean, Jonas wouldn't be the only guy on TV who has a thing for his aunt #justsaying

Also, what's up with this show and people just casually standing under downpours? Like, not only does it rain a crazy amount in that town, but people just love standing outside without even wearing waterproof clothes. Do they enjoy getting soaked? What's up with that?

And what's up with Franziska? She has so much anger inside of her.

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curiouser and curiouser...what's really in the barrels?
and that Hannah sure is something else...

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