Abed: Do you guys hear that? Humbugs.

Troy: Humbugs?

Abed: Yeah, a whole swarm of them, see? Everyone stay perfectly sincere, humbugs are attracted to sarcasm.

Jeff: Wow. Somewhere out there, Tim Burton just got a boner.


Troy: Whoa, whoa, who taught you therapy? Michael Jackson's dad?


Abed's gift being the first season of Lost on DVD made me remember one of the few episodes of that show which really highlighted the date it was happening, outside the date of the crash: December 24, 2004, when Desmond finally spoke to Penny after three years of being stuck on the Island. That character's birthday is, fittingly, December 9th, the date this episode takes place and aired. That could be a lucky coincidence to match the date of the first season's Christmas episode (December 10), but knowing how wildly nerdy the writers were on Community, I wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional.

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This is my favorite Christmas special from any series ever!

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Loved how it was real life them in the reflexion on the TV. That was a nice touch.

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Stop-animated Jeff kinda reminds me of Bill Hader.

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The Lost joke killed me. Never has a sitcom episode made me tear up but I guess there's a first time for everything.

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  • Oh no, Abed be singing

Jeff: "You are playing with so much fire."
Ian: "Shut up, Winger."

Abed: "Where's your dad? It's Christmas, professor. Where's your dad?"
Ian: "I don't know! We never know! Mum won't stop crying! I'm going to America with Grandma!"

Omg, Abed

  • Abed just went into hyperspace

"And Christmas pterodactyl." — Annie

Is there a version of this in live-action? I wanna see that.


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Shout by dgw

I just really don't like this animation style, even though I understand what they were trying to do with this episode. (Doesn't help that holiday episodes also get on my nerves.)

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