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Crown Court

Season 2 1973 - 1974

  • 1973-01-03T00:00:00Z on ITV
  • 25m
  • 1d (48 episodes)
  • United Kingdom
  • English
  • Drama
Courtroom drama, each case takes three episodes. At the end of the third episode, a jury of "ordinary people" comes to a verdict on the evidence presented.

48 episodes

Season Premiere


2x01 The Medium (1)

Season Premiere

2x01 The Medium (1)

  • 1973-01-03T00:00:00Z30m

A spiritualist is accused of fraudulently obtaining money from a widower after performing a series of séances at which he claimed to be making contact with the woman's recently deceased son. The payments for the séances ranged from small cash gifts to a large house. The prosecution claim that the spiritualist took advantage of a vulnerable woman.


2x02 The Medium (2)

2x02 The Medium (2)

  • 1973-01-04T00:00:00Z30m

Detective Inspector Robert takes the stand to describe the investigation into the disappearance of George Robins and the arrest of Harold Barnes. Dr. John Gould gives a breakdown of the forensic evidence and the link to Barnes.


2x03 The Medium (3)

2x03 The Medium (3)

  • 1973-01-05T00:00:00Z30m

Defendant Harold Barnes alleges that George Robins is still alive. Prosecutor Jonathan Fry QC causes a stir when he calls Robins as a witness. Barnes' wife Catherine denies the she had an affair with Robins and alibis her husband.

George Robins is a second hand car dealer and well-known ladies man. He has disappeared. Blood stains were found at his country cottage. A local car thief, Harold Barnes, is charged with his murder, but Barnes claims that Robins has not been murdered but has faked his own death so that his wife can claim a large insurance pay-out. The prosecution will try to prove that Barnes has indeed murdered Robins even though no body has ever been found.

When Rev. Frank Warrender gives contradicting evidence, Charles Lotterby asks the judge to treat him as hostile witness. Police Inspector Savage confirms that it was Mrs Warrender who brought the blackmail letters to the police.

Following Janet Brewer's revelations about her health and her breakdown, the judge turns down Barry Deeley's request to dismiss the case. Despite pleas from her doctor and father the judge maintains there is still a case to answer.

The spurned lover of a Church of England clergyman is accused of blackmail after threatening to expose their affair unless the vicar pays £400.

Morton Lass, an American tank commander seconded to Hill 329 claims that Major Fitton begged to leave with him. A second witness; Australian soldier Ronald Harstrong maintains he found Fitton suffering from PTSD.

Radio operator Corporal Batley, who was believed to have died on Hill 329 makes a shock appearance in court. He has now changed his name to William Truscott and his evidence accuses Major Fitton of lying about what really happened.

A military historian has been accused of libel by a British Army Major following the publication of a book on the British Army's involvement in the Korean War. The author claims that the Major abandoned his post and left his company of soldiers to be massacred by the North Koreans. The Major insists that he was the last man standing in the conflict and escaped to safety only after the rest of his company was wiped out. Was the Major a hero, or a coward?

The second day of the trial of brothers George and Arnold Curl. The pair are accused of running a Fulchester protection racket. Much of the evidence comes from Stephen Telfer, a club owner who is now in a coma following a savage beating.

Facing a second day under cross examination, George Curl claims he found religion while in Reading Gaol. However his brother Arnold gets rattled when questioned about hiring Arther McGraw to injure Stephen Telfer.

Fulchester's notorious Curl brothers are accused of demanding money with menaces and GBH. The court will hear that the brothers had been conducting a reign of terror over Fulchester's club and bar owners through a Chicago-style protection racket. After refusing to pay the brothers for protection, a number of club owners suffered injuries ranging from falls down stairs, feet burned with electric fires and attacks with hammers. Indeed, one of the brother's own enforcers has disappeared and is believed to have been buried under the new M16 motorway foundations.

Councilor John Fairley is cross examined by Jonathan Fry QC. The previous day he accused Margaret Crawley of failing to mention, she was a close friend of councilor; Charles Baker, when she applied for planning permission.

