• 1.1k
  • 174k
  • 1.4k
  • 2000-09-19T22:30:00Z on Treehouse TV
  • 10m
  • 1d 20h 10m (173 episodes)
  • Canada
  • French
  • Animation, Family, Children
This show is about the life of a young bald boy named Caillou, his family and his friends. It is based on the books by Christine L'Heureux and Helene Despeteaux, which is highly popular in the Quebec area in Canada. There are actually two versions of the show. The first version premiered in late 1997, is only 5 minutes in length, consists of 65 episodes, and is fully animated. The plot line of this version is that a grandmother reads her grandchildren a Caillou book. While this version enjoys success in some countries outside the US, it was never formally aired in the US. The second version, which premiered in late 2000, has the show extended to 30 minutes, and has puppets, music and live action segments thrown in. The animation parts, however, are a mixture of the first version of the show with the "grandma reading to kids" part of the story lopped off and some new stories (however, Season 3 no longer contains animation parts from the first version of the show).

187 episodes

Season Premiere


2x01 Star Light, Star Bright

Season Premiere

2x01 Star Light, Star Bright

  • 2000-09-19T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou's grandma is making her special top potato sald which Caillou says it's "Yummy!" Caillou's family looks up at the beautiful night sky. It reminds his daddy of when he used to look for shooting stars. Caillou really wants to see a shooting star for himself. While Caillou and his daddy look at the moon and several star constallations, Caillou tries being patient to watch a shooting star going by.


2x02 All in a Day's Work

2x02 All in a Day's Work

  • 2000-09-04T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 WIP title: "My Alarm Clock Didn't Go Off") It's morning and Gilbert wakes Caillou up He goes into Mommy and Daddy's room. They wish him good morning. Then, Mommy realizes that their alarm didn't go off. Dad has Caillou go downstairs and feed Gilbert. Mom makes Caillou rush through breakfast and he's not happy about it. In the bathroom, Caillou sees Mom's makeup. He uses it on Rosie, to make her look like Mommy. Mom notices this and Caillou says he wanted Rosie to look like her. Mom scolds him for playing with her makeup. Dad asks Caillou to get dressed so that he and Rosie can go to playgroup, but Caillou doesn't want to . He wants to stay home and play with Daddy. Daddy, however, has to go to work. So Dad goes downstairs and tells Mommy to go ahead on to the playgroup with Rosie. Back upstairs, we learn that Dad's alarm clock definitely isn't going off because he's decided that he can be even later than he is now for work by taking Caillou around the neighborhood to see other people who are working. Caillou meets the mailman, a garbage collector and cops. They also stop at an ATM, where Dad clears up Caillou's misconception that the ATM simply "gives him money." (A common misconception among little children.) He drops Caillou off at his playgroup, where he tells Mrs. Martin about all the stuff he did "at work."


2x03 The Cat's Meow

2x03 The Cat's Meow

  • 2000-09-07T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "Gilbert Goes to the Vet") It's time for Gilbert to go to the vet, but Caillou can't find him anywhere. Mommy finds him and the narrator notes that Gilbert doesn't like to ride in the car. In the car, Gilbert gets out of his box and hides. At the vet's, Caillou meets Sarah. Her cat Ollie is having his teeth cleaned. The vet examines Gilbert and declares everything fine. The vet gives Gilbert his yearly shots, having Caillou pet him to keep him calm. Gilbert runs off, ending the segment.


2x04 Caillou in Space

2x04 Caillou in Space

  • 2000-09-19T22:30:00Z30m

Leo has brought a new toy rocket, and he and Caillou pretend to be astronauts traveling to the moon. Caillou's daddy reads in the newspaper that a new planetarium is opening, and they're holding a contest for the best space costume. Rosie gets upset when Caillou and Leo wouldn't let them play with her, so Mommy decides to make some space costumes. Leo gets dressed like an astronaut and Caillou is a space monster. At the planetarium the next day, Caillou and his friends play a game where they pretend to walk on the moon and explore space. Rosie and her mommy win the best space costume contest.


2x05 The Treasure Chest

2x05 The Treasure Chest

  • 2000-09-04T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou finds an old trunk in the attic with some of Dad's old treasures in.


2x06 A Camping We Will Go

2x06 A Camping We Will Go

  • 2000-09-05T22:30:00Z30m

(Alternative title: "Camping in the Wild- Caillou Style") Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. Rosie notices Mommy and Caillou's absence and starts crying, waking up Daddy, who ends up having to go too. Caillou notices a moose crossing sign and asks about it. He says that he hopes to see a moose. They reach the campsite and meet Pierre, who tells them about all the great things they can do, but also notes that it's rare to see moose because they're afraid of humans. Caillou learns about not feeding wild animals, goes mountain climbing, sleeps outside in a hammock and in the end sees his moose. Rosie scares the moose away, but no one gets upset and everyone has a good laugh.


2x07 Chopsticks

2x07 Chopsticks

  • 2000-09-13T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou's eating over at Sarah's place. He discovers how Chinese people eat, but has a little trouble handling chopsticks. But he learns, and teaches Sarah's family a thing or two about eating Jell-O with chopsticks.


2x08 A Special Dog

2x08 A Special Dog

  • 2000-09-15T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou and Mommy meets one of Mommy's old friends. She has a dog with a special harness on. Caillou wants to play with the dog, but he's not allowed to - the dog is a guide dog. Mommy's friend is actually visually impaired. She demonstrates how the dog helps her see.


2x09 Caillou Beats the Heat

2x09 Caillou Beats the Heat

  • 2000-09-14T22:30:00Z30m

It's planes, trains and automobiles (plus a toy boat) for Caillou.


2x10 Back Seat Driver

2x10 Back Seat Driver

  • 2000-09-08T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "Breakdown in Transit") Daddy is driving Caillou and Rosie to meet up with Mommy at a restaurant. Caillou is playing with a toy car and Rosie insists on playing with it. There's a lot of traffic and they get stuck and then the car breaks down. Dad's "just great" reaction is about passive as can be, although they cut away to Caillou and Rosie, so we don't get to see anymore. They wait for the tow truck to arrive, Dad sitting face forward with a smile on his face, like he's the happiest guy in the world. The tow-truck guy is all friendly and takes them to "Sullivan and Son." He's the son, so it's his Dad that will be fixing the car. Throughout this segment, Daddy is just standing around with black oil smudged on his face, like there's no bathroom at the mechanic's where he can go and get cleaned up. Some other stuff happens, but by this time the length of the segment is bucking way outside of the target audience's attention span (editor's note: at this time, Caillou and Rosie were trying to buy clocolate bars from a vending machine, but kept ending up with one of those health/musli bars instead). They eventually make it to the restaurant, Caillou's toy car is fixed and Daddy gets cleaned up.

It's Mother's Day and for mommy's special day, Caillou's family goes to a retaurant for brunch. Rexie learns from Teddy all about manners and how to behave properly. Caillou gets to be Sarah's little brother for a day and go to school with her. Caillou just wants to play by himself but Rosie won't let him.


2x12 Holiday Magic

2x12 Holiday Magic

  • 2001-01-09T23:30:00Z30m

It is Christmas time and Caillou's family is getting ready to buy a Christmas tree. Caillou's Mommy tells Caillou to draw a picture of what he wants for Christmas to give to Santa. He draws a dinosaur. They go to the mall to see Santa. Caillou sees Santa and shows him the picture, he thinks Caillou wants a real dinosaur but Caillou explains it is a toy dinosaur. Santa then wants to see Rosie, but Rosie is crying that she's scared, so says he'll see her next year. Next, Caillou's family goes to get a tree, but the bad news is the Christmas tree person just sold his last tree to Clementine but he will have more tomorrow. At home, Gilbert has gotten into the lights for the tree. Caillou tells his Dad that he wants a Christmas tree today so they decorate a tree outside. They put the lights on it and Caillou thinks that it is the best tree ever. Caillou's Mom says that they will have a tree inside too. Caillou thinks he is the luckiest boy ever to have 2 Christmas trees and a dinosaur.


2x13 Downhill from Here

2x13 Downhill from Here

  • 2001-01-09T23:30:00Z30m

Caillou, his Mommy and Sarah go skiing, and his Daddy and Rosie have hot chocolate.


2x14 Next Stop... Fun!

2x14 Next Stop... Fun!

  • 2000-09-14T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou and his family travel to their vacation spot via rail. On the train, Caillou learns about how fun train rides can be.


2x15 Under Sail

2x15 Under Sail

  • 2000-09-14T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou goes to the park with Rosie and his mother. There they see toy boats sailing on the lake. Later, at his grandparents’ house, Caillou finds his grandpa's old boat in their basement. Caillou and Grandpa repaint the boat and then sail it.


2x16 Farmer Caillou

2x16 Farmer Caillou

  • 2000-09-13T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou wants pancakes, but mommy says that they're fresh out of eggs, and suggest that Caillou go borrow some from Mr. Hinkle. Mr. Hinkle obliges, and Caillou's surprised to see brown eggs. Mr. Hinkle explains that these came from his sister's farm. He then asks Caillou if he'd like to visit the farm. Caillou says yes, and hurries home to tell Mommy the news. Later, Caillou goes to the farm, and help Miss. Hinkle bake apple pie. They then go out and milk cows and ride tractor. Then, Caillou feeds the chicken. At first, the chickens gang up on him. Then one escapes and Caillou chases it. When Caillou finds it, Caillou sees that the chicken has laid an egg. Caillou then plays in the barn, gets frightened by a rather fierce cat who was protecting her kitten. Caillou then goes have pie, and later, when he gets home, tells mommy that the eggs are "Chicken fresh".


2x17 Sunday Brunch

2x17 Sunday Brunch

  • 2000-09-18T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou is excited to get up out of bed because today is Mother's Day and he's got a special gift for his Mom. He goes downstairs and wonders where Mommy is. Daddy explains that he let her sleep in and he's making her breakfast. They take the breakfast up to her and Caillou wishes her a happy birthday. Mommy tells him that it's not her birthday, it's Mother's Day. Caillou wants to give her the present, but Daddy suggests that he give it to her when they go to brunch. Since it's a special day, they're going to brunch (breakfast / lunch) at a restaurant. At the restaurant, Caillou and Rosie press their faces against a fishtank and then are escorted to the table by a waiter who calls them sir/madam. Caillou likes this. At the table, there's no food and Caillou learns that it's a buffet, so you have to go get the food. He's eager to get the food, but learns that you have to take your place in line. He wants to carry his own plate, but when he ends up sneezing and blowing away some of his food onto the floor, Mommy ends up carrying it for him. Caillou loses his appetite, but it perks up when the dessert tray is brought out. He asks if Mommy is going to get a cake with candles and is told that they don't usually do that for Mother's Day. The waiter, however, decides to be accommodating and brings a cake with candles. Caillou helps Mommy blow them out as he wishes her a happy birthday, or rather a happy Mother's Day and he also gives her his gift, one of his toy cars.


2x18 Caillou to the Rescue

2x18 Caillou to the Rescue

  • 2000-09-07T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "Caillou the Lion Tamer, or Firefighter") Caillou tries to teach Gilbert tricks like a lion tamer, but Gilbert is more interested in chasing butterflies. When a dog on a leash approaches him, he gets scared and races up a tree. Caillou tries to lure him down with his favorite toy mouse, but then notices how high up he is and runs to get his Dad's help. Dad gets a ladder, but it's not tall enough to reach Gilbert. He calls the fire department and when the firefighters get there, Dad recognizes an old friend of his who he played with when he was a kid, Eric. The firefighters set up a ladder and Gilbert is retrieved successfully. Gilbert proceeds to show his gratitude by running off. Caillou is invited for a tour of the firestation and rides in the firetruck. At the firestation, Caillou meets Sparky, their dalmatian, who helps them sniff for fires. Finally, the firestation's alarm sounds and the firefighters have to leave. Back at home, Caillou tells Gilbert that he's saved him and notes that Gilbert should be glad he's a firefighter.


2x19 Top Bunk

2x19 Top Bunk

  • 2000-09-08T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "Caillou & Rosie at Grandpa & Grandma's") Caillou and Rosie stay overnight at Grandpa and Grandma's. Caillou is told that he now has to share a room with Rosie and he's upset because before he always had his own room, but now it's Grandma's sewing room. Then he's told about Grandpa's surprise. It's bunkbeds. Rosie wants the top bunk, but Caillou wins because it's too high for Rosie. That night, Caillou loses Teddy over the side of the bunkbed. Rosie tries to get it up to him, but she can't, so he climbs down. Then, he's too scared to climb back up, so they sleep together on the bottom bunk.


2x20 Recipe for Fun

2x20 Recipe for Fun

  • 2001-01-08T23:30:00Z30m

In order:

Say Cheese A New Member of the Family Caillou and Daddy Caillou Goes to the Zoo


2x21 New Kids on the Block

2x21 New Kids on the Block

  • 2002-02-18T23:30:00Z30m

In order:

Caillou's Snowman Downhill from Here Holiday Magic Caillou Learns to Skate


2x22 Off to School

2x22 Off to School

  • 2000-09-18T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou is watching out the window because he wants to see the school bus when it comes. Daddy keeps calling him to do things, which annoys him because he might miss the bus. He does get to see it, though and it gets him to wishing that he could go to school. That evening, Sarah comes over with an invitation. Her school is having a little brother/sister day. She doesn't have one, so she wants to invite Caillou to come instead. Caillou's parents agree and the next day, Caillou is off to school. He wants to bring his dinosaur, but his Mommy says he doesn't need it. He'll have so much fun at school that it'll just get forgotten in his backpack. Caillou's Mommy drives Caillou and Sarah to school. There, Caillou thinks the school is very big. Sarah holds his hand as they go in. Caillou gets to see Sarah's classroom briefly, but then they have to go to the gym for assembly. Once there, Caillou wants to play, but Sarah tells him they have to sit and listen. As the principal drones on about "fun-filled, action-packed day," Caillou starts to get antsy. He has to use the bathroom. Later, Caillou and Sarah are back in the classroom, drawing on the blackboard. Normally they couldn't do this, but it's allowed since it's a special day. Then they have recess, during which Sarah comments that she likes school, but wishes they had more time outside. Caillou doesn't understand until the bell rings and Caillou realizes that recess seems very short. Back in class, Caillou enjoys painting. Then later, they have lunch and Caillou and Sarah decide to switch their lunches. On the way home that day, Caillou tells Mommy all about what he did in school and then goes to sleep in the back of the car.


