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Castle: Season 4

4x23 Always

Foe the love of God just call him Rick once..... just once, damn it!!!!

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I'm so tired of the Beckett murder story arc. I wish they would just finish it off and get it done with. In this episode Beckett is just annoying. And the whole will Fox and Scully get together... wait, I mean Castle and Beckett get together thing turned out to be meh.

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Finally. Saved by the ending. The rest of this episode was crap. Now close this BS with Becket's mother's murderer and move on.

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Shout by AJ

The scene with Beckett hanging from the rooftop must be the worst I've seen in all 4 seasons. Even worse than Castle grabbing her in the airport when Montgomery was killed.

Oh, there is more! Yadda yadda yadda, you don't deserve to wear the uniform!! Dude, what uniform? They wear regular clothes, they're detectives, not police officers...

At least we can finally move on from the "will they, won't they" theme. Took them long enough...

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Shout by JoJo

I have to say this is the first time I seriously was hoping Beckett is hurt badly. Her bullshit is getting on my last gaddam nerve.
I seriously would have shelved this series if Beckett and Castle didn't hook up.

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Yaaay, Beckett and Castle finally together <3

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