The trial of councillor Charles Baker and his former secretary Margaret Crawley took a dramatic turn when she refused to take the stand and give evidence in her defence. Charles Baker is cross examined Crawley's barrister Barry Deeley.


2x16 A Public Mischief (1)

2x16 A Public Mischief (1)

  • 1973-01-31T00:00:00Z30m

Town Hall corruption is exposed in this case, as two employees of Fulchester Borough Council are charged with fraudulently purchasing land which was at the centre of a planning permission wrangle. The land was then quickly re-sold at a much higher price than that originally paid by the council employees to the previous owner, a local market gardener, who claims that he only sold his land when he was informed that a new motorway by-pass would run through his farming land. Did the Council employees use their inside knowledge for their own financial gain?


2x17 A Public Mischief (2)

2x17 A Public Mischief (2)

  • 1973-02-01T00:00:00Z30m

Graphologist Mr Pascoe gives evidence on behalf defendant Rose Messiter and can not rule out that Martin Emsworth's writing was forged. Brenda Kingsley claims, although she acted a witness to the Will, she did not see the contents.


2x18 A Public Mischief (3)

2x18 A Public Mischief (3)

  • 1973-02-02T00:00:00Z30m

Rose Messiter is cross examined by Helen Tate. She accuses Messiter of being a witness to the original Will and wouldn't be provided for. Under pressure, from Tate, Messiter admits she wrote the second Will but denies it was forgery.


2x19 Portrait of an Artist (1)

2x19 Portrait of an Artist (1)

  • 1973-02-07T00:00:00Z30m

Before his death a year ago, a renowned artist wrote a will in which he bequeathed his estate to his favourite model, Rose Messiter. The will is being challenged by his business partner Brenda Kingsley, who had been named as sole beneficiary in an earlier will written by the artist. She claims that at the time of writing the second will, the artist was not of sound mind. Ms KIngsley is now challenging the second will and is laying claim to the artist's estate.


2x20 Portrait of an Artist (2)

2x20 Portrait of an Artist (2)

  • 1973-02-08T00:00:00Z30m

Detective Inspector Barber returns to the stand to give details of the arrest of Prison Officer Robert Agar. Angela Mercer evidence indicated that Agar took items inside the prison, for George Lanigan, in return for sexual favours.


2x21 Portrait of an Artist (3)

2x21 Portrait of an Artist (3)

  • 1973-02-09T00:00:00Z30m

On the final day of the trial, Prison Officer Robert Ager takes the stand. in his own defence. Barrister Barry Deeley maintains that Agar was bullied and threatened, by Lanigan, into bringing illegal goods into the prison


2x22 Crime in Prison (1)

2x22 Crime in Prison (1)

  • 1973-02-14T00:00:00Z30m

A prison officer at Fulchester's Park Moor Prison is charged with accepting bribes to smuggle a number of prohibited items into and out of the prison by an inmate, who is also facing charges.


2x23 Crime in Prison (2)

2x23 Crime in Prison (2)

  • 1973-02-15T00:00:00Z30m

Dominic Collins is cross examined by barrister Helen Tate. He maintains he did not strangle the baby and was it dead when he found it. 15-year-old Mary Collins shocks the court by claiming she strangled the baby moments after the birth


2x24 Crime in Prison (3)

2x24 Crime in Prison (3)

  • 1973-02-16T00:00:00Z30m

The previous day ended sensationally with both Dominic Collins' wife and daughter confessing to killing the baby. Barrister Helen Tate accuses Mary of researching the Infanticide Act in bid to get her father off a murder charge.

2x25 Infanticide or Murder? (1)

  • 1973-02-21T00:00:00Z30m

A 15 year old schoolgirl has given birth to an illegitimate baby. Within a week of the birth, the body of the baby has been found buried in the girl's back garden by police acting on a tip-off. The schoolgirl's father (the baby's grandfather) has been charged with the murder of the baby after it was discovered that the infant had been strangled.