2x23 Caillou's Kitchen

2x23 Caillou's Kitchen

  • 2001-01-11T23:30:00Z30m

In order:

Caillou Goes Birdwatching The Baby Bird Into the Woods (Out of the Woods) Caillou the Jungle Explorer


2x24 Caillou's Sea Adventure

2x24 Caillou's Sea Adventure

  • 2000-09-25T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou is inside the house, playing with his kite again. He tries to interest Gilbert in it, but Gilbert doesn't care. He goes downstairs to get Mommy because they're supposed to be going to the park, but Mommy opens the door and shows him that it's raining. She says that the forecast is for rain all day. Caillou is upset. He feels that he has nothing to do and doesn't like the suggestion of playing with Rosie. Daddy suggests that Leo could come over. So Caillou calls over to Leo's house, but is simply told that Leo isn't home. Daddy suggests that he use his imagination to find something to do. He finds Roise playing peekaboo, but gets upset because she's playing with something of his. He ends up deciding to let her play with it, though. He's gotten an idea of something he can do. He grabs the tablecloth off the kitchen table and creates his own pirate ship. Rosie comes in and wants to play, but Caillou won't let her. They argue and Mommy ends up taking the tablecloth away. Caillou tries playing a matching card game and Rosie interferes. At first he's mad again, but then he makes her laugh and decides to play with her. So they once again set up the pirate ship and Caillou gets a cardboard tube from Dad to use as a periscope. They pretend that they're trying to escape from Gilbert, who's a shark. Then, Daddy joins in the game and pretends to be a pirate.


2x25 The Little Bird

2x25 The Little Bird

  • 2001-05-07T22:30:00Z30m

In order:

One, Two, Boom! Caillou's Rainy Day Light's Out! Caillou Goes Shopping


2x26 Lights Out!

2x26 Lights Out!

  • 2001-05-09T22:30:00Z30m

In order:

The New Computer Big Rock Caillou Goes to Work Caillou Flies on a Plane


2x27 Caillou's Check-Up

2x27 Caillou's Check-Up

  • 2000-09-06T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou hears some horror story from Leo about his cousin's visit to the dentist, and becomes very afraid when his mom wants to take him to one. But Caillou soon learns that the dentist isn't as scary as he thinks. In fact, he even got some freebies after the visit.


2x28 Calling Dr. Caillou

2x28 Calling Dr. Caillou

  • 2000-09-06T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou's looking forward to follow dad to work, but dad calls it off because he has a cold. Caillou is upset, but tries to put up with it. He pretends that Teddy has a cold too. He then tucks Daddy and Teddy into bed, bring them drinks and snacks, makes them a get well card, and reads them a bedtime story.


2x29 Pumpkin Patch Kid

2x29 Pumpkin Patch Kid

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z30m

In order:

Caillou Gets Dressed Caillou Stays Up Late Caillou Helps with Lunch Caillou in the Bathtub


2x30 Caillou's Got Rhythm

2x30 Caillou's Got Rhythm

  • 2000-09-11T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 WIP title: "Concert at the Park") Caillou and Rosie go to the park with Grandma. There's a band at the gazebo there and Caillou dances with Rosie. Then, the musicians pack up and leave. Caillou's upset, he wants to hear them play! Back at home, Grandma plays the tune the musicians were playing on the piano. Caillou joins in, playing the "drums" and Rosie helps too. Grandma then assists them in making better instruments so they can join her band. They make maracas and at first Caillou wants to play those, but Grandma convinces him to play the drums. Then Grandma tells them about listening to what the other musicians are playing so that they can play along. They play "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." Mom gets home and they give her a performance. The next day at the park, the musicians haven't come back. So Caillou, Rosie and Grandma give the concert instead.


2x31 Do It Yourself

2x31 Do It Yourself

  • 2000-09-28T22:30:00Z30m

Fun ways to play are found by Caillou, Clementine and Leo. Also: Caillou, Rosie and babysitter Julie go on a scavenger hunt; Caillou's friend André visits; Caillou's plans to fly a kite, but it rains, so he creates a pirate ship in his living room.


2x32 Caillou's Big Sale

2x32 Caillou's Big Sale

  • 2002-02-19T23:30:00Z30m

In order:

Caillou's New Babysitter Too Many Cooks Caillou at Daycare


2x33 One, Two, Boom!

2x33 One, Two, Boom!

  • 2001-05-07T22:30:00Z30m

In order:

New Leaf Try, Try Again Caillou Learns to Swim Caillou Hurts Himself


2x34 Out of the Woods

2x34 Out of the Woods

  • 2001-01-11T23:30:00Z30m


Caillou goes to a car wash with Daddy and Rosie; he travels to pretend places with Rosie and babysitter Julie. Also: Caillou wants to ride on the school bus; he goes to a theme park with his family.


2x35 House Paint

2x35 House Paint

  • 2000-09-28T22:30:00Z30m

To prove he’s ready to help Dad paint the porch, Caillou paints Rosie’s dollhouse first – and Gilbert, with paint-dipped paws, does some painting too!


2x36 Caillou's Thanksgiving

2x36 Caillou's Thanksgiving

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z30m

In order:

Caillou is Not Afraid Anymore A Helping Hand New Kids on the Block


2x37 Say Cheese

2x37 Say Cheese

  • 2001-01-08T23:30:00Z30m

Dad lends Caillou his old camera and helps him take pictures of every member of their family — including Gilbert.


2x38 Finder's Keepers

2x38 Finder's Keepers

  • 2000-09-20T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "Da Plane, Where's Da Plane?") Caillou and Leo are playing, but they both want to play with the same truck. Caillou decides to add his toy airplane to their pretend farm, but he can't find it. He searches all around the house with Leo, finding money, a bracelet that Mom lost and other toys that he lost. Along the way, he's constantly stopped by his parents and told to clean things up. Eventually, he finds his airplane after cleaning up his room. Encouraged, he and Leo decide to try and find Caillou's train that he lost.

2x39 A Frog in Caillou's Throat

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "Let's Play Charades") At first, Caillou's throat is sore and he's given some medicine and instructed to go to bed. But then, the next morning, it seems he's lost his voice. So instead of saying what he wants, he uses hand signals and body movement (charades) to communicate.


2x40 Caillou the Great

2x40 Caillou the Great

  • 2000-09-21T22:30:00Z30m

Seeing Bravo the magician at Leo’s birthday party inspires Caillou to become Caillou the Great and put on a magic show of his own.

2x41 Clowning Around

  • no air date30m

Caillou and his friends pretend to be robots.

Caillou loses his whale card and his family help him find it.


2x43 Mom For a Day

2x43 Mom For a Day

  • 2000-09-08T22:30:00Z30m

(A42 wip title: "I Can Help Daddy With Rosie") Mom leaves for a business meeting, so Caillou helps Dad with caring for Rosie. For example, she doesn't like cheese on her macaroni and she always has a little water in her apple juice. Caillou helps Dad look after Gilbert too. Rosie bumps her knee on a chair, so Caillou kisses it to make it better. Then the two play house together. Daddy lies Rosie down for a nap. Caillou gets bored and wants to play with her, so he feigns sneezing to wake her up. Daddy reprimands him for it, calling his bluff. At dinner, Rosie won't eat all of her food, so Caillou does the old "open wide for the plane" trick. Daddy gives Rosie a bath and she fusses until Caillou gives her a rubber duck. That night, Rosie cries when Daddy tries to make her go to bed. Caillou explains that Dad needs to read them a story. Dad has Caillou read the story. When Mom gets home, Dad's fell asleep, whereas Caillou and Rosie are wide awake.


2x44 Caillou Plays Baseball

2x44 Caillou Plays Baseball

  • 2000-09-28T22:30:00Z30m

Caillou moves from renovation to recreation when Dad and Sarah teach him to play baseball.


2x46 Hide and Seek

2x46 Hide and Seek

  • 2000-09-26T22:30:00Z30m

Rosie and Caillou are happily playing together with toy trucks. It's going well, but then Rosie starts grabbing things such as action figures out of Caillou's toy box. Caillou takes them from her and she cries, so he gives them back to her. He goes downstairs and finds Daddy in the kitchen cooking something. He complains about Rosie taking his toys. Daddy suggests that he share them. He tells Caillou to wait a little while and come back for a special surprise. Caillou is annoyed that Daddy isn't listening to him, so he goes to Mommy, but she also suggests that he play with Mommy. Really annoyed now, Caillou decides that perhaps if he gives Rosie something to do on her own, then he'll be left alone to do what he wants. So he goes upstairs and creates a playfort for her, but she disappears and he gets to thinking she's playing hide-and-seek. He ends up going on a wild-goose-chase all around the house and looking outside too for Rosie, but it's a game he can't win. Rosie isn't hiding in one place, she keeps moving about such that Caillou can't find him. Caillou starts to get worried, so his parents help him out and they eventually manage to track Rosie down to the playfort that Caillou set up for her. Caillou tries to join her inside, but it ends up falling over. Mommy and Daddy decide that they'll play hide and seek with Caillou, but then Daddy remembers his surprise. So they all go downstairs and enjoy the surprise - gingerbread cookies and then they all play hide and seek together, with Mommy, Daddy and Rosie hiding together and Caillou looking for them all.


2x47 Caillou's Clouds

2x47 Caillou's Clouds

  • 2000-09-25T22:30:00Z30m

Mommy, Caillou and Rosie are out at the park having a picnic. Caillou also has another reason to be excited about being at the park - he has a kite that he wants to try out. He tries it, but he can't get it to work. He runs, but it won't fly and he gets to thinking that it's broken. Mommy tells him that it isn't going to fly right now since there really isn't any wind. So they settle down to eat their food and then Mommy pushes Caillou and Rosie on the swings. Caillou watches the clouds in the sky and fantasizes various things, such as a tree, a train and an ice cream cone. He goes to play in the sandbox and then notices that the clouds are beginning to blow away. It's starting to get windy and Mommy reminds him about flying his kite. He goes to get it, but it nearly blows away itself. Caillou saves it and has a great time flying it.

2x49 Caillou and the Tooth Fairy

  • 2001-01-12T23:30:00Z30m


2x51 The Big Chill

2x51 The Big Chill

  • 2001-05-10T22:30:00Z30m


2x52 Leo's Hamster

2x52 Leo's Hamster

  • 2000-09-22T22:30:00Z30m

Leo has a hamster named Buddy. Caillou thinks that Leo is lucky to have him. Leo's going to be away from home for a while, so Caillou gets to take care of Buddy while Leo is away. Leo shows Caillou how to hold Buddy and reminds him to be gentle. Leo feeds Buddy a carrot and Caillou is surprised to see Buddy appear to eat the entire thing very quickly, but Leo explains that Buddy is actually hiding the carrot in his cheek pouches. The time finally comes for Caillou to take Buddy home. Leo's Mom gives Caillou a list to give to his Daddy. At home, Daddy makes sure that Gilbert stays out of Caillou's room so he can't get to Buddy. They check his food and water and then Daddy suggests that Buddy be left alone for a while because he's sleeping. So Caillou goes off to play with some blocks, but he gets bored and ends up taking Buddy out of his cage, even though Buddy was still sleeping. Buddy scurries all over Caillou and then runs off and into a small crack between one of Caillou's dressers and the wall. Caillou can't reach him and runs off to get Daddy, but when he gets back, Buddy is gone. Daddy and Caillou go on a hunt for him, but first Daddy locks Gilbert up in his cage so he can't go after Buddy. Eventually they hear Mommhy shouting out from the kitchen. They go in there and find her standing on a chair. It turns out that Buddy is underneath the refrigerator. So Caillou gets a carrot and uses that to lure Buddy out. Buddy is returned to his cage for a chance to really get some rest. When Leo arrives back from his trip, Caillou tells him all about what happened and how he used the carrot to lure Buddy out.


2x53 Three's a Crowd

2x53 Three's a Crowd

  • 2001-05-09T22:30:00Z10m


2x55 Shadow Play

2x55 Shadow Play

  • 2001-01-10T23:30:00Z10m

2x56 A New Member of the Family

  • 2001-01-08T23:30:00Z10m

Looking at the photo album, the family remembers when Gilbert was a kitten and first came to live with them.


2x57 Surprise Party

2x57 Surprise Party

  • 2000-09-22T22:30:00Z10m

(title: "Surprise Party For Grandpa") After Grandma tells Caillou that Grandpa was too sick to have a party on his birthday, Caillou is in disbelief. He decides to throw a belated birthday party for Grandpa and Rosie helps.


2x58 Caillou's Bad Dream

2x58 Caillou's Bad Dream

  • 2001-01-10T23:30:00Z10m


2x59 Caillou Computes

2x59 Caillou Computes

  • 2001-05-08T22:30:00Z10m

Dad brings home a new computer.


2x60 Caillou's Big Discovery

2x60 Caillou's Big Discovery

  • 2001-05-08T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou explores the dinosaur age when he and Leo find a fish fossil rock in Caillou’s backyard.

2x61 Caillou Goes to the Car Wash

  • 2001-10-12T22:30:00Z10m


2x64 Caillou Stays Up Late

2x64 Caillou Stays Up Late

  • 2001-05-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x66 Scavenger Hunt

2x66 Scavenger Hunt

  • 2001-10-09T22:30:00Z10m


2x67 Too Many Cooks

2x67 Too Many Cooks

  • 2001-10-10T22:30:00Z10m

2x70 Try, Try Again

  • no air date10m

Caillou becomes frustrated while learning to tie his shoes, but by watching Rosie he learns you can succeed if you keep trying.


2x71 New Leaf

2x71 New Leaf

  • 2001-10-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x72 Happy New Year

2x72 Happy New Year

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "Chinese New Year")


2x73 Caillou's Cross Word

2x73 Caillou's Cross Word

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m


2x74 Caillou meets Robbie

2x74 Caillou meets Robbie

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "I Can't Quite Hear You, But We Can Still Be Friends")


2x75 The Piñata

2x75 The Piñata

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "Xavier's Mexican Birthday Party")


2x76 Caillou's Promise

2x76 Caillou's Promise

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m


2x78 Caillou Misses Sarah

2x78 Caillou Misses Sarah

  • 2002-02-20T23:30:00Z10m


2x79 Caillou's T-shirt Trouble

2x79 Caillou's T-shirt Trouble

  • 2002-02-19T23:30:00Z10m


2x80 A Helping Hand

2x80 A Helping Hand

  • 2002-02-18T23:30:00Z10m


2x81 Knowing How!

2x81 Knowing How!

  • 2003-02-10T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns the value of determination and the benefits of success in this Caillou episode.

