Shouts about...

Californication 2007

if you're still watching this show for the story, you're watching it for the wrong reasons. this show stopped being a story-driven show 2 seasons ago, meanwhile, it's still a hella funny show. Hell, i'd take Hank Moody and Runkle over any broadcast sitcom anyday!

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Loved the show but the last season and finale were dissapointing.

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Unfortunately, I lost interest at the beginning of season 6. Although, the first couple of seasons were good. Personally the first 3 seasons are my favorite.

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This isn't a show about sex. This is a show about love, about life, about a man trying to find the lost love of his life. It's intelligent, funny and moving. This is one of the best show I've ever seen.

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I went into this show not sure what to expect: a little Entourage, a little Ballers, but less(?) plot. I have heard mixed things on this show, but honestly, I was blown away. I think this is better than either of aforementioned shows. It's as funny, a more concise plot season by season, and with a little bit of bias I appreciate the amped up lewd content. As with the other shows, it never really hits the point of being amazing, but its above average and a great watch throughout. It's a quick watch and anyone that appreciate this style of show really should check it out.

Average Season Review: 8.14/10

Recommendation: At Least Give it a Whirl (For Realistic Drama/Comedy Fans)

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I really liked that show because it was really funny and soundtracks are awesome...and every episode makes u watch it...sorry that it ended

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I really like this show. It'd been the second time that I watched and doesn't get dated, bored or something else. I recommend to everyone who wants to watch something fun, without losing the drama thing, and the soundtrack is excellent!

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Why i didnt know about this show!. Just love it, i feel so identify with Hank. Pretty Fuck up shit.

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This show is followed by my TV rss feed

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This show couldn't catch me at all. only characters I really liked was Hunkle and Marcy. Karen was boring and always with drama, it gets tiring each episode she appears on.

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I went into this show not knowing anything, the title did captured my attention at first but this show has easily became one my favourites. The cinematography, the over the top shit that just keeps happening with the characters and the vibe, the vibe man. Its one of those series which is just different.

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Yeah, I gave Californication a 10/10 even though I know it's not perfect. I can't help myself, it just hits different... even after a third rewatch. This will always be one of my favorites. Don't judge me, Hank is my spirit animal.

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-08-02T21:09:48Z— updated 2023-01-13T23:13:44Z

A male power fantasy that somehow manages to be even more immature than James Bond.
It’s also quite dated and creepy at points, and this is coming from someone who has no problem with defending Entourage.
Maybe it’s because that show has a little more to offer in general, but I found this to be all surface level and shallow.

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An amazing show. Caution: ADULTS only - very mature content.

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Shout by Deleted

Whoever wants to watch the entire tv show, needs huge amounts of patience to get through the sixth and seventh seasons. They are unwatchable.

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never know david duchovny starred in such cringey series :))

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Shout by Deleted

I loved watching this show! It was very well written and I always looked forward to a new episode.

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Shout by Deleted

I really enjoyed this series. I just finished it up last night and it was bitter sweet, but ended perfectly. I think the middle lagged a bit and became one more fuck up for Hank Moody and how many more can he his friends and family stand? However, they ended the series at the best time in my opinion. Great Show. It's not all about Sex, as a previous comment was made, it's more about man trying to find his way and really discover himself...

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Shout by Deleted

The first season is not that great. But when you get known with the characters this show is a masterpiece. So many great characters with funny personalities like atticus fetch and charlie runkles. 10/10

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Apparently it's ended? Can't believe it! The shows always made me laugh, crap ending in my opinion. Please come back for Season 8 and wrap things up better.

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It's witty and funny, I like!

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A little happy this is ending. The acting is phenomenal...but the nudity is insanely over the top. And I got sick of the merry-g-round that is Hank and Karen in the FIRST SEASON. Honestly, I don't want them together...

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Never really watched any tv shows until 2011 when a friend recommended me Californication, I loved it and that led to my tv obsession. Now watching tons of shows and I give every new pilot a chance.

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I heard this show is full of nudity. Is that so?

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Shout by Alice Hawke

I can't remember the last time skipping a few years in a show worked well... I mean, Weeds did it a few times and it made the show a joke. This... well, they skipped forward three years between season 4 and 5 and you can tell by other shouts that that's when the show got worse. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy it, but it is slipping. I guess that's what happens when a show runs for long enough (not that I want it to be cancelled, quite the contrary).

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Shout by Deleted

A show that is more then it seems!

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Shout by Deleted

Really, I just read that the 6 season is garbage.. are fucking kidding me? I can't believe what i've read. really.

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I just want to forget Season 6 happened.

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season 6 was pure garbage...

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Wow, just when I thought they couldn't do worse than Season 5, that's exactly what they did. Season 6 was terrible and I can't believe what they did to this show.

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Used to be good but steady decline has meant the latest season is unwatchable. If you do watch, stop before you get to season 5, where it turns to complete shit.

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Shout by Deleted

This is the best show. I love it!

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Idk why, but I like this show so much!

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Season 5 was quite subpar but this show is overall a real killer. Nice story, superb acting.

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Wasn't too impressed with this, I found it a bit boring. Didn't entertain me.

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Shout by Deleted

For me this show ended at season 4. I'm not going to watch more of it...

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Shout by Deleted

So happy that there's already a date to season six

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i want season number five!!!! NOW!

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I f'ing love this show!

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Shout by Deleted

I'm ready for a crazy rollercoaster ride again!

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season 4 starts soon :)

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