2x26 Infanticide or Murder? (2)

  • 1973-02-22T00:00:00Z30m

Alan Collings fiancee Pauline Ellis gives evidence about the long running feud between the father's Alan and Brian and how family party ended in threats. Brian Collings takes the stand in his defence but is unable to produce an alibi.

2x27 Infanticide or Murder? (3)

  • 1973-02-23T00:00:00Z30m

Brian Collings faces a second day in the dock. The prosecution revealed that Brian had a newspaper picture of Pauline Ellis, in a bikini, pinned on his wall at work. The prosecution argue that he blinded Alan through jealousy.


2x28 An Act of Vengeance (1)

2x28 An Act of Vengeance (1)

  • 1973-02-28T00:00:00Z30m

A 21 year old man has been blinded after an attacker flung acid into his face. Was the attack carried out by his own cousin following a family feud?


2x29 An Act of Vengeance (2)

2x29 An Act of Vengeance (2)

  • 1973-03-01T00:00:00Z30m

Photographer Alleyn Griffin gives evidence about Natasha Marlowe erratic behaviour at the party. Marlowe takes the stand, in her own defence, and confesses that she has taken so much L.S.D that she has little memory of the night.


2x30 An Act of Vengeance (3)

2x30 An Act of Vengeance (3)

  • 1973-03-02T00:00:00Z30m

Natasha Marlow is cross examinined by Jonathan Fry QC after it was revealed she threatened to kill Peta Best while high on drugs. The defence called Sister Joanna Forbush but her evidence, based on Marlow's therapy, proved problematic.


2x31 Freak-Out (1)

2x31 Freak-Out (1)

  • 1973-03-07T00:00:00Z30m

The effects of hallucinogenic drugs provide a theme in this case. Peta Best, a leading sixties fashion photographer, has been found dead in her studio with a cloth pushed down her throat. Natasha Marlow, a young model who was with Peta Best at the time of her death, is charged with murder but claims that herself and the photographer were 'freaking out' after an L.S.D. session and she would therefore have been incapable of committing murder. Light is shed on the sleazy world of pornography as the trial progresses.


2x32 Freak-Out (2)

2x32 Freak-Out (2)

  • 1973-03-08T00:00:00Z30m

P.C. Kershaw takes the stand to give details of the arrest of the two defendants. With Mrs Palmer evidence tainted there are now doubts that John Dempsey was the second man. Walter Sissons QC also queries Kershaw's impartiality.


2x33 Freak-Out (3)

2x33 Freak-Out (3)

  • 1973-03-09T00:00:00Z30m

While giving evidence in his defence, John Dempsey claimed that PC Kershaw saw the university student as a black activist and kept him under constant surveillance. He now faces an aggressive cross examination from James Elliot QC


2x34 Intent To Kill (1)

2x34 Intent To Kill (1)

  • 1973-05-08T23:00:00Z30m

A gang of four criminals have raided a warehouse and a night-watchman has been shot and seriously wounded. Two of the gang have been acquitted of attempted murder at an earlier trial. The third member of the gang is now on trial after finally being apprehended in Essex. The fourth gang member, the getaway driver, has turned Queens evidence in return for police protection and is now being used as a prosecution witness. Is his evidence reliable enough?


2x35 Intent To Kill (2)

2x35 Intent To Kill (2)

  • 1973-05-09T23:00:00Z30m

The first day's proceedings came to halt when prosecution witness Madge Gorman failed to show. When Mrs. Gorman appears, today, she has an obvious black eye, so the judge warns her should she change her original evidence.


2x36 Intent To Kill (3)

2x36 Intent To Kill (3)

  • 1973-05-10T23:00:00Z30m

Martin Thornton, the older of two brothers, claims that far from the being the perpetrators of the shooting he and brothers were the victims of a smear campaign. Prosecuter Helen Tate maintains that the gun used was theirs.