Skating Lessons: When Mom drives Sarah to her skating lesson, Caillou decides he wants to take skating lessons too! But the lessons are harder than Caillou expected, and if it weren't for the neato Zamboni, Caillou might not have gone back. But the second lesson proves to be a lot of fun, and Caillou gets a ride on the Zamboni too! (Additional Lessons: Learning That Sometimes Things Aren't As Hard As You Thought.)

Where I Live: When an invitation for Clementine's party accidentally ends up at Sarah's, Caillou learns the differences between the addresses of the two homes. Daddy helps by making up a rhyme. Caillou learns his address, and is able to recite it back to Clementine. (Additional Lessons: Learning About The Physical Relationship Of Where You Live As It Relates To The Outside World.)

Just Like Me: When Clementine tells Caillou how much she likes her older brother, Billy, to teach her things, Caillou sets out to teach something to Rosie. But this proves harder than Caillou thought, until Mom suggests he try the A-B-C song! (Additional Lessons: Learning To Help Others.)

Just In Time: When Caillou's dawdling causes he, Mom and Rosie to be late going to the park, they end up missing Leo. So Dad suggests they make a game out of not dawdling, by using an egg timer for Caillou to race against when he gets ready for bed. This time, Caillou isn't distracted, and now has time to have three stories read to him! (Additional Lessons: Learning About Being On Time And How It Affect Others.)

In one segment, Caillou learns that he lives at 17 Pine St. when a letter addressed to him is mistakenly delivered to his next-door neighbor Sarah. In other segments, Caillou learns to ice skate and attempts teaching the alphabet to his little sister Rosie. Beginning with this episode, there is only one puppet segment and it features Rexy forming a band. Rexy is looking for mu


2x82 Changing Plans!

2x82 Changing Plans!

  • 2003-02-11T23:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore how Caillou copes with change. Caillou plays in the rain, plays pretend and learns about playing by the rules. He also pretends to be a superhero, with his little sister, Rosie.

Fun in the Mud: It's raining outside but there is nothing that can stop Caillou! Since no one wants to join him, he goes outside to play in his new froggie boots, his rain coat and hat. He has a great time walking through water, making holes in the wet sand of the sand box, and making mud soup. He sees a robin catch a worm and is thrilled when he finds a worm of his own. When Leo calls to invite Caillou over to play, Caillou isn't sure at first if he wants to go since he's having such a great time by himself but, he decides that he wants to show his worm to Leo and heads off to see his friend. (Additional Lessons: Playing Alone)

I Scream for Ice Cream!: Caillou, Rosie and Mom are having fun at the park when the ice-cream man comes around. Caillou wants an ice-cream but the ice-cream man leaves before he can get there. Caillou is very frustrated and complains to Dad when they get home. Dad has an idea and Caillou cools off by riding his bicycle. When Caillou rings his bicycle bell, Dad suggests Caillou be the ice-cream man! Caillou is delighted by the idea. Soon, lots of "customers" join him in the kitchen to get one of his unique ice-cream creations. (Additional Lessons: Sharing)

Super Caillou: Caillou just loves his Superbear storybook. Dad reads it to him once but when Caillou wants to hear it again and again, Dad explains that he has other things to do. Caillou decides to make up a story on his own and plays it out with Rosie. "Superbear" and "Little Bear" run after the villain Gilbert AKA "Bad-Bazoo-Bear" and save the day. When they get to the kitchen a real task awaits them! Mom can't find her car keys. "Superbear" is quick to check around and finds them. Mom is very proud of her two super heroes. (Additional Lessons: Improvisation, Cooperat


2x83 Sounds and Music!

2x83 Sounds and Music!

  • 2003-02-12T23:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore things that have to do with music and sounds: Playing music, hearing music played and having fun with sounds. Caillou learns about playing the tuba, searches his attic with his Mom and visits the gym class of a friend.

Caillou Marches On: When Caillou visits Clementine, he is impressed to see Billy practicing on a Tuba. Billy shows Caillou and Clementine a little bit about the tuba and plays a musical game with them. Soon, Billy's marching band mates arrive to practice. Clementine and Caillou wish they could join in too. They make their own pretend horns with cardboard tubes. When Billy's sheet music is lifted away by a gust of wind, Caillou catches it and saves the day for the band! They all march on, giving Caillou a musical escort back to his house. (Additional Lessons: Fun with music, Imagination)

Follow That Sound: On a winter evening, a strange sound grabs Caillou's attention. Caillou first searches the living room but the sound seems to come from elsewhere. He follows the sound to find out its source. His quest takes him to see Dad in the basement where the sound is heard again. Caillou continues his search and discovers Gilbert in his room, having a great time playing with a baby toy. (Additional Lessons: Sound Discovery)

Music box: Caillou goes up to the attic with Mom and finds a box containing a teddy bear and a music box. Mom gives the bear a bandana, transforming him into a pirate bear. Caillou decides he likes the bear more than the music box. Since Caillou has made his choice, Mom decides to give Rosie the music box. When Caillou realizes that the music box was still working he wants it back. Caillou and Rosie find a way to both get to play with the music box and the pirate bear. (Additional Lessons: Sharing)

Caillou's Gym Day: Caillou gets a special invitation to go to Andre's gym class. A little intimidated at first, Caillou tries his best and ends up having great fun. When they make a rhythmic coor

2x84 Caillou's Summer Goodnight

  • 2000-09-19T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou's parents are going out, and Grandma's coming over to babysit. Later, it's naptime, and he dozes off. Until Glibert comes and wakes him up. Then he has trouble going back to sleep because it's too bright. Grandma comes up with an idea - a cardboard cutout of the night sky, and Caillou eventually falls asleep.


2x85 People I Love

2x85 People I Love

  • 2003-02-14T23:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore the special people in Caillou's life. Caillou gets a Valentine's Day card, learns about dancing, plays baseball and has a sleepover.

Mystery Valentine: It's Valentine's Day and Caillou is invited to a Valentine's party at his best friend Leo's house. Caillou is excited and with Mom's help, he prepares special Valentine cards for his friends. When he gets to the party and hands out his Valentine's cards, he finds a mysterious Valentine card addressed to him! It's not from anyone at the party. A little investigation back home leads him to his secret admirer: a little sister with a big heart. (Additional Lessons: Sharing)

Dancing at Grandma's: It is a rainy day and Caillou is disappointed because he will not be able to go play at the park with Grandma. Caillou's mood changes when he discovers an old photo of a younger Grandpa and Grandma dancing. He gets more excited when he finds a first-prize ribbon they won at a dancing contest. He wants to dance too! With Grandma as his partner, Caillou follows her lead and learns to dance in the living room. Soon Caillou is even inventing his own steps! The dance goes on and the park is long forgotten, even if the weather has changed and the sun is now shinning outside. (Additional Lessons: Dealing With a Change in Plans)

Play Ball!: When Dad's baseball team, the Tigers, are playing a game at the park, Caillou, Rosie and Mom, go to cheer him on. However, Caillou gets restless. He wants to participate too. Although he's too little to go up and bat, he becomes part of the team as the water boy and does a great job. When Dad's game is over, they take out Caillou's toy baseball gear and have a baseball game of their own. (Additional Lessons: Patience, Teamwork)

Caillou's Sleepover Guest: Leo is spending the night at Caillou's. Mom, Dad and Caillou provide him with all he needs: a sleeping bag to sleep in and a new toothbrush. Caillou would like all these special treats too but he lear


2x86 The World Around Me!

2x86 The World Around Me!

  • 2003-02-17T23:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore Caillou and how he relates to the world around him.

Caillou plays at the park, finds an old toy train, receives a gift from Grandma and creates a "doghouse" (cathouse?) for Gilbert. Today, Rexy is outside pretending to be an explorer. He's already conquered "Mount Sandbox" and now he's going to explore the world around him. Teddy comes out and Rexy tells him that he's searching for such things as icebergs and volcanoes. He thinks he hears a volcano, but it turns out that it's actually thunder. Gilbert shows up and says that it was thunder and they'd best be getting inside. Rexy can't believe this is happening. He's not done exploring yet. It's starting to rain and it's totally spoiled his plans. Gilbert and Teddy say that rain is important. It helps to water the flowers, among other things. Rexy is still upset and sings a song about how there's nothing to do and he wasn't expecting this. Eventually, he changes his mind and decides that it could be fun to play indoors. Just then, though, the sky clears up and Gilbert and Teddy send him on his way. Cailliou is exploring the world around him too, whether it be at his own house or at the park in his neighborhood.

"Caillou's Favorite Plate" Caillou's Grandma has given him a plate with spaceships on it and he loves it. He's just going to bed and wants to sleep with it, but Mommy suggests that it would be best if she takes it downstairs. It'll be there for him in the morning. In the morning, Caillou comes downstairs and sees Rosie admiring the plate. Caillou's upset that Rosie is apparently messing with his plate, so Daddy gives it to him. He tells him that Rosie was just admiring it. Caillou has breakfast on his plate, pretending that his toast is a rocket. Mommy takes the plate to wash it off, so Caillou heads off and draws a space picture. It finally gets to be lunchtime (or "tupper" as Rosie calls it) and Caillou can't wait to have macaroni and cheese on his plate. Daddy washes


2x87 Machines! Brrrrrmmm!

2x87 Machines! Brrrrrmmm!

  • 2003-02-18T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns about the mechanical world around him in this episode of Caillou.

Machines mainly involve transportation. Caillou rides on the subway, does repairwork on his bike and accompanies his parents to go car shopping after a mechanical failure in their old car. Caillou also pretends to be a bulldozer. Today, Rexy is hiding inside a box when Gilbert and Teddy come outside and say it's lunchtime. There are three boxes and they can't find him in two of them. He then pops up of the one in the middle and scares them both. He wants to play a game, pretending that the boxes are a singing train. It's okay with Gilbert, just as long as it doesn't take too long. He's getting hungry. So they all sing the "Silly Train" song and arrive back in time for lunch. As for Caillou, he's learning all sorts of things about machines and even doing some machine operating of his own.

"As Good As New" Caillou's inside watching Sarah biking from a window and asks Daddy if they can go biking too. Daddy says that it's a good idea, since it's a nice day out. They head outside and both get their bikes, checking to make sure that everything is okay with them, such as air pressure on the tires. They bid goodbye to Mommy and Rosie who are going out to shop. Just then, Leo and his Dad show up. Leo has a fancy new bike with a flag and streamers. Caillou wants to try it out, but at first Leo won't let him. Leo's Dad urges Leo to let Caillou ride it for a bit, saying that he's sure Caillou would let him ride his bike. Caillou has fun riding on it and thanks Leo for letting him try it. Leo and his Daddy head on their way and now Caillou seems a bit sad. He wants his bike to be like Leo's. Daddy says that if they clean their bikes, he's sure they would be better. So they clean them off, but Caillou still isn't satisfied. He wants streamers (or "steamers" as he calls them at first) and a flag. They go inside and use yarn and other materials to create these things. Caillou decorates his bike


2x88 It's Cold Outside! Brrrr!

2x88 It's Cold Outside! Brrrr!

  • 2003-02-19T23:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore all the fun things you can do in winter. Activities include making maple syrup and various types of snow fun.

The Sugar Shack: When Caillou's family makes a springtime visit Jonas' ranch, he takes them on a sleigh ride to a maple forest where Caillou discovers how the maple sap is collected from maple trees and gets to help to collect some. Later on in the sugar shack, Caillou learns about the maple syrup transformation process. But the best surprise is outside when Jonas pours the hot maple toffee on the snow, for everyone to enjoy. (Additional Lesson: Patience)

Winter Mystery: The twins, Jason and Jeffrey, have come to play with Caillou in the snow. They have fun playing games and making tracks in the snow until they discover smaller tracks between the two trees. A closer investigation leads them to a mischievous and playful squirrel who soon has them running around the yard. Exhausted, they drop in the snow and make some tracks of their own: snow angels. (Additional Lessons: Fun Games in the Snow)

Caillou's Snow Day: When Caillou, Rosie and Mom head to the big park, Caillou sees Andre and they decide to build a snow fort. It is not easy but Caillou likes to learn from Andre and they put a lot of effort into building it. Sarah shows up and the boys put the fort to the test as they start a fun snow fight. In the end, they decide that the fort could be higher and everyone pitches in to help. (Additional Lessons: Cooperation)

Dog Sled Ahead!: Caillou and his family are heading to the tobogganing hill! What fun it is to climb the hill and race down surrounded by people having a good time. Caillou is curious when they see a sled dog and his master giving a sled show on the premises. Caillou watches in wonder as the dog obeys the vocal commands. He's even more impressed when he gets to ride the sled with Rosie and the dog listens to him! (Additional Lessons: New Winter Experiences)

2x89 New Places and New Things!

  • 2003-09-15T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou has a variety of new experiences as he continues to grow and see the world around him.

The Big Boat: Caillou and family go on a trip on Helen's boat, an old friend of Mom's. Caillou is surprised to find there's a whole house packed into the boat. Caillou learns about wind and sails, and even gets to steer the boat too!

Caillou Becomes a Waiter: When Mom and Dad are getting ready to go out to a restaurant, Caillou doesn't understand why he can't go too! He's disappointed until Julie the babysitter suggests they make their own restaurant, complete with menus! Everyone dresses up and Caillou and Julie take turns being waiters!

Sticking to It!: When Caillou accidentally breaks one of his toys because his room is a mess, Mom suggests a way to make cleaning up fun: with colorful stickers and a chart. Now Caillou and Rosie get to pick out their very own stickers for brushing their teeth, and more importantly, cleaning up the toys in their bedrooms!

New Clothes: When Caillou dresses himself, he learns it's okay to change from your favorite shorts when you find out it's cold outside. And when you put your pants on backwards, you can change and put them on right. So when he sees Dad and Grandpa in suits and ties for a big party, he changes into his grownup clothes too.

In today's puppet segment, Rexy says he wants to go on a worldwide adventure. He says to Gilbert that he told him he was growing up, so he thinks he's ready for his adventure. Gilbert, however, tells him that he's not grown up enough yet. Rexy waits like a few seconds and then asks if he's grown up enough. Gilbert tells him it takes years to grow up. Rexy then sings a downbeat song about how he was going to have a great adventure, but now he has to stay right where he is. As he finishes the song, Gilbert and Teddy show up, saying they're going on a worldwide adventure. They tell him that just because they can't really go on a worldwide adventure doesn't mean they can't pretend. They si


2x90 Step By Step!

2x90 Step By Step!

