Shouts about...

Crisis 2014

amazed this show has such a high rating. its an interesting premise but i keep thinking WHY IN THE HELL do they not just round up all the parents? they know they are using the parents yet each episode act stupefied when more keep being used.

there is no way in hell they would let them just roam around the world freely, and not have an idea of where they are 24/7 yet the continue to act surprised and not even know who some parents are (the motorbike guy for example)

its an interesting show, but doubt it deserves 80% lol

also: RACHEL TAYLOR. good eye candy and a fellow Aussie but almost every show she is in lately gets cancelled very quickly lol

edit: ok my concerns were dealt with in episode 4 :) at least they arn't completely stupid.

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Shout by Joe

This show was brought down by terrible, horrible, writing. Acting was good enough, and the premise was fine, but the way it was written was just stupid.

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Crisis is a surprisingly gripping thriller about the horrors that befall a group of rich kids! It has some interesting twists and turns and if you're looking for a series that's a heady mix of action movie, political thriller, teen soap opera and network crime drama, you'll want to get on the bus.

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This show was pretty good, but I think about halfway through the show started to go in a direction that lost some of it's viewers. In the beginning it was awesome because the guy was always one step ahead and knew what they were planning. Then after awhile it kind of tapered off so I think that's when the show started to go downhill. Crisis takes kids in jeopardy, class conflict and adolescent (and national) insecurity and stirs them into a surprisingly effective thriller.

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Shout by Deleted

Empezo bien! Se puso mala a medida que fue avanzando

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Well, it started really good. I went through the first couple episodes pretty fast. I thought the plot to be interesting, it stayed on a course that wanted me to watch more. Unfortunately this changed about half way through the show. Suddenly it felt rushed, about everything that happened in the story felt a a bit to convenient. To many holes and not to much logic. Things moved the way they were to fulfill the arc not to make sense. The more it moved towards the end the more messed up it became. The last two episodes I really had to work hard to get through. And so the end for me was more a relief than a finale.

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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Such an amazing show I can't believe it was canceled

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The show wasn't good! But idea was superb, a little disappointed it has been canceled ;)

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The premise of the show is ridiculous. Watched it only for Gillian Anderson and Mark Valley (his short lived show 'Human Target' is so underrated which was like an action movie every week.) But it was still solid fun. If you don't nitpick and look for logic, you'll find it entertaining. The kidnapper is intelligent and thankfully the feds were also capable unlike on shows like 'The Following'. It does end on a cliffhanger but they do wrap up the season arc.

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Well .. I had this jammed way back on my DVR and had really forgot about it. I remembered seeing the first episode and thought it sounded pretty good .. SO .. I spend 8 hours so far today watching the series only to finally look at the shouts and see it's been cancelled! (I hate reading spoilers .. guess I should read a little tho eh?) I hate seeing Scully and Dirty Steve cancelled .. bleh

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Shout by Deleted

I'm not surprised it was cancelled. It was on my watchlist but after about 5 episodes I quit watching. It didnt make me care what happened. I just couldnt connect well with the main character (cop/mom). I think if they gave the kids themselves more time, storylines etc it would have been better. I was constantly being pushed around from group to group - the kids, then the kidnappers, then the cops, then the parents, then the others. Just too much going on without being able to connect with any of them.

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Shout by Deleted

Fantastic story line. Although I would have preferred to see this as a movie then to break it up into a series. Some of the acting is not top notch, but its teh idea behind this story that really propelled it for me

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I can't believe this show got canceled. I thought it was great. I tuned in each week to see where Francis Gibson's scheme went next. Shame, shame, shame on you NBC.

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Shout by Deleted

Why was this show cancelled?

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Great Show

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Screw it. I'm done. Stupid show on all fronts. Even Scully wasn't able to save this one, what a shame.

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So cringeworthy. There are some capable actors, G.Anderson for example as obvious as it is but all in all just cringeworthy premise and acting of others.
No wonder this got cancelled. Ah, well that means Anderson has more time for Hannibal S3. That's good.

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Shout by Deleted

Can't believe they cancelled this show. Sure hope they give it a proper ending.

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I was hesitant at first to watch this show but upon viewing the very first episode I was hooked!

Seriously awesome.

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AWESOME! I and more people really love it!!
I have no idea why it has such a low rating .. Hope it won't be cancelled :)

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Shout by Deleted

a great cast in a great mess. avoid if you already see to many shows. this has a "last Resort" and "the event" feeling for being canceled. maybe because this only works in a Movie and not has a tv show.

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Shout by Deleted

I'm waiting so long for this show. I hope it don't let me down.

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