I find it..freeing that my experience was 8/10 simply for psycho-sexual reasons.

Jeff & Annie just being a fourth to one-third of that (and, if it helps, yes, Jeff was 42 but Annie was 31 -- hahaha).

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Jeff and Annie are definitely dating.

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These characters are doing what they always did, but somehow it feels like they are imitating theirselves instead of the dialog and actions flowing naturally, which is really odd.I mean, Annie is practically a parody of her first season self. It will be a tough season if it stays on this path

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First episode I must say which was a bit underwhelming from the beginning. Normally I’d put it at a 5 but the last scene was enough to bump it up to a 6. It just didn’t feel like community in this episode.

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They truly jumped the shark.

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I know people don't generally like Season 4 but I loved this episode

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