  • 2003-09-16T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns about the value of helping others, whether they are close friends or new acquaintances in this Caillou episode.

A Good Friend: When Leo forgets his brand new toy dinosaur in the park, Daddy and Caillou go looking for it. With no success, Caillou, with Mommy's help, puts up a Lost and Found Poster, and then, finds 'Dino' at the Park Office Lost and Found!

Mr. Fix It: When the washing machine needs fixing, Caillou ends up helping Bob the repairman. Inspired, Caillou helps Dad hammer a nail and glue the leg onto a wobbly stool too!

Grandma's Helper: Caillou accompanies Grandma to the Senior's residence where he finds out 'driving' the meal cart is more fun than driving his toy truck because it has bigger wheels. Caillou even helps push Mrs. Wilson around in her wheelchair, proving to be the best driver she's ever had!

Caillou's Paper Route: When Sarah asks to borrow Caillou's wagon for her new paper route, Caillou offers to help too! Caillou, with Daddy's help, learns about getting up early, folding the papers and delivering them too. He even delivers one to Mr. Hinkle, and Daddy too!

In the puppet segment, Rexy, Teddy and Gilbert are assembling a bird feeder, step by step. Gilbert has the instructions and he says that the first step is to take the birdfeeder out of the box. They've already done that, so they move to the next step, which is to assemble the birdfeeder. Hearing that, Rexy wonders if that step comes with instructions. Teddy looks at it and figures it out, though, so it is quickly assembled. Gilbert reads Step 3, find a perfect spot and hang the birdfeeder. So the puppets begin looking for a spot, singing a song as they do, about how "working together is so much fun" and "you help me and I'll help you." They find a perfect spot, but notice that the birds aren't coming. They wonder what's wrong at first and Rexy asks if perhaps there's a Step 4. Gilbert looks at the instructions and sees that Rexy is absolutely right. The fo


2x91 I Love To Pretend!

2x91 I Love To Pretend!

  • 2003-09-17T22:30:00Z10m

Rexy is dressed in a cape and mask, trying to pretend to be a superhero. He's looking for something superheroic to do. He hears windchimes and pretends that they're sound of an approaching dragon. He pretends to track the dragon saying that the dragon isn't fooling him and he's not afraid of it. Gilbert and Teddy come out and see him pretending. Gilbert wonder what he's doing and Teddy explains it to him. Gilbert thinks it sounds like fun and wants to join in. Gilbert roars, pretending to be something evil. Rexy gets scared, thinking that it's real at first, but Teddy tells him that it's just Gilbert pretending. He tells Rexy he knows how he can fight the dragon. He has Rexy turn on the garden hose and spray him with it. Gilbert says that it isn't fair, he was just pretending. Rexy tells him that nobody messes with Super Rexy and gets away dry. As for Caillou, he's not playing superhero, or anything villainous either, but he does pretend to be a robot and also goes on a pretend safari.

"I, Robot" Caillou and Leo are outside playing in Caillou's driveway when Sarah stops by and shows off her new toy robot. Leo asks her to show them how it works, so she demonstrates that she can use a remote control to make it go forwards and backwards and even pick up a stick. She then has to leave, though. Caillou says that he'd like to have a robot like it. Leo starts pretending to be a robot, so Caillou makes up a pretend remote control. He and Caillou then take turns playing robot. Mommy makes them both a robot disguise. Caillou also borrows a pot which Rosie happens to be banging on and makes it into a silly robot hat. Then, he and Leo get into a bit of an argument because they both want to be a robot, but they only have one remote control. They run into Mommy, who decides to take over the remote control and control both of them. She uses the remote control to "make them jump" and then says she has to go cook dinner. So the boys take back the remote control and this time dec


2x92 All Wet!

2x92 All Wet!

  • 2003-09-18T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns about having fun with water.

Gone Fishing: Caillou learns about patience when he goes fishing with Daddy and Grandpa at the pier. He even watches a boat bring in a load of fish! But learning about patience is hard, can Caillou wait long enough to catch his own fish?

Caillou's Water Park: Caillou learns that the best fun is made up and not bought and paid for. When he sees a flyer in the mail about a fun looking water park, he wants to go! But Mom says it's not a good day for it and Caillou is disappointed. That is until they come up with an idea to make their very own water park in the backyard!

The Water Goes 'Round: Grandma is watching Caillou for the day, and he wants her to play trucks with him. But Grandma has a better idea; why not help do the laundry? She makes such a great game of it, Caillou wants to play it again and again. The only trouble is, the laundry is all done! Caillou learns about helping out, and that it can be fun too!

A Very Good Swimmer: Caillou gets an introduction to what it means to be handicapped, when, at the pool, he meets Tammy, a girl a few years older, who happens to be in a wheelchair. Caillou hardly even notices Tammy's handicap, all he knows is, she's a great swimmer! She even shows Caillou a few aquatic tricks!

In the puppet segment, Gilbert and Teddy are fanning each other because it's very hot. Rexy comes outside, saying that Caillou's Daddy just gave the "green light" to fill up the pool. Gilbert says that he would help out, but he can't move, the heat is simply unbearable. Rexy begins filling the pool - with toys. He thinks he has it all ready, but then Teddy tells him that he's forgetting something. Rexy says that Teddy is right, he's forgotten the most important thing. He goes inside and comes back out wearing a mask and snorkel. So Gilbert tells him that the missing ingredient is water. Rexy heads back inside, leading Gilbert and Teddy to wonder what he's doing. He comes back out with a smal


2x93 Animals and Me!

2x93 Animals and Me!

  • 2003-09-19T22:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore animals and how Caillou relates to them.

The puppets are all outside, imagining things in the clouds. Gilbert spots a bird in a tree and they all hear it singing. They don't really understand it, but they figure if maybe they sing a song, it'll help, since birds communicate by singing. They sing a big number called "The Animal Song" with lots of different animal sounds. Once they're done, Rexy asks if the bird liked it and it chirps back as if it did. Caillou also enjoys seeing and interacting with a bunch of different animals.

"Elephants" Caillou is inside, showing Rosie animals in a storybook. He points out an elephant to Rosie. Mommy comes in and says that they'll see some today during the trip to the zoo. They go to the zoo and Caillou sees a parrot. Caillou likes it, but he really wants to go see the elephants. So they follow a sign, which has a picture of an elephant pointing in one direction and a picture of a whale pointing in another. They see a monkey on the way to the elephants. Rosie likes it and Caillou tries to imitate it. Then they see hippos, which Caillou likes because they're really big, but he still wants to see the elephants. Mommy gives both him and Rosie a piggyback ride to where the elephants are. Caillou is happy to see them and they're as neat as he thought they would be. He sees a baby elephant and also sees an elephant spraying itself with water.

"Caillou and the Sheep" Mommy has a bad cold and is trying to get some rest, so Caillou is spending the day with Grandma. Grandma has a special surprise for him. She takes him to the farm of an old friend of hers. It's a sheep farm and Caillou is afraid of the sheep at first, but he gets the courage to go up to one and say hello. He meets Emma, Grandma's friend, who possibly kind of like what Rosie might when she grows up. Emma shows him around her house, showing him some of the different things they use the wool from the farm for. Then, Caillou meets


2x94 Outdoor Adventures

2x94 Outdoor Adventures

  • 2003-09-22T22:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore Caillou out in nature.

In the puppet segment, the puppets have painted their birdhouse and now are looking for the perfect spot to hang it back up. Gilbert thinks maybe they should hang it on a low branch, so that they can see the birds up close, but Teddy feels it's best to hang it higher up and that way more birds will come. Teddy wins and gets to hang the birdhouse. Once it's hung up, Rexy decides to stay put and watch and see if any birds come. When none show up at first, he begins getting bored. He goes inside and comes back out dressed like carnival hawker and starts calling out for all the birds to come. Teddy comes and tells him that he has to be quiet and wait patiently if he wants the birds to come. Rexy says that he wishes the birds would hurry. Just then, Gilbert goes chasing after a butterfly. Teddy goes to stop him and while he's doing that and Rexy waits, a butterfly lands on his back and a caterpillar starts crawling up it. This is neat, but it's even more neat when a bird finally comes to the birdhouse. Everyone is happy about it. Caillou is doing things outdoors too, such as cavorting with cows and going canoeing.

"The Duck Family" Caillou and his family are outside at a nature park having a picnic. Caillou is playing ball with Daddy, but the ball ends up going into a shallow pond. They go to try and get it when they see some ducks. The ducks end up swimming around the ball. Caillou wonders just what the ducks are doing and Daddy explains that they're looking for food underwater. Caillou wonders just how it is that ducks get food underwater. Caillou wonders how they do that. They end up getting scared away. Daddy then gets an idea. He and Caillou hide behind some brush and watch the ducks from a distance. Daddy teaches Caillou how to quack, which he thinks is funny at first, but he soon picks up and uses to call the ducks towards them. The ducks come very close and Caillou is very happy to be so close to on


2x95 All Around the Block!

2x95 All Around the Block!

  • 2003-09-23T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns more about living in his neighborhood and what that entails in this Caillou episode.

"Caillou's Horn" Gilbert is outside chasing a butterfly. Caillou tries to catch the butterfly with his net, but misses. Sarah shows up and shows Caillou an old toy horn of hers. She explains that she and her Mom are going to go and donate some of her old toys to the Community Center. She says she has to leave, so Caillou hands her back the horn, but she says that her Mom said it's okay for him to keep it. Caillou loves the horn, but at lunchtime, Mommy tells him that it's not an appropriate time to play with it. She sets it aside, but Rosie gets ahold of it and so Mommy moves it out of her reach too. Caillou eats quickly so that he can play with the horn some more. He goes outside to play with the horn and ends up scaring away some birds. Mommy comes out and says that she's taking Rosie to the store with her. She asks if Caillou wants to come and he asks if he can bring the horn, but she says that he can't. So he decides he doesn't want to go. He's starting to get annoyed at how it seems like it's never the right time to play with the horn. Daddy says that he'll take him someplace where he can play with the horn all he wants. Caillou goes to the playground and has lots of fun. Atop a slide, he spots Sarah and calls out to her, but she can't hear him. So he toots the horn and it gets Sarah's attention. Finally, Caillou found the right time to toot the horn.

"The Mighty Oak" Caillou is outside swinging in his tire swing, while Daddy reads the paper. He hears an odd and loud sound and wonders what it could be. It turns out that it's coming from Mr. Hinkle's house. Caillou and Daddy go over and find that a hired worker is cutting down Mr. Hinkle's tree. Mr. Hinkle explains that the tree is sick and the branches are getting weak. He's having the man cut it down, so that it doesn't fall down on its own and hurt anyone. Later, Caillou and Daddy have the man come and e


2x96 Doing It Together!

2x96 Doing It Together!

  • 2003-09-24T22:30:00Z10m

In this Caillou episode we explore the things we do together: Things we need help with and the things that require more than one person.

"Caillou Helps Grandpa" Caillou and Daddy are outside, walking to Grandpa's house. It's a cold winter day and everything is covered in snow. Caillou's starting to get a bit impatient. He can't wait to get to Grandpa's so they can go skating. They get there, but the driveway is covered in snow and so if they want to go to the skating rink, they're going to have to shovel out first. Caillou volunteers to help, but soon finds that he has trouble keeping up. Daddy, however, praises him and tells him to keep going. His shovel gets stuck in the snow. He pulls on it hard and manages to get it out. He then starts a snowball fight with Daddy and Grandpa. This is fun for a little bit, but then Grandpa stops it and says that if they're ever going to go skating, they need to get going on shoveling the driveway. Caillou finds a green pot laying in the snow. He uses it to make neat snowcastles, which Daddy and Grandpa compliment. Grandma calls everyone in for a break and inside, Grandpa and Daddy are both looking tired. They suggest that maybe they could go skating tomorrow, but Caillou doesn't even care anymore anyway. He's at the window watching a snowplow pile up even more snow in the driveway. He can't wait to go outside and build more snowcastles, while Daddy and Grandpa sigh resignedly at the prospect of shoveling out more snow.

"Our Rocket Ship" Caillou and Leo are outside playing with their toy rocket ships. They've decided that they want to play all day. Daddy takes them to the park with Rosie. There, they decide to make a spacestation for their ships in the sand. Rosie sees that they're having fun and tries to join in, but Caillou just gets annoyed at her and makes her leave. Daddy takes her away so that they can play a game together. It comes time to leave because Rosie has to take a nap. Caillou's upset that they have to leave


2x110 Caillou's Friends

2x110 Caillou's Friends

  • 2001-05-09T22:30:00Z10m


2x111 Caillou's Big Friend

2x111 Caillou's Big Friend

  • 2001-05-09T22:30:00Z10m


2x112 The Big Chill

2x112 The Big Chill

  • 2001-05-10T22:30:00Z10m


2x113 Spring Cleaning

2x113 Spring Cleaning

  • 2001-05-10T22:30:00Z10m


2x114 Caillou's Rainy Day

2x114 Caillou's Rainy Day

  • 2001-05-10T22:30:00Z10m


2x115 Caillou's Picnic

2x115 Caillou's Picnic

  • 2001-05-10T22:30:00Z10m


2x116 Caillou Gets Dressed

2x116 Caillou Gets Dressed

  • 2001-05-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x117 Caillou Stays Up Late

2x117 Caillou Stays Up Late

  • 2001-05-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x118 Caillou Helps with Lunch

2x118 Caillou Helps with Lunch

  • 2001-05-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x119 Caillou in the Bathtub

2x119 Caillou in the Bathtub

  • 2001-05-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x120 The Piñata

2x120 The Piñata

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "Xavier's Mexican Birthday Party")


2x121 Happy New Year

2x121 Happy New Year

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "Chinese New Year")

2x122 Caillou's Birthday Present

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m


2x123 Surprise Party

2x123 Surprise Party

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m

(title: "Surprise Party For Grandpa") After Grandma tells Caillou that Grandpa was too sick to have a party on his birthday, Caillou is in disbelief. He decides to throw a belated birthday party for Grandpa and Rosie helps.


2x124 Caillou Helps Out

2x124 Caillou Helps Out

  • 2000-09-22T22:30:00Z10m

Everyone’s lending a helping hand today. Caillou plans a surprise birthday party for Grandpa with Grandma’s help. He and Grandma get everything ready, and Grandpa is very surprised and very happy. Rexy, on the other hand, is disappointed when Teddy and DeeDee are too busy with their chores to play with him. Gilbert suggests that Rexy help the others out - that way they’ll be finished sooner and ready to play. Caillou really likes to play with Leo’s pet hamster and would love to have one of his own. He doesn’t realize how much hard work having a hamster can be until he offers to look after Leo’s pet while Leo and his parents are out of town. He soon realizes it’s not all fun and games – especially with Gilbert around!