2x37 Triangle

2x37 Triangle

  • 1974-05-28T23:00:00Z30m

Count Alucard, a Dracula-themed illusionist, is shot dead on stage when a stunt involving a gun goes horribly wrong. His assistant (his wife, Rita) is accused of having tampered with the gun, killing him after discovering yet another of his affairs. did she purposely kill her husband, or was the gun faulty?


2x39 Baby Farm

2x39 Baby Farm

  • 1974-06-11T23:00:00Z30m

Rita Mattson is cross examined by James Elliot QC. She is rattled when he claims her husband was threatening to leave her for a younger woman. Brig. Sir Ferdinand Tennyson-Pusey gives evidence about how he believed gun trick worked.


2x40 For the Good of the Many

2x40 For the Good of the Many

  • 1974-06-18T23:00:00Z30m

A wealthy industrialist who made his fortune in African mining projects has died and left his fortune to his widow and two children. However, an African man has come forward to claim his share of the inheritance by claiming that he is the son of the businessman from a previous, secret marriage to an African lady. Is he genuinely the son, or is he an impostor trying to fraudulently claim money?


2x41 How to Rob a Memory Bank

2x41 How to Rob a Memory Bank

  • 1974-06-25T23:00:00Z30m

Lady Crittenden is cross examined by Stephen Harvesty following her admission, in court, that Lapointe is the maiden name of Sir Tom's mother. Bernard Crittenden attempts to show that Raoul Lapointe's birth certificate is a forgery.


2x42 The Wreck of the Tedmar

2x42 The Wreck of the Tedmar

  • 1974-07-02T23:00:00Z30m

Stephen Harvesty calls Antoine Mbula of the legal department of the Diplomatic Mission of Zaire in an attempt to resolve the issue of whether Raoul Lapointe birth certificate is genuine or whether Bernard Crittenden has replaced it.


2x43 Two Rings for Margie

2x43 Two Rings for Margie

  • 1974-07-09T23:00:00Z30m

A night security firm stands accused of attacking a young courting couple with dogs and truncheons after they had entered a private development via a hole in the perimeter fence. The couple claim the attack took place outside the fence after they had left the premises. The firm's right to use truncheons is also being questioned by the prosecution.


2x44 No Stranger in Court

2x44 No Stranger in Court

  • 1974-07-16T23:00:00Z30m

Barrister John Lloyd attempts to show victims Annabel Nelson and Derek Latimer as radicals who were deliberating trespassing on Transecure property. Colonel G.H. Hore-Davis gives evidence on Transecure employees use of violence.


2x45 Security Risk

2x45 Security Risk

  • 1974-07-23T23:00:00Z30m

Barrister John Lloyd claims Transecure employees were provoked by the young couple. The judge refuses to drop the case against William Cooke. The defence will now argue that Transcure employees can carry truncheons on private property.


2x46 The Probationer

2x46 The Probationer

  • 1974-07-30T23:00:00Z30m

A retired lawyer decides to defend himself in court after he is charged with shoplifting.


2x47 Midnight with No Pain

2x47 Midnight with No Pain

  • 1974-08-06T23:00:00Z30m

An estranged wife has accused her husband of rape. The husband denies the charge and claims that his wife has made up the allegation in anger after he refused to increase her maintenance payments.


2x48 Not Dead But Gone Before

2x48 Not Dead But Gone Before

  • 1974-08-13T23:00:00Z30m

Mr. Cross makes a controversial submission; that a husband can not be charged with the unlawful imprisonment or the rape, of his wife, at least while there is no legal separation. He believes Mr Scard has no case to answer.


2x49 Corruption

2x49 Corruption

  • 1974-08-20T23:00:00Z30m

A construction company building a suspension bridge is being sued for compensation by the wife of a workman who has been badly injured in a fall from the bridge. The prosecution claims that the workmen had not been provided with safety belts. The defense insist that safety belts were available, but the workman chose not to wear one and may even have been drunk when he fell from the bridge.
