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Breaking Bad: Season 5

5x13 To'hajiilee

i cant stand watching this ep.. simply nerve wrecking. we just know things will go from worst to hell.

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Crazy ending... How will this standoff go!!!

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oh my fucking lord, wow

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I didn't like the background music when Jessie called.
Why did all the episodes of this has such an amazing ending.They always end at the cliff hanger.

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people are too spoiled nowadays being able to watch the next episode immediately, you don't understand how painful having to wait a week for Ozymandias was

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Sounded like Jesse was in that loud echoey house of hanks when he was on the phone saying he was burning the money, why didn’t Walt notice lol

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I'm not an expert on guns and gun recoil, but I find it pretty dumb that both Hank and Steve were able to get behind cover without getting shot. Both of them were in the open, and Jack, Todd, and everyone else was aiming right at them yet they manage to get behind decent cover without getting shot. I think they're even luckier than Walter.

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OMG... Walter has all the luck in the world.
It seems like he's going to get away with it, like always.

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Jesse is such a cry baby rat. Yeah, the kid thing was very scummy but get the F over it already, the kids fine now. You think Hank is doing anything bc he likes or cares about you? He's just using you even worse than Walt ever did. Take your massive amount of money and run. Go save an orphanage if you're so concerned about children but don't be rat bastard.

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The shoot-out is action blue ball inducing to the max. All those shots, with Hank and Steve both starting out in the open, and nobody gets hit?! I know cops are notorious for not knowing how to effectively use their own service weapons, but apparently the neo-Nazis forgot how to shoot since the last time they took out a heavily armed cartel outfit.

Honestly, I'm beginning to think this show's gonna choke in the end. It's still entertaining, but the details are starting to lose me.

The part with Huell was great, though! Lavell Crawford is a treat to watch.

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Just when you think the action and suspense has died down, the writers come back with an even stronger punch!!

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84 | That was epic. After Walt made some smart moves a couple of episodes before, finally he made his blunder. But, actually, he has a backup who he did not want. Walt surely going to regret what his doing after all of that one year as a drug lord. The next episode is the most famous episode in the history of television. Blood.


Rating: 83.95


25%: 2.4
50%: 2.3
75%: 2.5
100%: 2.7

Favorite Characters

  1. Hank Schrader: 2.5
  2. Walter White: 2.5
  3. Uncle Jack: 2.4
  4. Jesse Pinkman: 2.3
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Are you kidding me? Hank had every chance to just drive away. Also they see people with guns and don't immediately get into cover?

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