In the puppet segments, Teddy is out raking leaves, while Deedee is busy gathering nuts for the winter. Gilbert sees Teddy raking the leaves and says that he'll come and help him later, but for the time being, he's going go have a catnap. Rexy also notices Teddy raking the leaves and asks him why he's doing it. After pestering him with "why" questions for a little while, he asks him if he's seen Deedee. Teddy says that he has, but tries to warn Rexy that Deedee is busy. Rexy doesn't listen and goes and asks Deedee if she wants to play pirates. Deedee is so busy that she doesn't really have time to do much more than say that she can't. Rexy doesn't understand why she'd choose gathering nuts over playing pirates, since playing pirates is much more fun. He decides to try playing pirates himself to show how much fun it is, but just ends up playing by himself. He starts to get sad and then Gilbert comes out, apparently having finished his catnap and asks him what he's doing by himself. Rexy explains how everyone's busy and Gilbert suggests that he ask if he can help out. So both Rexy and Gilbert help with everyone's chores and pretty soon they're all playing pirates together. Caillou is helping out too, whether it be taking care of a frien


2x126 Caillou's Big Kick

2x126 Caillou's Big Kick

  • 2001-10-09T22:30:00Z10m


2x127 Caillou's All Alone

2x127 Caillou's All Alone

  • 2001-10-09T22:30:00Z10m


2x128 Do It Yourself

2x128 Do It Yourself

  • 2000-09-28T22:30:00Z10m


2x129 Too Many Cooks

2x129 Too Many Cooks

  • 2001-10-10T22:30:00Z10m


2x130 Caillou at Daycare

2x130 Caillou at Daycare

  • 2001-10-10T22:30:00Z10m


2x131 New Leaf

2x131 New Leaf

  • 2001-10-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x132 Try, Try Again

2x132 Try, Try Again

  • 2001-10-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x133 Caillou Learns to Swim

2x133 Caillou Learns to Swim

  • 2001-10-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x134 Caillou Hurts Himself

2x134 Caillou Hurts Himself

  • 2001-10-11T22:30:00Z10m


2x136 Caillou and the Atlas

2x136 Caillou and the Atlas

  • 2001-10-12T22:30:00Z10m

(or: Far Away Home!)


2x137 Caillou's School Bus

2x137 Caillou's School Bus

  • 2001-10-12T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou sees the school bus go by his window every day and he wants to go on a ride with it. He asks Dad when he can ride on the school bus and Dad says that he can't until his next birthday. Caillou, though, is 4 and so he wants to go on the school bus (all together now, really whiny) NOW. Dad says that they can go and see the school bus up close. They get up early the next day. Sarah asks Caillou if he's coming on the bus. Dad says no, but then the bus driver sees Caillou's Dad and realizes that he knows him. Dad greets the bus driver as Mr. Washington. The driver says that he looks forward to taking Caillou to school on the bus when the time comes. He offers to let Caillou ride on the bus the next day, if he can clear it with his boss. The next day, the bus comes and Mr. Washington tells Caillou to get on the bus. Caillou goes to the school and back. Dad has Caillou thank Mr. Washington. Mr. Washington says that he'll see Caillou after his next birthday.


2x139 Caillou's Cross Word

2x139 Caillou's Cross Word

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m


2x140 Caillou's Promise

2x140 Caillou's Promise

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m


2x141 Caillou's New Friend

2x141 Caillou's New Friend

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m


2x142 Caillou's Quarrel

2x142 Caillou's Quarrel

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m


2x144 A Helping Hand

2x144 A Helping Hand

  • 2002-02-18T23:30:00Z10m


2x145 New Kids on the Block

2x145 New Kids on the Block

  • 2002-02-18T23:30:00Z10m


2x146 Caillou's Hiding Place

2x146 Caillou's Hiding Place

  • 2002-02-19T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou gets stuck in a cabinet when trying to find someplace to hide. Grandpa rescues him, then tells him about a special hiding place in the garden. It's in a hole in a tree. Inside the space, Caillou finds one of his Dad's old toys. Dad sees the toy and notes that Caillou must have found his special hiding place, "but it's your special hiding place now."


2x147 The Rummage Sale

2x147 The Rummage Sale

  • 2002-02-19T23:30:00Z10m

2x148 Caillou's T-shirt Trouble

  • 2002-02-19T23:30:00Z10m


2x149 Caillou Flies on a Plane

2x149 Caillou Flies on a Plane

  • 2002-02-20T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou and Rosie and the family go on a plane. The adventurous boy Caillou has never flown on a plane before and finds out it's a great experience.


2x150 Caillou at the Beach

2x150 Caillou at the Beach

  • 2002-02-20T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou's family goes to the beach. It's Caillou and Rosie's first time. Caillou goes into the water with his Daddy. He has a picnic with his family, but a seagull steals his sandwich. He follows a crab to the sea and sees lots of sea creatures. Then, he builds a sand castle with his Mom. Finally, the tide comes in and they have to leave for the time being, but they'll come back the next day (and the next day and the next day...)


2x151 Caillou Misses Sarah

2x151 Caillou Misses Sarah

  • 2002-02-20T23:30:00Z10m


2x152 Caillou Goes Camping

2x152 Caillou Goes Camping

  • 2002-02-20T23:30:00Z10m


2x153 Caillou's Phone Call

2x153 Caillou's Phone Call

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z10m


2x154 Caillou's Secret

2x154 Caillou's Secret

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "Smile! You're on Caillou Camera")


2x155 Caillou meets Robbie

2x155 Caillou meets Robbie

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "I Can't Quite Hear You, But We Can Still Be Friends")

2x156 A Frog in Caillou's Throat

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z10m

(A42 wip title: "Let's Play Charades") At first, Caillou's throat is sore and he's given some medicine and instructed to go to bed. But then, the next morning, it seems he's lost his voice. So instead of saying what he wants, he uses hand signals and body movement (charades) to communicate.


2x157 Caillou Rakes the Leaves

2x157 Caillou Rakes the Leaves

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z10m


2x158 Pumpkin Patch Kid

2x158 Pumpkin Patch Kid

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z10m


2x159 Caillou Loves Halloween

2x159 Caillou Loves Halloween

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z10m


2x160 Thanksgiving Dinner

2x160 Thanksgiving Dinner

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z10m


2x201 When I Grow Up

2x201 When I Grow Up

  • 2000-09-04T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou can’t wait to grow up and do new things. When he and Mom clean out the attic and find an old chest full of wonderful belongings, Caillou realizes these treasures of the past were once someone’s dreams for the future, and he longs for his own. But when he finds a dead bird in the garden, getting older suddenly seems pretty scary. After Mom and Dad assure him he has lots and lots of time, Caillou contemplates possible future jobs, like being a mailman or policeman. Meanwhile, the puppets aren’t getting any bigger – even though Rexy’s and Teddy’s long shadows give them pause!

In the puppet segments, Rexy is interested in growing up. Teddy is stuck under a bush. He can't get out because he has too much stuffing. Rexy keeps waking Gilbert and asking him if he's grown any. Gilbert says that growing up takes a bit longer than that. Rexy talks with Teddy, who, having finally gotten out from under that bush, tells Rexy that he when he first approached him, he thought that he might be a huge, tall dog. "Huge and tall" are words that Rexy likes to hear. Meanwhile, in this pilot episode of the new version of Caillou, Caillou considers the topic of growing up.

"The Treasure Chest" (A42 WIP title: "Pirate Caillou") Caillou is pretending to be a pirate. He's at the park with Dad and Grandpa. Dad comments to Grandpa that he can't wait until Caillou's a bit older so that he can teach him how to play football. Dad takes Pirate Caillou home, although he doesn't want to go home yet because he hasn't found a treasure. When he gets home, he finds Mom upstairs in the attic. He searches around and finds an old rotary telephone. Mom says that Dad must have saved it because he's a packrat. Caillou finds an old trunk and the narrator says that this is the treasure Caillou's been looking for. Inside the trunk are a bunch of Daddy's old things that he's saved. There's a camera, a harmonica and even a rose Mommy wore when Daddy took her to a special dance. Dad comes up


2x202 Summertime

2x202 Summertime

  • 2000-09-05T22:30:00Z10m

It’s summertime, and Caillou and his family are making the most of the season with days at the beach, a camping trip in the woods, and even a wonderful day at a theme park. Rexy, Teddy, and Gilbert are determined not to be left out, and plan a great picnic of their own. It would be a real summer treat, except the puppets forget one little thing: food! Caillou will never forget swimming and building a sandcastle with Dad; spotting a moose near their campsite; and whirling on the theme park rides. But maybe the best day of all is the one when Mom perks up a hot afternoon in the backyard with a homemade waterfall: the lawn sprinkler!

In the puppet segments, everyone is fall asleep, until Teddy wakes up and notices what a beautiful day it is. He starts yelling about it, waking Gilbert and Rexy up. The puppets start talking about how to celebrate and Teddy realizes that he has no idea what to do. They decide on a picnic, but at first forget the most important thing: food. Things work out though and everyone's dreams come true. Meanwhile, Caillou and his family enjoy the various pleasures (and experience some of the problems) of summer.

"Caillou at the Beach" Lifted from the original series. Caillou's family goes to the beach. It's Caillou and Rosie's first time. Caillou goes into the water with his Daddy. He has a picnic with his family, but a seagull steals his sandwich. He follows a crab to the sea and sees lots of sea creatures. Then, he builds a sand castle with his Mom. Finally, the tide comes in and they have to leave for the time being, but they'll come back the next day (and the next day and the next day...)

"A Camping We Will Go!" (title: "Camping in the Wild- Caillou Style") Caillou and his family are on the road and like any typical kid, Caillou asks his Mom to stop to use the bathroom. Rosie notices Mommy and Caillou's absence and starts crying, waking up Daddy, who ends up having to go too. Caillou notices a moose crossing sign and asks about it


2x203 I'm All Better

2x203 I'm All Better

  • 2000-09-06T22:30:00Z10m

Staying healthy – and coping when you’re not – is the order of the day. Caillou confronts a first visit to the dentist, a follow-up with the doctor after painful treatment for an earache, and an itchy case of chicken pox! But in each instance, Caillou learns to handle his fears with courage and to temper his impatience. And when Dad is laid low with a bad cold, Caillou takes charge, bringing him snacks, making a get well card, and keeping his spirits up. Teddy could use some cheering, too; he’s not well either, but Rexy and Gilbert tend to him. Everyone learns that getting better takes time.

Puppet segment: Teddy is really sick and doesn't feel like giving hugs. It seems the flu has been going around Caillou's family and now Teddy has caught it too. Gilbert and Rexy tries to make Teddy to feel better, but to Rexy it doesn't seem to be working. Gilbert explains to Rexy that healing takes time. Sure enough, by the end of the episode, Teddy's all better.

"Caillou's Check-Up" Caillou hears some horror story from Leo about his cousin's visit to the dentist, and becomes very afraid when his mom wants to take him to one. But Caillou soon learns that the dentist isn't as scary as he thinks. In fact, he even got some freebies after the visit.

"Calling Dr. Caillou" Caillou's looking forward to follow dad to work, but dad calls it off because he has a cold. Caillou is upset, but tries to put up with it. He pretends that Teddy has a cold too. He then tucks Daddy and Teddy into bed, bring them drinks and snacks, makes them a get well card, and reads them a bedtime story.

"Caillou Visits the Doctor" Lifted from the original series. Caillou goes to the doctor after recovering from an ear infection. He is afraid to have his ears checked because the otoscope bothered his infected ear the last time he was there. The doctor assures him it won't hurt this time, since his ear is all better, and also lets Caillou use the otoscope on a teddy bear. Back home, Calliou wa


2x204 Pets!

2x204 Pets!

  • 2000-09-07T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns about taking care of his beloved cat, Gilbert. And Gilbert decides he wants to have a pet, not just be one. He adopts Rexy, but decides having a pet is too much work. Caillou also discovers the rigors of responsibility. First, he comforts Gilbert during a trip to the vet for his shot. Later, when Gilbert is stranded up a tree, Caillou rallies the fire brigade to his rescue. He also plays detective to find the missing Gilbert when the cat disappears (napping in Caillou’s bed!). And he plays diplomat, too, when Gilbert’s resistance to children’s games forces Caillou to figure out kitty games that his pet much prefers.

In the puppet segments, Gilbert chains Rexy to a leash and dubs him his "pet dinosaur." When Rexy sneezes, Gilbert notes that sick pets are taken to the vet. After a segment from the show in which Gilbert was taken to the vet and didn't like it, Rexy asks Gilbert why he wants to take him to the vet if it was so dislikeable. Gilbert explains about how the vet is an animal doctor. Eventually, Teddy tells Rexy that he should tell Gilbert he doesn't want to be a pet anymore. Rexy, however, actually likes being a pet. He wakes up Gilbert and tells him he wants to go for a walk. Gilbert decides that he doesn't want to have a pet anymore, so Rexy tries to enlist Teddy, but he won't take the job. Then, Caillou calls out. He's looking for Rexy and Teddy. Meanwhile, the main portion of the show focuses on pets, specifically Gilbert, since he's Caillou's only pet.

"The Cat's Meow" (A42 wip title: "Gilbert Goes to the Vet") It's time for Gilbert to go to the vet, but Caillou can't find him anywhere. Mommy finds him and the narrator notes that Gilbert doesn't like to ride in the car. In the car, Gilbert gets out of his box and hides. At the vet's, Caillou meets Sarah. Her cat Ollie is having his teeth cleaned. The vet examines Gilbert and declares everything fine. The vet gives Gilbert his yearly shots, having Caillou pet him to keep him c


2x205 My Sister Rosie

2x205 My Sister Rosie

  • 2000-09-08T22:30:00Z10m

It’s a mixed bag having a little sister. Caillou and Rosie sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa’s in new bunk beds – but delight turns to fright for Caillou in the top bunk, and he cuddles on the bottom with Rosie instead. Later, sibling strife during a car ride with Dad turns to chivalry when the car breaks down, and Caillou takes care of his frightened sister as the tow truck takes them to the garage. Later on at home, Mom has to leave for the day and Caillou helps Dad on the daily routine; he realizes that he knows how Mom does lots of things, especially when it comes to taking care of little Rosie. Meanwhile, Rexy plays with his imaginary sister in the yard until a baby squirrel becomes his surrogate sibling.

