That final scene was kinda beautiful

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The first half is your usual bonding between the main characters. It's fine but nothing to write home about. Just showing David developing his skills and relating to other characters - which is a very typical "calm before the storm" scene indicating someone will die in an episode or two. There's some sexual tension between David and Lucy. The editing between the scenes is kinda unique but feels like Instagram or MTV reels that don't let us connect to the characters - just like the game's strange V and Jackie bonding scene.

The second half is all over the place. First we have Pilar's demise, as expected given the build up in the first half. Then after all that chaos we get back straight to David and Lucy. Very strange pacing, as if nothing happened in the first second half, especially given the build up in the whole first half. The ending with David and Lucy feels like it just to keep the romance and plot going, which, again, feels like a cliched calm before the storm scene before some terrible things to happen in next episodes.

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Nice, quite a few more settings that are recognizable from the game (e.g., the Afterlife and Lizzie's Bar). And the UIs are familiar too. We even saw Rogue (if I'm not mistaken) :)

David is now really becoming an Edgerunner.

I like Lucy but I wish she wasn't smoking. I guess she needs to cope somehow though. She also seems to good for this dystopian world.

"I'm fine."
"Alright, nova."

"It's not the life with the end you deserve."
Lucy and David kiss.
"I don't want you to die on me."

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The style is good and the animation is tremendous (those designs are finger-licking good), but I'm not buying this cheap romance. The build up of the relationship was terrible. Romance is incredibly hollow and soulless. I don't even care about David as a character and I know practically nothing about Lucy, even less will I care about this forced relationship.

Everything else is not bad, especially those scenes of the protagonist training and having a good time with each of the members of the group, but everything falls apart when you realize that the foundation on which it is being built is bad, and the problem is David and his lack of content. The character has nothing to tell you apart from the death of his mother.

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This is so fucking boring. I'm done.

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I didn't realize that their leader was gay. Interesting.

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