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Breaking Bad: Season 3

3x07 One Minute

Great episode. One of the best of BB.

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Please live please live please live

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fuck, that was so god damn intense

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I'm a little disappointed that the two brothers were killed off so soon. The one that Hank shot in the head, anyhow. I think the other one is still alive. I get Hank is one of the main characters and they aren't. So naturally, they were bound to get killed off, but I wish they were killed off differently and further into the season.

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The last 15 minutes are incredible.

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Hank litreally blows the brains out.

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I'm living for Saul's references honestly... Star Trek, The Beatles.. I'll have to watch Better Call Saul after this

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my god aaron paul and dean norris masterclass

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An episode for the ages.

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This is a mind blowing episode

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walt really said i want my work bestie back :persevere:

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94 | Jesse full of anger towards Walt, he realized Walt was using him from the start. Then, there was Hank who has climatic emotional, created another depth to his character. With all what happened in this episode, made it the most bloody episode in this show so far.

Rating: 93.68
25%: 3
50%: 2.5
75%: 2.7
100%: 3

Favorite Character

  1. Hank Schrader: 3
  2. Jesse Pinkman: 3
  3. Tio Salamanca: 2.5
  4. Marco Salamanca & Leonel Salamanca: 2.3
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Good, I‘m glad at least one of those guys are dead. They had zero character apart from killing without remorse and that flashback scene at the beginning didn‘t make them more interesting. Good riddance.

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Wow. The nasty Black Talon ammunition. Still have a few 10mm rounds in the safe.

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Killer monologues culminating in a tense and nail biting finale

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Jesse’s “I have nothing” moment made me tear up and this episode had no business being so intense, emotional and gripping :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: So glad Hank survived for now jesus

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This is my 3rd time through this amazing show. The ending of this particular episode is amazing!

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