In the puppet segments, Rexy decides to imagine himself a little sister. He decides that she should be called Deedee. Then, he starts pretending that he's taking care of her. Then, later on, he directs her to do something and a voice says that she's a little bit scared. Rexy helps her, telling her that he's her older brother. She falls off of the garden fence, but Teddy catches her. Teddy explains that Rexy was pretending and the squirrel thought that he was talking to her. She thanks Rexy for giving her the courage to jump from up high, or rather, she thanks Teddy, who explains that it was Rexy who helped her. Rexy says that he was just imagining a little sister and she says that she was imagining a big brother. They talk and realize that they each have a new friend. The squirrel doesn't have a name, so she takes Rexy's name for her, Deedee. Gilbert appears and recites his "Ode To a New Friend." In the Caillou portion of the show, it's all about taking of and playing with Rosie, except when Caillou's busy acting like a little baby.

"Back Seat Driver" (A42 wip title: "Breakdown in Transit") Daddy is driving Caillou and Rosie to meet up with Mommy at a restaurant. Caillou is playing with a toy car and Rosie insists on playing with it. There's a lot


2x206 Caillou Creates

2x206 Caillou Creates

  • 2000-09-11T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou discovers his creative side. He begins with a Father’s Day gift for Dad, a creation of paint and Popsicle sticks that, to Caillou’s delight, Dad instantly treasures because Caillou made it. A day at Grandma’s with Rosie reveals that playing music together can be noisy fun. And a gloomy mood is lifted when Caillou turns his blues into a session with Grandma’s paints. Caillou also has a ball performing in the daycare center play, especially when Mom and Dad come to watch. The puppets are in a creative mood, too; Teddy creates a collage, Gilbert writes an ode to the garden, and Rexy does wonders recycling found odds and ends.

In the puppet segments, Teddy makes a collage from things in the garden. Meanwhile, Rexy solves a puzzle, then finds a piece from a puzzle threw out and decides to do something fun with it. Gilbert works on an "Ode To a Beautiful Garden." In the non-puppet portions of the show, Caillou puts his creative ability to work.

"I Made it Myself" (A42 WIP title: "Caillou and the Paper Hat") Caillou's Grandpa comes over to watch him. Soon after, Clementine stops by to show Caillou a birdhouse she made for her father. Caillou wants to make one too, but doesn't want Grandpa's help at first. When he's unable to make one, Grandpa tries to show Caillou the art of paper crafts instead. He finally comes up with the idea of a paper hat. Caillou uses Grandpa's crossword puzzle to make it, Grandpa couldn't solve it anyway. When Dad arrives home, Caillou presents it to him and at first he thinks that it's a sailboat. Caillou's upset at first, but then Daddy praises it, calling it the best present he's ever given him.

"Caillou's Got Rythim" (A42 WIP title: "Concert at the Park") Caillou and Rosie go to the park with Grandma. There's a band at the gazebo there and Caillou dances with Rosie. Then, the musicians pack up and leave. Caillou's upset, he wants to hear them play! Back at home, Grandma plays the tune the musicians were playing on the


2x207 Caillou Cooks

2x207 Caillou Cooks

  • 2000-09-12T22:30:00Z10m

Someone’s in the kitchen; it’s Caillou! After making too much of a mess trying to help Mom, Caillou plays pretend-cooking with Sarah, and they bring Mom a bouquet of dandelions and a tasty cake made of toy blocks. The menu is just as playful at Grandma’s, where she and Caillou make display goodies from cardboard and glue. Later, the results are equally gluey when Caillou tries his hand at making cookies. But he does much better the day he makes his own breakfast for the first time. Meanwhile, Rexy sends Teddy and Gilbert invitations for a costume party feast.

In the puppet segments, Rexy sets up a "royal banquet." Deedee overhears and seems interested. Rexy makes up invitations for everyone. They all receive them and attend the feast, where Rexy, Teddy and Gilbert pretend to be Kings and Deedee pretends to be the Queen. They all compliment the food, even though it is just pretend. The non-puppet portions of the show generally focus on food and cooking.

"Caillou's Cuisine" (A42 WIP title: "Cooking For Guests") Mom is cooking a special dinner for some guests she's invited and Caillou wants to help. Mom asks him to wash the lettuce and he tries, but ends up getting water everywhere. Dad comes in and suggests Caillou go out and play. Sarah drops by and Caillou decides to "cook" with her. They make "mud pizza" using stuff from around the garden for various ingredients.

"Caillou Forgets His Toys" (A42 WIP title: "Potatoes and Eggs, Oh My") Caillou's Dad takes Caillou over to his Grandparents' house, but no one seems to be there. Dad rings the doorbell and Grandpa shows up. Caillou wants to show Grandpa his spinning top, but then realizes that he left his bag in the car. It's too late, as Dad has already left. Grandpa leaves Caillou with Grandma because he has to go to the store. Just then, Dad comes back, having noticed Caillou's bag. He gives it to Grandpa to give to Caillou, but then Grandpa gets a phone call and forgets all about the bag. In the meanti


2x208 Food-a-Licious

2x208 Food-a-Licious

  • 2000-09-13T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou begins to realize how many yummy things there are to eat. First, a visit to a farm teaches Caillou where eggs come from. Then, a walk in the park with Grandma lifts Caillou’s low opinion of vegetables when he sees how much birds and animals love them. Veggies get a further boost when Grandpa shows Caillou how to plant carrots, and he finds that nursing his plants gives them great new flavor. Caillou gets another taste treat at dinner at Sarah’s house, along with a lesson in how to use chopsticks. But not even chopsticks can help Rexy, Teddy, and Gilbert. The puppets’ best-laid plan to eat each other’s food goes awry when they find they only like their own. But there are no hurt feelings and it’s bon appetit all 'round.

Puppet segments: Rexy, Teddy and Gilbert makes treats for each other. When the meals are revealed, they are disappointed at what they have in front of them: Rexy has something made of grass, Teddy made cupcakes, and Gilbert made something with fish. Teddy and Rexy eventually give in and try each other's, but no one tried Gilbert’s because it smells bad.

"Farmer Caillou" Caillou wants pancakes, but mommy says that they're fresh out of eggs, and suggest that Caillou go borrow some from Mr. Hinkle. Mr. Hinkle obliges, and Caillou's surprised to see brown eggs. Mr. Hinkle explains that these came from his sister's farm. He then asks Caillou if he'd like to visit the farm. Caillou says yes, and hurries home to tell Mommy the news. Later, Caillou goes to the farm, and help Miss. Hinkle bake apple pie. They then go out and milk cows and ride tractor. Then, Caillou feeds the chicken. At first, the chickens gang up on him. Then one escapes and Caillou chases it. When Caillou finds it, Caillou sees that the chicken has laid an egg. Caillou then plays in the barn, gets frightened by a rather fierce cat who was protecting her kitten. Caillou then goes have pie, and later, when he gets home, tells mommy that the eggs are "Chicken fresh".


2x209 Traveling!

2x209 Traveling!

  • 2000-09-14T22:30:00Z10m

Trains, boats, cars, planes; Caillou is learning about travel. Caillou and Grandpa fix up an old toy boat and sail it on the lake in the park. Then Caillou and Dad explore the many things to do on a train during a cross-country family trip. Back home, Caillou helps Dad wash the car and pretends they’re zooming down the road. But it’s even more exciting when he gets to sit in the cockpit during his first plane flight. The puppets, however, are getting nowhere fast. Rexy thinks he can drive around the world until Gilbert explains about oceans. And Teddy attaches wings to his back, pretending to fly. It’s a good thing one can travel by walking, too!

"Under Sail" Caillou goes to the park with Rosie and his mother. There they see toy boats sailing on the lake. Later, at his grandparents’ house, Caillou finds his grandpa's old boat in their basement. Caillou and Grandpa repaint the boat and then sail it.

"Next Stop... Fun!" Caillou and his family travel to their vacation spot via rail. On the train, Caillou learns about how fun train rides can be.

"Caillou Learns to Drive" Lifted from the original Caillou series. Caillou pretends to drive the car while his daddy washes it.

"Caillou Flies on a Plane" Lifted from the original Caillou series. Caillou and Rosie and the family go on a plane. The adventurous boy Caillou has never flown on a plane before and finds out it's a great experience.


2x210 Puppy Love

2x210 Puppy Love

  • 2000-09-15T22:30:00Z10m

Cat-loving Caillou discovers all about dogs. But it's off to a bumpy start when early, in the park, a stranger’s fierce dog scares Caillou. But later on, Caillou and Dad bring home a lost pooch, and by the time they find its owner, Caillou is attached to his new pup pal. Then he meets the kind “Seeing Eye” companion of a blind woman. Caillou’s so intrigued by the dog’s abilities that he and Mom visit a training school where these special dogs learn their skills. Caillou decides he wants a dog of his own, but Mom and Dad remind him he has Gilbert to love and care for. It’s a reminder not lost on Teddy and Rexy, whose dress-up game of puppies rouses the sleeping Gilbert, their very favorite... cat!

Puppet segments: Rexy and Teddy pretend that they are dogs while Gilbert is asleep. Rexy pretends that he's lost and gets all emotional about it. Later, they pretend to bark at a squirrel. The barking wakes Gilbert up, and Gilbert becomes very agitated when he thinks that there are dogs in his home. He's still not too happy to find out that the "dogs" are actually Teddy and Rexy, but then they gave him a big hug.

"Lost and Found" Caillou and Dad finds a puppy while out for a walk, and brings it home. Caillou wants to keep it, but it already has a collar - meaning it belongs to someone else. The whole family pitches in and makes lost dog posters. Finally, the owner and her family comes over and pick up the puppy. Gilbert is happy.

“Caillou is Scared of Dogs" Lifted from the original series. After a run-in with a stranger's dog at the park, Caillou becomes afraid of dogs. Later, he heads over Grandma's. She's babysitting her neighbour's dog. Caillou's afraid of it at first, but after a while, he's no longer afraid of it.

"A Special Dog" Caillou and Mommy meets one of Mommy's old friends. She has a dog with a special harness on. Caillou wants to play with the dog, but he's not allowed to - the dog is a guide dog. Mommy's friend is actually visually i


2x211 Best Behavior

2x211 Best Behavior

  • 2000-09-18T22:30:00Z10m

Sometimes it’s okay to be messy and loud, but Caillou is learning there are times and places when he has to be on his best behavior. During a Sunday brunch with the family at a fancy restaurant, Caillou minds his Ps and Qs; it’s Rosie who fools around under the buffet table! Caillou also conducts himself well when he’s Sarah’s guest at school at Little Brother or Sister Day. But he learns that good behavior also means being considerate of the feelings and belongings of others after he’s mean to Rosie and ruins one of her dolls. The rambunctious Rexy, too, gets lessons in good manners from Gilbert and Teddy – but he’s still got a lot to learn!

In the puppet segments, Gilbert is reciting his "Ode to Can of Tuna" for Teddy when Rexy comes in, asking if anyone's seen his lost shovel. They tell him that he has to be quiet, but he keeps going on about his shovel. He's told that it's rude to interrupt someone when they're speaking, but he doesn't understand. So Teddy gives him a course in manners and good behavior. He learns about not interrupting, considering other peoples' feelings, how to hug properly and also how to apologize for something done wrong. He then apologizes to Gilbert and gives him a hug, but the hugging still needs a little work. Caillou too is learning about behavior and, like Rexy, it takes him some learning, but he usually ends up getting it in the end.

"Sunday Brunch" Caillou is excited to get up out of bed because today is Mother's Day and he's got a special gift for his Mom. He goes downstairs and wonders where Mommy is. Daddy explains that he let her sleep in and he's making her breakfast. They take the breakfast up to her and Caillou wishes her a happy birthday. Mommy tells him that it's not her birthday, it's Mother's Day. Caillou wants to give her the present, but Daddy suggests that he give it to her when they go to brunch. Since it's a special day, they're going to brunch (breakfast / lunch) at a restaurant. At the restaura


2x212 Starry Night

2x212 Starry Night

  • 2000-09-19T22:30:00Z10m

Things that go bump in the night, and others that light up the sky, are on everyone’s mind today. A family corn roast dinner at Grandma and Grandpa’s under the star-studded sky prompts Grandpa to bring out his telescope and introduce Caillou to the constellations, planets, and moon. But fun turns to fear at bedtime when Caillou decides that a monster is lurking in his room. Maybe he’s picked up the puppets’ jitters; their own night under the stars convinces Rexy that a monster’s hovering over them! All’s well when Mom and Dad unmask Caillou’s monster as a tree branch on the window, and Rexy’s one-eyed monster turns out to be the shimmering moon!

Puppet segment: Teddy and Rexy get left outside by mistake, and mistakes a moon for a monster and tries to run from it - until Gilbert comes along and corrects them, then take them indoors.

“Star Light, Star Bright” Caillou's grandma is making her special top potato sald which Caillou says it's "Yummy!" Caillou's family looks up at the beautiful night sky. It reminds his daddy of when he used to look for shooting stars. Caillou really wants to see a shooting star for himself. While Caillou and his daddy look at the moon and several star constallations, Caillou tries being patient to watch a shooting star going by.

“Caillou in Space” Leo has brought a new toy rocket, and he and Caillou pretend to be astronauts traveling to the moon. Caillou's daddy reads in the newspaper that a new planetarium is opening, and they're holding a contest for the best space costume. Rosie gets upset when Caillou and Leo wouldn't let them play with her, so Mommy decides to make some space costumes. Leo gets dressed like an astronaut and Caillou is a space monster. At the planetarium the next day, Caillou and his friends play a game where they pretend to walk on the moon and explore space. Rosie and her mommy win the best space costume contest.

“Caillou is Afraid of the Dark” Lifted from the original series


2x213 Lost And Found

2x213 Lost And Found

  • 2000-09-20T22:30:00Z10m

A day of new discoveries! Caillou loses his voice, finds a frog in his throat, and finds other neat ways to communicate, until the frog goes away. The puppets are also in on the discovery action when Rexy finds what he believes to be a magic Bauble on the ground. But when he finds out DeeDee lost her precious “thing,” Rexy magically returns it to her. Caillou, later on, is missing one of his favorite socks. He searches the house, and accidentally locks himself in the basement. Daddy comes to the rescue – only he locks himself in the basement too. All is well when Mommy saves them both and finds the missing sock.

Rexy casts a few spells, Caillou loses a sock. The writers lose the will to write new segments and start throwing in segments from previous episodes of the new version of the show.

In the puppet segments, Rexy finds what he believes to be a magic crystal ball and declares himself a wizard and starts casting spells with it. Meanwhile, Deedee is looking for her precious thing that she lost. Rexy casts a spell for Caillou, wishing that all of his friends will want to play with him. He also casts a spell so that Gilbert won't be bothered when he's taken on a car ride. Then, Deedee asks him to find her precious thing and he goes off to cast a spell. Deedee, however, follows him and praises Rexy find finding her precious thing. It turns out that Rexy's magic crystal ball was actually Deedee's "precious thing." Rexy realizes that he's a fraud, or is he? Gilbert and Teddy show and up and they're both very happy and Gilbert didn't mind his car ride at all. Meanwhile, in the Caillou portion of the show, it's lost and found and hit and miss as Caillou and his friends search for and find things that they've lost.

"A Frog in Caillou's Throat" (A42 wip title: "Let's Play Charades") At first, Caillou's throat is sore and he's given some medicine and instructed to go to bed. But then, the next morning, it seems he's lost his voice. So instead of saying what


2x214 Just For Laughs

2x214 Just For Laughs

  • 2000-09-21T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou’s clowning around today and having a wonderful time. Seeing Bravo the magician at Leo’s birthday party inspires Caillou to become Caillou the Great and put on a magic show of his own. Later, he plays the clown for a wary Rosie, who’s afraid of clowns until Caillou shows her they’re just people wearing silly costumes. Caillou also gets to go to a parade; have another pretend parade with Dad; and even makes puppet clowns with Grandma. Meanwhile, the resident puppets, Rexy, Teddy and Gilbert, trade jokes and hearty laughter.

In order:
Caillou the Great Caillou is a Clown Caillou Joins the Circus Caillou's Puppet Clowns


2x215 Caillou Helps Out

2x215 Caillou Helps Out

  • 2000-09-22T22:30:00Z10m

Everyone’s lending a helping hand today. Caillou plans a surprise birthday party for Grandpa with Grandma’s help. He and Grandma get everything ready, and Grandpa is very surprised and very happy. Rexy, on the other hand, is disappointed when Teddy and DeeDee are too busy with their chores to play with him. Gilbert suggests that Rexy help the others out - that way they’ll be finished sooner and ready to play. Caillou really likes to play with Leo’s pet hamster and would love to have one of his own. He doesn’t realize how much hard work having a hamster can be until he offers to look after Leo’s pet while Leo and his parents are out of town. He soon realizes it’s not all fun and games – especially with Gilbert around!

In the puppet segments, Teddy is out raking leaves, while Deedee is busy gathering nuts for the winter. Gilbert sees Teddy raking the leaves and says that he'll come and help him later, but for the time being, he's going go have a catnap. Rexy also notices Teddy raking the leaves and asks him why he's doing it. After pestering him with "why" questions for a little while, he asks him if he's seen Deedee. Teddy says that he has, but tries to warn Rexy that Deedee is busy. Rexy doesn't listen and goes and asks Deedee if she wants to play pirates. Deedee is so busy that she doesn't really have time to do much more than say that she can't. Rexy doesn't understand why she'd choose gathering nuts over playing pirates, since playing pirates is much more fun. He decides to try playing pirates himself to show how much fun it is, but just ends up playing by himself. He starts to get sad and then Gilbert comes out, apparently having finished his catnap and asks him what he's doing by himself. Rexy explains how everyone's busy and Gilbert suggests that he ask if he can help out. So both Rexy and Gilbert help with everyone's chores and pretty soon they're all playing pirates together. Caillou is helping out too, whether it be taking care of a frien


2x216 Imagine!

2x216 Imagine!

  • 2000-09-25T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou discovers something inside him that makes ordinary things fun: imagination! Unable to fly his kite on a windless day, Caillou stares at the clouds and finds they’re really wagons, balloons and dinosaurs, if you look at them just right. When rain grounds his kite another day, Caillou and Dad turn the living room into a pirate ship – with Gilbert shaking the dormant kite like a lively fish. It’s also fun playing with his friend George, who no one can see but Caillou. Meanwhile, the puppets fall into individual reveries about singing, dancing, and conducting an orchestra – then realize they can imagine together, and make a full concert of it!

It's sunrise and the puppets are just waking up. The puppets all see the beautiful sunbeams and it inspires them to use their imaginations. Teddy thinks that it's a magical day, a good to imagine a song. Gilbert imagines he's dancing to music and Rexy pretends that he's conducting an orchestra. Eventually, everyone comes together and they all use their imaginations to put together everything they've been imagining. Caillou is imagining things too, from seeing things in clouds to fantasizing a pretend friend.

"Caillou's Clouds" Mommy, Caillou and Rosie are out at the park having a picnic. Caillou also has another reason to be excited about being at the park - he has a kite that he wants to try out. He tries it, but he can't get it to work. He runs, but it won't fly and he gets to thinking that it's broken. Mommy tells him that it isn't going to fly right now since there really isn't any wind. So they settle down to eat their food and then Mommy pushes Caillou and Rosie on the swings. Caillou watches the clouds in the sky and fantasizes various things, such as a tree, a train and an ice cream cone. He goes to play in the sandbox and then notices that the clouds are beginning to blow away. It's starting to get windy and Mommy reminds him about flying his kite. He goes to get it, but it nearly blows away itself.


2x217 Big Brother Caillou

2x217 Big Brother Caillou

  • 2000-09-26T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns the importance of being a big brother. Caillou is very excited because he’s going to a parade with horses, drummers and clowns. But Rosie is afraid of clowns so Mom isn’t sure it’s a good idea to go. Caillou is upset because he thinks he’ll miss the parade because of that. But then he has a good idea: if he shows Rosie that clowns are just people wearing silly costumes, she won’t be afraid anymore. When Rosie's fears are calmed down a little, Caillou realizes that his role as a big brother is very important. Rexy, who is “sort-of” a big brother to DeeDee, is at a loss for words when she asks his opinion on her painting. He doesn’t want to hurt her feelings, but Teddy advises him to just be honest. Rexy soon finds out that the truth (that the painting looked like a big green blob) was exactly what DeeDee was going for.

In the puppet segments, Rexy is outside with his "little sister," Deedee. She's working on a painting, but is worried that she isn't very good. Rexy tells her that it doesn't matter. He looks at her painting and thinks it could be a turtle. Deedee says that it isn't, so he gets further away, thinking that maybe he was looking at it from too close up. As he looks at the picture, he can't figure out what it is, so he starts making excuses and says that he has to wake up Teddy from his nap. Deedee looks at her picture and agrees that it is hard to tell what it is from close up. Rexy goes and consults with Teddy, saying that Teddy taught him about not hurting peoples' feelings. He tells him that he's not sure how to tell Deedee what he thinks of her painting without hurting her feelings. While Rexy is consulting with Teddy, Gilbert wanders over to Deedee and sees her picture. He tells her that he thinks that she should just have fun with her painting, but also suggests that if she's having trouble with it, that maybe it could use eyes. Deedee complains to herself that it's not supposed to have eyes. Eventually, Rexy comes


2x218 Words

2x218 Words

  • 2000-09-27T22:30:00Z10m

Writing and reading are the focus today. Caillou is all excited to read the weekend paper with Daddy, but the wind and a very mischievous cat delay his reading time. With a little patience and persistence, Caillou finally gets to enjoy his favorite comic strip. Later, when Mommy is upset because the mailman only brings bills, bills, and more bills, she tells Caillou that it would be great to get a nice letter for a change. Caillou and Daddy decide to write Mommy a really nice letter, and the next morning they give it to the mail carrier to deliver. Mommy is thrilled! Meanwhile Teddy and Rexy each learn a new word from the dictionary and decide to use their new words all day long.

In order: Caillou's Comic, Caillou Goes to the Library, Caillou Mails a Letter, Caillou and Daddy


2x219 I Can Do It!

2x219 I Can Do It!

  • 2000-09-28T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou is learning to do new things, and discovering it’s okay to have help while he learns. To prove he’s ready to help Dad paint the porch, Caillou paints Rosie’s dollhouse first – and Gilbert, with paint-dipped paws, does some painting too! Caillou moves from renovation to recreation when Dad and Sarah teach him to play baseball; Dad teaches him to swim; and Clementine goads him into going down the big kids’ slide. With courage and practice, he’s soon able to do these things on his own – unlike Rexy, who makes a mess of his efforts to build a snowman until Gilbert and Teddy help him out, and make it more fun, too.

In order: House Paint, Caillou Plays Baseball, Caillou Learns to Swim, Caillou's Big Slide


2x220 My Family

2x220 My Family

  • 2001-01-08T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns that being a part of a family is something very special. Dad lends Caillou his old camera and helps him take pictures of every member of their family — including Gilbert. Looking at the photo album, the family remembers when Gilbert was a kitten and first came to live with them. When Caillou and his family go to the zoo, Caillou is thrilled to see that animals have families too. Meanwhile, Rexy is heartbroken when he discovers he doesn't have a family or any papers. Teddy and Gilbert decide to draw up official papers and adopt Rexy, who is thrilled to have a family just like everyone else.

In order: Say Cheese, A New Member of the Family, Caillou and Daddy, Caillou Goes to the Zoo


2x221 Winter!

2x221 Winter!

  • 2001-01-09T23:30:00Z10m

Wintertime brings lots of new experiences. Sarah teaches Caillou to build a snowman, Dad helps him stay upright on his ice skates (and picks him up when he falls down), and Mom shows Caillou the fine points of downhill skiing, including how not to be afraid of the ski lift. Meanwhile, Rexy has never seen snow and thinks the backyard is disappearing. The shimmering winter blanket inspires Gilbert to write a poem. And, Teddy, in true bear style, just craves a long winter’s nap! But soon, a glorious sight makes everyone sit up and take notice. When Caillou and Dad get to the vendor too late to buy a good Christmas tree, they decorate one in the yard instead. All the beautiful colored lights chase away the winter gloom.

In order: Caillou's Snowman, Downhill from Here, Holiday Magic, Caillou Learns to Skate


2x222 After Dark!

2x222 After Dark!

  • 2001-01-10T23:30:00Z10m

Things get a little scary today. Caillou and his new neighbors, Jason and Jeffery, are playing hide and go seek in the backyard, until dusk brings out the shadows. A flashlight and Mommy help chase the shadows away. That evening, Caillou can't fall asleep when he hears scary "scratchy monster" noises and thinks there's a monster in his room. Daddy shows him that a tree branch brushing against the window is making the noises and the only monster in Caillou's room is Gilbert. Later, a bad dream about a scary monster leads to a restless night for Caillou. Mommy and Daddy help him learn to fall asleep safely in his own bed. Meanwhile, in a burst of imagination, Rexy makes up a scary “Spookindoodle” character. It takes Teddy and Gilbert to help Rexy realize the "Spookindoodle" only exists in his mind. And, finally, when Caillou sleeps over at Leo's house for the first time, he has fun till it's time to go to sleep. A phone call to Mommy reminds Caillou that Teddy was looking forward to spending the night. Together they rest easily.

Contains: Things That Go Bump in the Night, The Bad Dream, Caillou is Afraid of the Dark, Caillou Sleeps Over

Puppet segments: Gilbert and Teddy moves around the garden in the dark. Meanwhile, Rexy imagines hunting down a spookindoodle - a ferocious albeit imaginary creature he's created, only to have the tables turned on him by his imagination and he starts running from the imaginary creature he created.


2x223 Nature

2x223 Nature

  • 2001-01-11T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou discovers the wonders of the natural world. Grandma introduces Caillou to the many birds that live in the park, and then gives him a bird house for his own backyard. That’s why Caillou’s prepared when he and Sarah find a baby bird that’s fallen from its nest, and they nurse it back to health. Later, Caillou and his daycare buddies have a treasure hunt in the forest. With Sarah and a magnifying glass, Caillou pretends to be a jungle explorer, hunting "big game" (like Gilbert and butterflies) in the garden. The puppets are on their own safari: Gilbert plays a detective game with flowers, Teddy searches for wild berries, and Rexy goes on the lookout for wild animals.

In order: Caillou Goes Birdwatching The Baby Bird Into the Woods (Out of the Woods) Caillou the Jungle Explorer


2x224 Knowing I'm Growing

2x224 Knowing I'm Growing

  • 2001-01-12T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou is getting bigger! Caillou's feet are growing, so Mommy takes him to the shoe store where the salesman measures his feet, and Caillou gets a new pair of shoes. But he's not as big as Andre, who can ride a big bike, or Sarah, who is losing a tooth and waiting for the Tooth Fairy. Caillou is reassured he’s growing when the growth chart shows how tall he has become. And, Caillou is too big for his favorite shirt, so he gives it to his favorite teddy bear to wear. Meanwhile, Rexy is discouraged when he realizes he hasn't grown — not even an inch! Teddy explains to Rexy that growing happens inside as well as outside.

In order: Caillou's New Shoes, Caillou Wants to be Taller, Caillou and the Tooth Fairy, Caillou's Teddy Shirt


2x225 All Kinds of Weather

2x225 All Kinds of Weather

  • 2001-05-07T22:30:00Z10m

Rain, sleet, sun, and snow: Caillou is amazed by all the ways that weather changes. When a booming thunderstorm rolls in one night, Caillou and Gilbert are put in quite a state. Luckily, Daddy knows a little trick that helps Caillou track the storm. Caillou later learns that rainy days can be fun too when he and Mommy splash in puddles. And when a winter storm hits, Mom and Dad transform a scary blackout into a fun-filled indoor camping trip, complete with sleeping bags and marshmallows! The “leaking sky” also has Teddy and Rexy thinking. Gilbert explains the changing weather and how rain and snow help things grow.

In order: One, Two, Boom!, Caillou's Rainy Day, Light's Out!, Caillou Goes Shopping


2x226 Caillou Discovers

2x226 Caillou Discovers

  • 2001-05-08T22:30:00Z10m

From the computer age to the dinosaur age, Caillou makes many discoveries. There is lots of excitement in the house when Daddy brings home a computer. The computer is fun for all and Caillou must learn to share it with his entire family – even Gilbert! Caillou then explores the dinosaur age when he and Leo find a fish fossil rock in Caillou’s backyard. They visit the library to learn more about dinosaurs and fossils and decide to share their little treasure with others by displaying it there. Meanwhile, Teddy helps Gilbert move a rock closer to a flower to make them both look prettier.

In order: The New Computer, Big Rock, Caillou Goes to Work, Caillou Flies on a Plane


2x227 Friends

2x227 Friends

  • 2001-05-09T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou’s Grandma is surprised when Caillou tells her he doesn’t have any friends. She reminds him about Clementine, Leo, his cat Gilbert, and tells him that even his sister Rosie is his friend. Caillou soon realizes he has a lot of friends – including Grandma. But to have a good friend, you have to be a good friend. Caillou learns that forgiveness is also part of friendship when he accidentally breaks Clementine’s bucket. Later, Caillou must forgive his new friend Andre, when Andre accidentally breaks Caillou’s favorite chair. Rexy imitates Gilbert in an effort to show just how much he likes and respects Gilbert. He soon realizes being just like Gilbert isn’t easy. However, when they combine their talents, they both shine.

In order: Three's a Crowd, A Friend in Need, Caillou's Friends, Caillou's Big Friend


2x228 Springtime!

2x228 Springtime!

  • 2001-05-10T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou is excited that spring is coming, but is disappointed when he finds out there will be no more snow. Caillou and Sarah find a way to save a patch of snow they find under the porch, but soon learn they can’t keep it forever. Also today, Caillou’s excited because its raining and he’s looking forward to puddle splashing. But by the time he’s ready to go, the rain has already stopped. Fortunately, there’s still plenty of puddles for Caillou to jump in! Springtime also means spring cleaning and Caillou is ready to help! Mommy and Daddy decide that Caillou is big enough for a chore of his own. Rexy discovers what he thinks are tiny “snowpeople “ in the yard. Teddy tells him they aren’t tiny people, but the first flowers of spring.

In order: The Big Chill, Spring Cleaning, Caillou's Rainy Day, Caillou's Picnic


2x229 All In A Day

2x229 All In A Day

  • 2001-05-11T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou does a lot in a day, and today he wants to dress himself, only his Mommy is doing the laundry and he doesn’t have any clean clothes. Daddy and Caillou decide to play a dressing game with Daddy’s old clothes. Later, Caillou helps Mommy and Daddy get ready for a party and is disappointed to find out that this party is just for grown ups. Caillou and Daddy also turn bath time into playtime with a motorboat and a big bottle of bubble bath. The puppets are suffering from the heat outside, until Rexy makes up a “cool” game where everyone pretends they are freezing.

In order: Caillou Gets Dressed, Caillou Stays Up Late, Caillou Helps with Lunch, Caillou in the Bathtub


2x230 Celebrations

2x230 Celebrations

  • 2001-10-08T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou and the gang celebrate a number of different events, while the puppets are busy going about their business. Gilbert is trying to write an ode to a daisy, but can't think of anything that rhymes with "great elation." Teddy looks to be busy preparing some kind of festivity and Rexy is just around moping that Caillou is away and all of the other puppets seem to be too busy to play with him.

"The Piñata" (A42 wip title: "Xavier's Mexican Birthday Party") Caillou gets up early because he's eager to receive an invitation in the mail to his friend Xavier's birthday party. The mail comes, but Rosie is also up and about and she snatches Caillou's letter and none of the rest of the mail, making it look like it didn't show up. Then Rosie appears with the letter and they realize what's happened. The letter mentions a pinata and Mom tells Caillou there's a special surprise inside the pinata. Caillou wants to know what it is, but he can't find out... until the party.

"Happy New Year" (A42 wip title: "Chinese New Year") Caillou feeds Gilbert and then goes looking for him outside. But the cat that comes in isn't Gilbert, but rather his friend Sarah's cat, Ollie. He goes to Sarah's to return Ollie and it turns out that Gilbert was over there trying to eat Ollie's food. Meanwhile, Sarah has a special guest at her house, her cousin Lee-Wun. They're celebrating Chinese New Year, the Year of the Tiger and ask Caillou if he wants to join them. The offer is made tempted when he's told that he'll get to see a dragon, but Caillou's not so sure.

“Caillou's Birthday Present” Lifted from the original series. It's Caillou's birthday, and he's hoping for a particular special dinosaur. His grandma gives him a present. He opens it. It's a t-shirt with a picture of the special dinosaur on it, but no special dinosaur. Caillou's upset by it. The guests arrive, and so the play some games. Soon, it's presents opening time. Caillou opens the gifts, but no special dinosaur. Caill


2x231 Games to Play

2x231 Games to Play

  • 2001-10-09T22:30:00Z10m

Finding fun ways to play is the theme today. Caillou, Clementine, and Leo are disappointed because they can’t go to the zoo. The kids cheer up after Caillou’s Mommy and Daddy help them pretend to be animals themselves. Also today, Caillou, Rosie, and Julie (their babysitter) go on a scavenger hunt and decide to make a surprise craft for Mommy and Daddy with the cool stuff they found. Meanwhile, the puppets create a new game – “hide and hug.”

In order: Scavenger Hunt, Caillou Goes Strawberry Picking, Caillou's Big Kick, Caillou's All Alone


2x232 Grown-Ups and Me

2x232 Grown-Ups and Me

  • 2001-10-10T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou meets a lot of new people today. This episode recalls the very first time Mommy and Daddy call upon Julie to baby-sit for Caillou and Rosie. Caillou likes Julie because she knows so many fun games. Later Caillou’s invited to spend the day with Clementine’s family picking strawberries. Although he’s nervous to be away from his family, Caillou soon discovers that Clementine’s family is a lot like his own. Caillou also goes to day care for the first time. Day care is scary until he meets his teacher Miss Martin, and makes two new friends, Leo and Clementine. He has so much fun that when his Mommy comes to pick him up, Caillou doesn’t want to go home! DeeDee and Rexy play house in the yard and realize that it’s more fun being young.

In order: Caillou's New Babysitter, Too Many Cooks, Caillou at Daycare


2x233 Try, Try Again

2x233 Try, Try Again

  • 2001-10-11T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns that practice makes perfect. Daddy and Grandpa teach Caillou a new game to play as they hike—catching falling leaves before they hit the ground. At first, it’s difficult but with a little practice, Caillou is able to keep up the family tradition. Later, Caillou becomes frustrated while learning to tie his shoes, but by watching Rosie he learns you can succeed if you keep trying. Also today, Caillou goes to the swimming pool where Daddy teaches Caillou how to swim. After a few lessons, Caillou gets better and better and soon he can swim on his own. The puppets teach Rexy how to hug without knocking things over.

In order: New Leaf, Try, Try Again, Caillou Learns to Swim, Caillou Hurts Himself


2x234 Adventure!

2x234 Adventure!

  • 2001-10-12T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou, Daddy, and Rosie take the car to the car wash, which is scary for Rosie at first. But, big brother Caillou explains everything to his sister, who ends up liking the car wash too! Caillou, Rosie, and their babysitter, Julie, use their imagination to travel to pretend far away places like the desert, a big mountain, and even waterfalls in the tropical forest. Then the family goes to a theme park. Caillou is excited but a little scared to go on all the rides. Rexy and DeeDee go adventuring under a box in the yard.

Contains: - Caillou Goes to the Car Wash - Caillou and the Atlas (or: Far Away Home!) and - Caillou's School Bus - Caillou goes to the theme park Puppet segments: - Rexy and Deedee finds a box in the back yard, they get under it and start going on an imaginary adventure. Meanwhile, Gilbert's having a snooze after teasing a bulldog in the neighbourhood, and starts having nightmares about it.


2x235 Getting Along

2x235 Getting Along

  • 2001-10-13T22:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns how to get along with others today. When he learns a bad word from an older child, Caillou uses it on Clementine and hurts her feelings. When Mommy finds out, she makes Caillou apologize, and soon he and Clementine are friends again. Caillou and Rosie are at odds as they play in the sandbox. Caillou promises Mommy that they will take turns and share the space. Later, Caillou learns just how important it is to keep a promise when he meets up with his friends Jason and Jeffery in the park. The twin boys promise to take Caillou to the circus, but then don’t follow through with their promise. Meanwhile, Gilbert’s upset with Rexy for messing up his game with Teddy, but thanks to Teddy all is resolved.

In order: Caillou's Cross Word, Caillou's Promise Caillou's New Friend, Caillou's Quarrel


2x236 Caillou's Neighborhood

2x236 Caillou's Neighborhood

  • 2002-02-18T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou gets to know his neighbor, Mr. Hinkle, through a fun game of hide-and-seek, and then goes along with Grandma to visit some of her friends in a retirement home. Later, Caillou’s trip to the park teaches him that cooperation is key when playing with Leo and Clementine.

In order: Caillou is Not Afraid Anymore, A Helping Hand, New Kids on the Block


2x237 Old and New

2x237 Old and New

  • 2002-02-19T23:30:00Z10m

Grandpa shows Caillou a tree with a special hiding place, the same place his Daddy used when he was Caillou’s age! When getting ready for his neighborhood’s garage sale, Caillou finds that parting with his old toys isn’t an easy job. Later, Caillou helps Mommy clean out the attic, and they come across an old chest, and discover neat treasures inside.

In order: Caillou's Hiding Place, The Rummage Sale, Caillou's T-shirt Trouble


2x238 Vacations

2x238 Vacations

  • 2002-02-20T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou’s first airplane ride brings lots of new experiences: a fun breakfast, an amazing view out the window and a trip to the flight deck with Daddy. Also, Caillou misses his friend Sarah when she goes away on an all-summer trip to China. Teddy is heartbroken when the family goes on a trip and he’s left behind.

In the puppet segments, Teddy is sad and has a broken heart because Caillou went on vacation to a warm and sunny beach with his family, but he got left behind. He was all ready to go, but Caillou's Mommy forgot him on the stairs. Rexy sees that Teddy is sad and enlists Gilbert's help to cheer him up. They decide to pretend that they too are on vacation. At first, Teddy won't join in, but when they use the subtle tactic of tossing a beach ball in his direction, he can't help but join in the fun. In the main program, Caillou enjoys some vacationing of his home and also experiences sadness when one of his friends goes away on their own vacation.

"Caillou Flies on a Plane" Lifted from the original series. Caillou and his family are on a plane trip. Caillou is curious about everything, even his seatbelt. His Daddy tells him not to mess with it, as they're taking off. As the plane takes off, Caillou happily watches the disappearing ground. Once in the air, Caillou enjoys an airplane breakfast of eggs and juice. His Daddy listens to some music, but Caillou becomes curious about the volume controls and causes the music to blast at full volume. Then, the pilot shows up and invites Caillou and Daddy to the flight deck. Caillou enjoys watching them fly through the clouds and is given a junior pilot pin by the pilot. The plane finally lands and a flight attendant thanks them for flying and says that she hopes to see them on their return flight.

"Caillou at the Beach" Repeat of a segment first shown in "Summertime" and lifted from the original series. Caillou's family goes to the beach. It's Caillou and Rosie's first time. Caillou goes into the water with


2x239 Getting the Message

2x239 Getting the Message

  • 2002-02-21T23:30:00Z10m

Caillou learns there are many different ways to communicate. He makes friends with Robbie, a deaf boy he meets in the park, and learns how to communicate using sign language. Shopping with Daddy, Caillou and Rosie help to surprise Mommy by keeping a secret about her special gift.

Caillou learns about a number of different ways of communicating. As for the puppets, Gilbert is working on another of his odes, whereas Teddy seems to be upset about something and doesn't want to talk about it. Gilbert and Rexy consult the "appropriate reference text" and learn that the only language Teddy bears truly understand is a hug.

"Caillou's Phone Call" Lifted from the original series. Caillou has important stuff to tell Mommy. Rosie tore up a book and he drew her a picture and wants to show it to her. Every time he tries to speak to her though, he's interrupted by the ringing of the telephone and Mom's forced to ignore him. Then a call comes in and Mom hands the phone over to Caillou. It's Grandma. She comes over with a dog she regularly dogsits, Rover. When the phone rings, Rover goes nuts and Caillou discovers that he and Rover have something in common.

"Caillou's Secret" (A42 wip title: "Smile! You're on Caillou Camera") Mom's birthday is coming up and Dad wants to get her something extra-special. He decides that the best present would be a picture of Caillou and Rosie. Rosie's afraid of the camera, but she's able to smile for the camera when distracted with a toy that she likes. Meanwhile, Caillou and Rosie are told to "zip their lips" so that they don't reveal the "you know what" to Mommy.

"Caillou meets Robbie" (A42 wip title: "I Can't Quite Hear You, But We Can Still Be Friends") Caillou goes to the park and sees a boy that he's never seen before, making a sand castle. He goes over and asks him if he can help, but the boy just ignores him. This bothers Caillou and so he goes to his mom, who talks to the boy's mom standing nearby. They just moved in and the bo


2x240 Fall is in the Air

2x240 Fall is in the Air

  • 2002-02-22T23:30:00Z10m

Autumn brings fresh cool air and fun surprises. Caillou and Rosie have a ball playing in the piles of fallen leaves in the backyard. Come October, Grandpa and Caillou take a trip to the pumpkin patch and have Daddy help them carve their jack-o-lantern. In November, Thanksgiving seems like a big hassle until Mommy and Daddy explain its significance, which gets Caillou into the spirit.

In order: Caillou Rakes the Leaves, Pumpkin Patch Kid, Caillou Loves Halloween, Thanksgiving Dinner

Caillou rakes leaves, picks a pumpkin (whoa! gargantuous pumpkins!) and celebrates Thanksgiving. Puppet segments: The puppet enjoys autumn/fall and it's festivities, and prepares for winter.

“Caillou Rakes the Leaves” Lifted from the original Caillou series. Caillou and Rosie are playing in the leaves. His parents join in. Soon, Caillou's mom has to go in and make supper. But Caillou decides that he wants to help his dad rake the leaves. While doing so, he imagined that the leaf piles were big houses. Soon, it's getting dark, and the leaves are raked. They head indoors, and Caillou that he has a leaf on his head.

“Pumpkin Patch Kid” Caillou visits pumpkin patch to buy pumpkins for Halloween. Caillou sees pumpkins of various sizes and even plays slide on one of them. Caillou then has problems deciding which pumpkin he wants, but Caillou finally picks one that he likes the best. Back home, daddy and mommy helps carve the pumpkin into a jack-o-lantern. Caillou's about to throw away the innards of the pumpkin when Grandma stops Caillou and uses the innards to bake a pumpkin pie. They then light the lantern and take a photograph.

“Caillou Loves Halloween” Lifted from the original Caillou series. Caillou and Rosie gets ready for Halloween, but Rosie bails out in the last minute because she is suddenly reminded on how she used to hate clowns by her costume, leaving Caillou to go out with daddy. Caillou meets up with Leo and Clementine, and they go around the neighbour
